Page 37 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 37

shut-ins, their bodies are now  decompensating because   Be present. Learn to meditate or do deep breathing ex-
                they’re not outside and engaged in sports activities, using   ercises to calm the mind. Learning a new art or craft such
                their bodies as they were meant to be used. Having sports,   as knitting, quilting, woodworking, painting, or playing a
                dances, birthday parties, concerts, and everything else   musical instrument quiets the mind and helps us stay in
                they love taken away, some have even contemplated sui-  the present moment and out of the fearful imagined fu-
                cide. Every day I come across so many people struggling   ture. French philosopher Michel de Montaigne said it best
                with the emotional aspects of what we’re going through   when he stated, “My life has been full of terrible misfor-
                that it seems the larger consequence of it all has been to   tunes, most of which never happened.”
                trigger a mental health epidemic.
                                                               Journaling or free-form writing and then burning the pages
                Empowering Interventions                       is a great way to purge fear from the mind. Spiritually,
                                                               fire  has  always  been  a  powerful  symbol of  cleansing  or
                Right now we have a choice to either look at our current   purification. In a similar way, I’ve had children paint their
                situation from the perspective of fear or to use it to learn,   worries on large pieces of construction paper that I then
                grow, and come back from it better than we were before.   help them put through a paper shredder, showing them
                That means establishing a sense of normalcy that supports   that they are more powerful than their fears. They can talk
                well-being on all levels for us and our families.  about their feelings during the process, which works well
                                                               for children ages 10 and under.
                Turn off the TV. This is nonnegotiable, especially if you
                have children. The news doesn’t give us as much infor-  Limit social media. Set a time limit on social media and
                mation as it does repetition that generates an increasing   video games for children. Be sure they go outside, play
                amount of fear. Quite often, news stories are exaggerated   together, participate in a craft, or read a book during the
                or later proven inaccurate as better information becomes   off-time. Observe these limits yourself and be a good ex-
                available. Even our misperceptions of news can lead to   ample, so your children are encouraged to follow the rules.
                misunderstandings that fuel our fears.         Watch movies with your kids during this time, and consid-
                                                               er watching The Social Dilemma, a docudrama that exposes
                It’s good to be informed, but it’s unhealthy to be inundated   the damaging effects of social media.
                with relentless, highly charged, fear-driven content from   Engage in acts of service. Fill extra time by participating
                the news media. Get your news online in short visits. Read
 GROUND CONTROL  but don’t watch any video content. That way you can con-  in activities that bring the community together during this
                trol what you’re exposed to.
                                                                difficult period. Even with the current restrictions, the non-
                                                                Button Global Movement, found a way to assemble and
                Get outside. Go for a walk or hike or visit your local park   profit organization my husband and I founded, the Love
 Staying grounded in a crisis helps recognize its opportunities, by Dr. Sherry Sami.  as often as you can. Find a place where you can breathe in   disseminate 500 gratitude baskets to children in need over
                the fresh air and microbiome of nature that benefits health   the holiday season. See where the need is in your commu-
                in many ways, including increasing endorphins and sero-  nity, perhaps at a nursing home or animal shelter, and try
                tonin levels. That’s why being in nature has such a calm-  to meet it in a safe way. What service project could you do
 I’ve always believed that health is much more than phys-  herself from obsessively cleaning everything with alcohol   ing effect. The documentary Call of the Forest: The Forgotten   as a family?
 ical well-being. To be truly healthy, our mental, emotion-  wipes. Isolated from friends and family and terrified to   Wisdom of Trees provides great information on the healing
 al, and spiritual needs must be met, as well. If not, the   leave the house for anything but absolute necessities, she   power of nature.  Making choices like these takes the focus off ourselves and
 resulting stress will break down our physical health over   was a prisoner of her own anxiety.  the present fear-based culture, and places it on opportuni-
 time,  and it won’t last either.  This is why, as a holistic   Create family connection. Organize family night activ-  ties to create meaningful interactions with our families and
 health practitioner, I treat the whole patient, not just the   I’ve seen children so contracted with fear that it’s visible   ities to spend time together. Have a game night or family   others during this time. When it’s all over, we will have
 body. That means helping patients identify and address   in their body posture. Breathing through their mouths and   dance party, anything to encourage human interaction,   come  back from  it with  stronger relationships,  a  better
 life issues that may be causing upset in their emotional   on the verge of hyperventilating, I ask them to share with   laughter, and physical contact. Use this time to strengthen   ability to deal with stress, and a more grounded sense of
 well-being and contributing to their physical problems or   me what’s on their minds. The response is usually some   family bonds through similar activities.  being safe in the world, and I’d say that’s pretty healthy. ■
 hindering their healing.  version of, “I’m afraid my mom and dad are going to die
 from the virus.”  Reach out to neighbors. While large group meetings   Dr. Sherry Sami’s practice is based on “total body wellness,” a philosophy
 Emerging Anxiety  may not be happening right now, make an effort to reach   that recognizes the synergistic connection our emotions and thoughts play
 Tweens and teenagers have become detached and de-  out to other families in your neighborhood who have sim-  in our physical condition. As a Columbia University graduate and dual
                                                                specialist in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics, as well as a master in
 Never before in my career have I had to help so many pa-  pressed because they’re isolated from their friends. Not   Courtesy Dr. Sherry Sami  ilar ways of taking precautions while still enjoying life, and   spiritual psychology, Dr. Sami understands that learning and healing only
 tients work through issues of serious emotional upset and   having seen anyone in months, they play video games   organize a mutual activity with them. This is particularly   happen when we are seen, heard, inspired, and loved. To learn more from
 anxiety as I have in the past 10 months. The desperate   endlessly or hang out on Zoom or Facebook realizing that   important for children and socialization.  Dr. Sami, you can follow her on Instagram at @drsherrysami or listen to
 mother of a patient shared with me that she couldn’t stop   social media isn’t very social after all. Having become   her on the goop podcast.

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