Page 10 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 10

physically is so much more diseased than any individual   of distribution takes an experience with a true level of         instead of making a formula that can work for everyone.   you to score, or the teacher reminding you to lift through
                dreaming of dancing professionally or playing on a pro   connection and deep listening. From the mind to the muscles       We demand quick fixes. We demand miracle supplements.   your center, or the trainer telling you to drop for 20 more.
                sports team. We believe that we aren’t beautiful if we don’t   and  the  requirements  of  an  entire  person’s  metabolism’s   We demand others to find our center for us. We turn the   Your ability to recruit muscles and energy effectively for
                look like a supermodel or social media model. There are   ability to scale, you need a journey of consistent engagement,   other way from science and then we don’t understand why   your health and longevity must permit a conversation
                filters that create six-packs and reverse the beauty of aging.   not a 30-day fix. What muscles are firing when and why    we create an environment that imbalance thrives in. We   inside of you.
                It’s our constructs that are diseased. It’s the out-of-control   and to what end is a complex design when one is after     simply give away our power.
                mission for people to appear to be greater for themselves,   balance and longevity. Advancements in medicine and the                                                      Today, I do know how to design the muscular structure
                instead of being greater together. Body positivity is a fight   ability to perform sophisticated research should put us at   One of my favorite authors of all time whose books had a   with confidence, but not without each person being willing
                for justice, instead of a given act of love for every single life   an extraordinary advantage for health and longevity. The   profound impact on the ways I approached developing my   to put their spirit in it.  In all my  years, even presented
                and all that makes each of us physically unique. We feel   opposite is proving to be true because so many are unwilling    Method were written by James H. Austin, MD. This small   with people with injuries, I’ve never found a design block
                like making a comeback is getting a makeover or injections   to listen. For many, even when they know better, they fall    bit from his book Selfless Insight states that research suggests   in any muscle, in any metabolism, or in any given body
                that take us from 50 to 30 years old.          for the unqualified, the quick fix, or allow themselves the                 that a small region of the brain becomes activated when we   structure. I find the most difficult roadblocks to go the
                                                               extra drink or the lost workout with little to no concern.                  choose to shift and engage attention for a variety of more   distance are sitting in the spirit or in the ego. The design of
                Many of us feel suffering and the yearning for a comeback   The classic attempts to spot reduce by feeling that specific   abstract, top-down reasons. This is the small region on top   the Method that I created and continue to create is simply
                simply because we feel cut off from ourselves. I grew up   signal something good is happening or to target our ability     of the medial superior parietal lobule on both sides of the   my life’s work, a dedicated purpose to help people find
                playing the piano, playing on the chess team, in plays,   to overpower a hamstring, oblique, bicep, or so on was to        midline. Meditators have options to exercise a full range   their movement stage that they can always be the star of,
                cheerleading, and other sports. I had no idea what it was   completely disempower the interdependent components            of these attentional attributes; they’re both practicing,   no matter what the journey is like for them in any given
                like to feel disconnected from being able to reach my goals   that cannot be truly optimized separately. When we target    learning, forgetting, relearning, and remembering to keep   moment. We’ve built or breathed into us the primal ability
                physically until my body was becoming a woman and it   individual muscles time and time again with greater loads           on training attention. This research was important to me   to make a comeback from everything that visits us, just as
                wasn’t cooperating the way that my plans thought it would.   and endurance from the same call to action, there’s suffering,   in developing my Method because as time went on, I   “The Guest House” by Rumi so beautiful presents to us.
                During my first research project, I felt like I was going to   injury, and accelerated aging. Whenever you have worked     observed a lot of how the brain stays in its spontaneous   But if we don’t tend to the house, the visitors will take over
                create this program in fitness to fill what I considered to   to become overly fit, there’s a sacrifice that’s happening in   patterns and remains indifferent to what it’s consciously   its ownership.
