Page 135 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 135

DEB SEAMARK  supportive community  that  has  built  up  around  the
 Location: Bordeaux, France  Method. There are not enough words to describe how   KIMMY CIANCI
 special TAmily is. If ever I win an Oscar (highly unlikely,
 IG: @tamenopausal  but these are crazy times), my acceptance speech will be
 Years Practicing TAM: 3  the longest on record, as I will have to thank each and   Location: Chicago
 every one of them.  IG: @kimmyc79
                Years Practicing TAM: 11
 If you think that Tracy Anderson is only for young   I carried on with Continuity for two years, building
 Hollywood babes, sit down and listen to a middle-aged   my strength, balance, and understanding of the Method.
 Englishwoman. I was fit and sporty all my life, and   Then I had the honor of being sponsored for a year of   I started doing the Tracy Anderson
 always at a reasonable weight. But as I reached 50, with   streaming under the TAmily Cares initiative. I now   Method shortly after watching Tracy
 low thyroid and menopause, I was struggling. Struggling   do atTAin (Advanced) six times a week, plus my usual   on  Oprah with Gwyneth Paltrow.
 to keep in the shape I expected to be, my strength and   cycling and hiking. Last year I even started doing Dance   I have a dance background  and
 endurance were declining. I had more and more injuries,   Cardio, which was way out of my comfort zone. I was the   seeing that her Method stemmed
 and everything was just sagging. My mindset was   least dancey person you could think of, but with the great   from  a  place  of  dance drew  me
 negative, defining myself by what I couldn’t do anymore,   support of Tracy, her team, and my London TAM Zoom   in. I started with Metamorphosis,
 and focusing on everything that was wrong with my body.   crew, I now love it!  then continued on with four years
 In short, I was feeling old, and I didn’t like it. So I pushed   TAM has helped me tremendously with the physical   of  Continuity.  I mixed in  the
 myself harder and harder. Exercise was certainly no   and mental effects of menopause, giving me back control   Precision Toning and  Unleash Your
 longer a pleasure, but a chore and a punishment. And yet   over my body at a phase in life when it’s easy to give up.   Inner Pop Star DVDs. Right as I
 nothing changed, except that I was sore, exhausted, often   Before TAM, I was losing confidence in my body, hiding   was finishing Continuity, Tracy’s
 injured, and increasingly disappointed in myself.  it with baggy clothes, and not expecting to look good.   online streaming was just beginning
 In my desperate attempts to fight the dreaded   Now I’m wearing sassy clothes again, and feeling great in   to launch. So I jumped right into
 menopausal belly, I bought Abcentric Metamorphosis,   them. I’m learning that aging is not about declining but   it. That was a total game changer.
 gritted my teeth, and started what I thought was going   about maturing. And we’re told that maturity can bring   I was in love with online streaming
 to be a crunchfest bootcamp. Instead I discovered a   wisdom. Well, that works for physical maturity, too. My   instantly. The energy is contagious!   THEN  NOW
 whole new incredible way of thinking about my body   body is much wiser now than when it was young, and I’m   I was able to attend and meet Tracy
 and movement. Slowly I realized that balance isn’t   at last looking forward to growing older with it.  at the first Vitality Week in Chicago,   amount of loss in my life. Before I started Tracy’s Method
 about being able to stand on   in 2015. Since then, I’ve attended the Chicago and Miami   I was in a dark place that I was having a hard time getting
 one leg, but about finding   Crash Courses and a Hamptons Vitality Week. Every   out of. I didn’t have an outlet—a time or space where I
 harmony and synergy in   Vitality Week I’ve been to has been incredible. They just   could connect with myself, process my emotions, and let
 your body, with no part   keep getting better! The one-on-one experience is like no   it all out. Once I got to a place where I realized not only
 of you over- (or under-)   other. Meeting and spending time with not only Tracy but   was  this  a  physical  workout  but  an  emotional  workout
 developed. I  started to   other #TAmily members has been such a gift. I’ve made   as well, I poured myself into it. I have spent so many
 relish the  strength, grace,   so many wonderful friends through this Method. The   emotional moments on my mat. This Method gave me the
 and simple childish joy that   community is so special and unlike anything I’ve ever   time and space I needed to process my grief, my anger,
 comes from exploring how   experienced.                       all my roller-coaster of emotions. It allowed me to really
 the whole body can learn to   My body has changed so much physically. I didn’t   feel it and stop resisting my pain. By connecting to myself
 work together. And I could   have a ton of weight to lose when I first started. I was   I learned how to cope and move through it. I learned not
 enjoy working hard without   mostly just tightening and toning up. I had pretty much   only is it okay to feel this way, but I needed to feel this
 the resulting stiffness and   tried every workout out there. Yes, I was fairly fit, but I   way in order to work through my trauma.
 joint  pain I  had come to   felt bulky and unproportioned. The second I finished my   Tracy teaches us daily about the mind/body connection.
 accept as normal for my   first TA workout I was hooked! I could tell instantly that   You can’t have balance in your physical body without
 age. Yes, I started seeing and   this is what I needed to be doing. This was going to give   balancing your mental and emotional body as well. This
 feeling results pretty quickly,   me the balanced body I was looking for. It was different   resonates with me completely. By connecting the two, I
 but that soon became less   than anything else I had ever done. It was challenging in   know it pushes me to perform the best I can. The results
 important than the amazing   exactly the way I needed. I discovered muscles I didn’t   are beyond rewarding. Over the years the TA Method has
 lessons I was learning about   even know I had! Now 11 years in I cannot imagine   taught me how to process whatever I’m going through,
 myself. For the first time   doing anything else. I look better now than I did in my   happy or sad. I start my day, every day, on my mat. I
 in my life I was nurturing   twenties! And I love how it brings me back to my dance   know when I’m done I will feel centered, energized, and
 my body, enjoying it, and   roots.                            ready to face the rest of my day with a clear head. I call
 working with it, rather than   What has been the biggest and most important change   it my moving meditation. At this point, I would be lost
 fighting it all the time.  for me is how I feel mentally and emotionally from doing   without it.
 And of course, I was   the TA Method. Connecting with myself every day, giving   The Tracy Anderson Method has brought me so much
 scooped up by the #TAmily—  THEN  NOW  myself that hour or more has become a necessity. Not   joy and confidence. Tracy’s Method has become so much
 that incredibly strong, smart,   only do I crave it, but I need it. I’ve suffered a tremendous   more than I ever expected it to be. I truly connect to this

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