Page 112 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 112
Ever since 1997 when fashion philanthropist and vintage became internationally recognized in that decade, and
expert Cameron Silver founded Decades, a renowned the effortless sportswear is completely relevant today.
vintage clothing boutique on Melrose Avenue, the fash-
ion scene in Los Angeles was forever changed. Wheth- Just like people, fashion adapts to what’s happening
er he’s styling A-list celebrities for red carpet events or in the world. What part of the industry in particular
encouraging his highly esteemed clientele to “dress up,” is starting to lean into this mindset of fashion?
Silver’s work has transformed runway looks from New Every aspect of the fashion industry is responding to
York to Paris. consumer demands for responsible fashion. I’ve done
exclusive trunk shows around the world at the most
Silver continues to share his wealth of knowledge about luxurious high-end boutiques that incorporate vintage
vintage in print. He’s the author of Decades: A Century of with this season’s offerings. For example, designers are
Fashion (Bloomsbury USA), which is a compilation of the sourcing fabrics that are either repurposed, made from
most iconic looks from the renewable materials, or are
20th century, in addition to 100 percent organic. Even
numerous features with stars, packaging is more often re-
models, designers, fashion cyclable. E-commerce still
editors, and other style icons. needs to strategize, so there’s
Through his cutting-edge less waste.
contributions to the fashion
world, this “king of vintage” How do you recommend
reminds us that uncovering someone new to shopping
trendy looks from the past within this genre find
can shape and enhance who pieces that are both com-
we are in the present. For a plementary and authentic
deeper dive into the vintage to current trends?
fashion scene, we asked Sil- I have a philosophy that
ver some of our most press- vintage must look modern.
ing questions. I don’t want to dress people
like they’re going to a Hal-
For anyone who is new to loween party or a cosplay
the world of vintage fash- event. It’s also important
ion, how would you de- to consider the quality and
scribe it? condition of everything you
DECADES Vintage fashion refers to purchase. As for authentic-
clothing from the past that
ity, we’re all vulnerable, so
is of quality and represents
procuring collectibles from a
OF F ASHION the Zeitgeist of the era it was reliable source is paramount.
How do you feel that go-
As we know, fashion trends
help people put their best
repeat. How do you see ing back in fashion can
Going back in style with Cameron Silver. this niche supporting the environment from both a foot forward with their personal style?
micro and macro perspective? I suggest people shop their decade, because certain eras
I opened Decades 23 years ago, before there was a col- have signature silhouettes that flatter the body. The 1930s
lective consciousness of fashion’s impact on the envi- are wonderful if you’re broad on top and narrow in the
ronment. Pre-loved fashion is truly the only 100 percent hips. The 1950s are amazing for curvier shapes. The
OPPOSITE PAGE: Brit Kubat you recycle fashion. ion history, the better you are at shopping current trends.
1970s are perfect for lanky figures, and the 1980s have
clean way to stylishly consume because not only is it chic
something for everyone. The more you know about fash-
to repeat, but there’s virtually no carbon footprint when
Remember, vintage is generally the conversation piece in
If you could live in one era of fashion, when would an outfit; never wear it head-to-toe as it’s all about mixing
it be and why?
something old with something new to create your own
Oh, it would definitely be the 1970s. American designers
distinctive modern personal style. ■
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