Page 111 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
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When I hop on a Zoom call with editor in chief of editor,” she remarks. “We’ve been in this political season, supportive person, she attributes a great portion of the
InStyle magazine and Australian native Laura Brown, and we’ve had to amp it up and get behind these certain magazine’s success to her team members and their ability
she’s situated in her New York City apartment, editing states very, very intensely.” to execute her big visions. “They have such pride and
shoots and overseeing the editorial operations for one ownership and have seen how we’ve grown and what
of the largest and most celebrated fashion publications Instead of telling readers what to wear or how to look, we’ve been able to do and how it’s been received,” she
in the country. Working from home in the midst of a Laura redefines beauty as possessing intelligence, being says. “They’re so excited. They’re up for a change.”
pandemic not only doesn’t rattle Laura, but she has an educated citizen, advocating for just causes, and
become the most entertaining hope-filled Zoom boss having a voice. With a magazine full of meaningful truths I really believe that because Laura has built such a fun,
around. She’s still as proactive and hardworking as ever, and thought-provoking content, she encourages readers laid-back, enjoyable work environment for her employees
churning out a steady stream of visionary content for to adopt their own opinions. “It shows respect for the and because she values them as human beings, her team
her devoted readers. reader,” Laura states. “But if it’s something you don’t is eager to excel and help one another achieve their goals.
want to read, you can turn the page. That’s up to you as “I couldn’t work in another culture,” she declares. “I’m
In fact, this year has been one of InStyle’s best ones yet, a reader, but as an editor, it’s my responsibility to give glad that I can contribute to running this culture and
thanks to Laura’s optimistic can-do attitude, collaborative you that point of view.” the company we have. I know other places don’t have
spirit, and fierce creativity in service of a vision that it. Work is a place where you spend a whole lot of your
makes everyone feel her warm embrace. I’ve been a I then shift the discussion to highlight Laura’s relatable energy and time, so it needs to be a pleasure.” Not only
devoted reader of the magazine since the first issue in and joyful Instagram feed (@laurabrown99), and I ask is Laura building a better world for her readers, but she’s
1994, but watching the publication skyrocket under how she developed so much confidence in herself. also improving the lives of her colleagues.
Laura’s wing has been incredible and impressive to She explains that appreciating where she is in life
witness. So much so, I was determined to highlight her. and recalling all her accomplishments plays a role in I pivot the conversation to ask about the status of InStyle’s
Unfortunately, you can’t change a culture before it’s feeling self-assured. “I’ve always been happy to be physical magazine during the rise of digital media. Laura
ready, and for that reason alone we must have brave here in the United States, so I think if you’re happy to tells me that the print and digital magazine build off of
leaders like Laura, who will help guide that change. be somewhere, there’s a calm in you because you’re each other, so they’ve both been essential to InStyle’s
As I’ve evolved as a woman and mother I’ve stopped like, ‘Wow, look where I am now,’ ” she reflects. growth. “The voice of the magazine has informed the
reading 98 percent of beauty and pop-culture magazines. “There’s confidence in what you’ve built for yourself.” website, and that’s why our magazine has jumped off,”
So why do I still read In Style? Laura Brown. From Laura is also fully connected with her inner child and she says. From podcast episodes to behind-the-scenes
covering breaking news to highlighting accomplished continuously tells herself, “Do more of what makes you images to beautifully crafted stories, Laura is constantly
advocates, she has pushed boundaries that have feel good and less of what makes you feel bad.” She’s putting out content on multiple platforms, and her
transformed both the magazine and the fashion media able to live out her truth because she’s in tune with her passion for different types of media is what makes her
landscape. own wants and needs and always follows her intuition. work consistent and engaging.
Not only is Laura a leader in the fashion industry, but Challenging the norms in the fashion sphere has Another one of Laura’s professional successes is her
she’s also a creative mind, a sharp intellect, a witty social- also given Laura the courage to be herself, and that ability to capture the humanity of celebrities, so they
media personality, a political activist, and an all-around authenticity and vulnerability certainly shine through her seem relatable. “They’re movie stars, and they’ve got
down-to-earth human with a refreshing personality. work. I ponder about her creative strategy. “I don’t map this and that, but they have good days and bad days,
She’s the kind of person who lights up the room with out the year,” Laura clarifies. “It’s almost like the strategy too,” Laura recounts. When composing the magazine,
her warm sense of humor and infectious energy. For in the excelling and the grown-upness gets on me a bit. Laura makes sure to steer clear of compiling a group of
those who have the pleasure of knowing Laura, she is I’d rather just do the work.” the most popular and prestigious A-list celebrities and Laura and I have a few things in common, including our
magnetic, and you can’t help but be drawn to her. instead highlights individuals with substance and depth. admiration for President Joe Biden and love of horses.
I really admire how Laura creates from the heart. “There’s a particular character to all these women,”
I’m such a huge fan of Laura’s and have been following If she sees something she loves or thinks deserves the fashion editor explains. “There’s ownership and their work will be rewarded, and that human decency
her journey from the start, so I begin our conversation recognition, she goes after it. She has an incredible frankness. I’m not just chasing around ladies who have will continue to expand, which is a phenomenon she
by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to learn even pulse on newsworthy content, and she’s quick to adapt 100 million Instagram followers.” Featuring women for likes to call “the island of good.”
more about her. One of my favorite qualities about Laura and respond to current happenings. For instance, she the positive change that they’re instigating is what makes
is how she is authentically herself. She isn’t afraid to use decided to re-create photographer Ormand Gigli’s 1960 her content so valuable and inspirational. Wrapping up our discussion, I mention Laura’s six-
her voice to communicate important messages and take a photograph, “Girls in the Window,” at the beginning week-long road trip across the country, from New York
stance on controversial matters like politics. “A magazine of the pandemic in May to comfort and empower her I shift the dialogue again and ask Laura what individuals City to Los Angeles. It was so beautiful and uplifting to
without a point of view is nothing,” she tells me. readers. “I was really thinking about the community and within the fashion industry can do to protect the follow Laura’s journey from coast to coast in an RV, so I
how isolated people were,” she says. “We were able to environment during a time when it needs us most. Laura wanted to learn more about how the experience affected
Laura moves the conversation forward by explaining create an image that goes out into culture.” emphasizes that businesses and entrepreneurs need pure her. “Just going through the country showed me how
that she started working for InStyle in 2016 right before intentions and passion to flourish in the fashion industry beautiful it is, how glorious,” she marvels. “It was just the
Donald Trump became president, so she knew that she Thanks to her open-minded, flexible approach, these because consumers won’t support a cause that has little greatest perspective.” Laura had wanted to travel across
wanted to use her position to incite positive change. By challenging times seem to fuel Laura’s imagination. “We Courtesy Laura Brown respect for the environment. “People who are in it for the United States her whole life, so when the opportunity
venturing outside of the fashion and beauty realm and had our best year in spite of all this,” Laura declares. “It the wrong reasons aren’t gonna make it,” she advises. presented itself and with remote work still in place, she
informing readers about pressing social matters, Laura revved us up more and certainly revved me up more.” With her optimistic attitude and faith in humanity, Laura took the initiative and followed her dreams. And that’s
was part of an iconic movement. “It’s my job as an Of course, because Laura is the most humble and discusses how those who pour their heart and soul into why she’s an inspiration. ■
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