Page 43 - Tracy Anderson Magazine – Summer 2020
P. 43

Vitamin E                                      good night’s sleep, which can make your skin look more
                This antioxidant-rich supplement acts as a shield that   refreshed and rejuvenated.
                protects your skin from harmful UV rays and free radicals,
                which damage your skin and lead to wrinkles, discolor-  Zinc
                ation, sagging, acne, and skin aging. When you apply it   This mineral is found in nearly every cell of your body and
                to your skin, it minimizes damage from UV light, which   many crucial processes depend on zinc to work properly.
                prevents dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Vitamin E   Not only is it essential for collagen production, but it also
                also acts as an anti-inflammatory substance that locks in   helps control inflammation, which means it can work won-
                moisture and alleviates dry, itchy, and flaky skin. This   ders for acne and rosacea. Zinc also protects the skin from
                supplement is harder than the others to find in your food,   damaging free radicals, such as UV rays, which can oth-
                so we recommend taking an oral supplement or applying it   erwise cause premature ageing; when applied topically, it
                to skin directly.                              acts as a sun filter that protects your skin from sun damage.
 SMOOTH         Vitamin C                                      Calcium

                                                               While we usually think of calcium as being crucial for our
                Like vitamin E, vitamin C is another supplement that
 SAILING        minimizes the detrimental effects of UV rays. With   bones and teeth, it’s also an important supplement for our
                cancer-fighting properties, this vitamin enhances the effec-
                                                               skin. It’s crucial for the production of new skin growth and
 Natural supplements for every skin condition.  tiveness of sunscreen and can be helpful for scarring, hy-  skin turnover, so without it your skin can appear thin and
                                                               fragile. It helps lock moisture in your skin to keep it from
                perpigmentation, rosacea, discoloration, or skin recovering
                from a major acne breakout. Vitamin C also boosts your   feeling dry. Calcium’s ability to promote the proliferation
                body’s production of collagen, which maintains the elastic-  of key skin cells in the outer layer of your skin also helps to
 Because your skin is the largest organ of your body and is   ity of your skin while also strengthening and softening it.   slow skin aging.
 made up of many cells and structures, giving it some TLC   As a main ingredient in anti-aging skin products, vitamin
 is pretty much nonnegotiable. From air pollution to UV   C slows down the aging process, reduces the appearance   Glucosamine
 light, your skin is exposed to many environmental toxins   of wrinkles, and eliminates age spots. Vitamin C is found   Glucosamine is essential for skin repair, and it’s espe-
 (also known as free radicals) on a daily basis, making it all   in abundance in these superfoods: acai, bilberry, rose hip,   cially key for decreasing wrinkles and giving your skin
 the more important to strengthen it.  goji berries, and amla berry. Look for them in your supple-  a youthful bounce. It kick-starts the body’s production
                ments and skincare products.                   of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for hydrating
 When it comes to skin health, it’s important to start from      the skin. Because it inhibits melanin production, it’s also
 the inside. What you eat is directly reflected in your   Vitamin A  helpful for hyperpigmented skin. By promoting collagen
 skin health. For your skin to look its best, it needs ample   If acne and breakouts are the main source of your skin   and elastin production, glucosamine will leave your skin
 vitamins and nutrients to protect, replenish, and repair   troubles, vitamin A is your solution. Vitamin A works   looking smooth and glowy.
 daily damage; it’s the key to eliminating dark spots, red-  to build and maintain your skin cells, so it targets those
 ness, wrinkles, rough patches, and dry spots. Of course,   stubborn pimples and repairs your skin. This strong sup-  MSM
 maintaining a balanced diet is a surefire way to get your   plement cleanses your skin, unclogs your pores, gets rid of   Also known as methylsulfonylmethane and touted as “the
 fair share of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics to boost the   dead skin, and soothes inflammation, so you’ll uncover a   beauty mineral,” MSM is the most bioavailable form of
 quality of your skin, but taking dietary supplements, using   layer of glowing skin.  sulfur, a vital component of collagen production. Collagen
 over-the-counter products, and applying skincare topicals      is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity. This supplement
 and creams can also help to achieve optimal levels.   Omega-3 Fatty Acids  has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory benefits, which
                On top of boosting your brain, heart, and bone health, this   means it’s helpful for prevention against skin aging, and
 Whether you’re struggling with psoriasis, eczema, or acne,   highly acclaimed nutrient also nourishes your skin. If you   calms acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
 or simply want to maintain the health and vitality of your   struggle with dry skin, omega-3 fatty acids act as a natural
 skin, taking these supplements will rejuvenate your skin   moisturizer by supporting the skin’s barrier function that   Probiotics
 and give it that radiant glow.  prevents wrinkles and dry skin. Its especially powerful   It’s crucial to support the gut-brain-skin axis by focusing
                anti-inflammatory properties make the supplement an   on nourishing the gut with probiotics. This can help to pre-
 Vitamin D      excellent remedy for eczema and psoriasis as well.  vent premature aging from sun damage, maintain clearer
 Soaking up natural sunlight is one way to get your daily      and more radiant skin, as well as prevent your body from
 dose of vitamin D, but you can also fortify your skin with   Magnesium  inflammation, which can show up on the skin as acne,
 vitamin D supplements and products. Because vitamin D   If your breakouts tend to flare up when you’re stressed,   rosacea, and eczema.
 creates new skin cells, the supplement helps to heal skin   magnesium might be beneficial for you. This supplement
 and address any discoloration, improving both your com-  helps to lower cortisol levels, balance hormones, minimize   If you’re tired of the never-ending battle with your skin
 plexion and skin tone. Vitamin D is especially beneficial   inflammation, and improve overall cell function, which   and have been desperately searching for a cure-all, these
 for those with psoriasis because it reduces skin inflamma-  makes it helpful for reducing acne and managing other   natural, holistic, and effective supplements will surely do
 tion and irritation.   skin disorders. Not to mention, it also helps you get a   the trick.

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