                be a huge vacancy in the industry. A way to take anyone   the race against time. That said, the more you move, the         experiencing. All the more important to be able to add to
                and create balance in them physically, no matter how far   greater you support your longevity—but how you move, and        your training the ability to exercise mindfully your many   The physical conversation that I present each week in
                away from balance they seemed. I thought it was going to   how stressful you move matters greatly.                         attentive functions as often as you can.       the Online Studio doesn’t look like your ordinary fitness
                be purely about crafting the movements and designing the                                                                                                                  class. I don’t speak to you during the session, but rather
                bodies, and if they did it, it would happen. I didn’t have   Along my journey, what I found to be the most disruptive to   The more research I did, the more I knew that talking to   in between. I sequence very carefully crafted movements
                any idea until many years later what the secret ingredient   each person’s health was the abandonment of evolutionary      any student during practice was not an option if I wanted   together to create balance where there’s imbalance, and
                was truly going to be.                         design. The loss of nature and the overconsumption of                       the benefits of a deep listening in one’s own body in   that includes more than any one muscle. It gives all of
                                                               marketing. To ask any one of my dedicated students to                       conversation with the brain when I’m creating a sequence.   you a voice as I don’t perform for you, but rather I move
                At the time I wanted to become the Michelangelo of body   commit to a workout every day, to not have the foods             The truth of the design of who we all are is that it’s our   with you in silence while I’m moving with myself. It’s not
                design. This is where my personal pain stemmed from.   we love to eat even when they don’t nourish us, and to              primal  right  to  move.  It’s  our  primal  right  to  nourish   ordinary, but ordinary by today’s standards has gotten us
                Sometimes after we sit with our pain, heartbreak, shame,   get eight to 10 hours of sleep per night felt like the most     ourselves with fresh food from nature. It’s our primal right   to live in a world plagued by personal toxicity on a planet
                disappointment on the other side of the heartbreak, it isn’t   impossible ask to make. It felt like a punishment, or       to sleep and rest. It’s our primal right to love. What we   that is facing an existential environmental crisis. When we
                fear, but it’s an innocent curiosity of wanting to discover a   something they would have to dig deep to do. To realize    have to come back from is the fundamental failings in the   take care of ourselves and we undo what has broken us or
                better way or an even clearer perspective. When I sat out   that in the year 2000 we had become so interrupted from        thought process that damage us to the point that we’re so   become unbalanced in us, we extend that love beyond us.
                to perform a five-year study to discover whether I could   the way that each of us was brought into the world that we      uncomfortable on one level or another, and when we reach   Each of you can create this balance in you. Each of you can
                take the science I had learned and create balance where   felt moving in our body’s to be a chore to do three times        out for help we’re met with many who aren’t willing to truly   move with me and with you. Each of you can come back
                there is imbalance in the body over and over again, it was   per week, let alone a daily personal right, that we found a   be there for someone else’s benefit on their journey, but   from wherever this world made you feel that you didn’t
                never to become a disruptor of any system, but rather a   salad without processed croutons and ranch dressing to be        rather they see an opportunity to take advantage of their   know how to move in your body each day. I hope that with
                connector of all. I felt that this kind of strategy was missing   considered torture, and that we had to have dessert after a   suffering and discomfort and make them believe that they   the slowing of the hustle and bustle of the routines we were
                in fitness because it isn’t about getting a six-pack or being   meal or dessert in the form of donuts and cinnamon rolls   know more about how to make them them than they do.   used to before we faced this pandemic together, that each
                able to take a wide receiver or win a race, it was about the   for breakfast, that we would drink something as toxic as    It took me a painstaking amount of years and research to   of you takes the opportunity to try and make the choices
                body that was going to go the slow, steady, and strategic   5-Hour Energy to keep from much needed rest, is a life         understand how to discover the formula that the seemingly   that take you feeling good in your own body off the long
                distance. A level of health, balance, and longevity that   lacking the very love of life. After 20 years of dedicated      only elite who had everything line up to perfectly perform   list of things we all have to comeback from. Life throws
                any body, no matter its challenges, could benefit from   and focused hard work, I continue to find my purpose not          be something that I could manifest in anyone willing to   us enough unexpected heartbreak for us to not give our
                because balance comes from tending to weaknesses and   in the comeback, but in the constant state of becoming              show up for the steps of the journey. The spirit and the   health the time that it deserves. Our health deserves our
                not overpowering strengths, and certainly not worshipping   realized over and over again.                                  brain become the most important factors. I knew that I was   time. Each and every one of you deserves the time to sleep
                one’s ego. I was committed to not taking shortcuts, not                                                                    signing up to create a lifelong journey for many different   well, to nourish well, and to move well.
                randomly  searching  for  moves,  but  to  build  my  lessons   It’s not that the science wasn’t there to know how to      people’s scenarios because finding success in this life is
                over a long period of time. Fitness was about pointing out   create a dancer’s body out of everyone. It’s that no one      certainly far from a one-size-fits-all formula.  The pages of this issue are all about sharing journeys and
                moves, instead of getting everyone to arrive at their best   wanted to dedicate the time and care to create an honest                                                     supporting you with love to not just sustain you, but to
                ability to move. At the time, I really felt like this was going   journey of movement to deliver what that takes. We have   Each week I need you to be searchers, seekers, and listeners   help make you shine. Our contributors have been carefully
                to stop at becoming the master of muscular design and   a lot of commercials out there in the wellness industry. A         of yourself on high alert. When you recruit muscles and   chosen by myself and my team, all of whom embrace the
                healthy weight management, but what I was going to learn   lot of people who are most about developing themselves          energy, you have to retrain where that’s coming from to   ways in which we’re growing. I encourage you to embrace
                through each person is that their spirit matters most.  instead of being a part of an honest journey. We live in           be the most inclusive you can be with the time you have to   each one of them, and what they’re willing to teach us. After
                                                               a world where we broke people down, categorized them,                       exercise. It has to come from personal deep listening and   all, we may be on individual journeys, but it sure is nice to
                In your body, the overall energy needed for a true balance   or celebrated them for having the right formula in them       processing. Untangling the parent on the sidelines telling   be accompanied by people who care along the way. ■

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