Page 17 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 17

I have been teaching our girls about activism. For me, it’s   words and ideas and double standards meant to tear us
                how I was raised, how my mom and aunt were raised. My   down. Phenomenal Woman. Phenomenally Black. Electable.
                daughters are still quite young, but they, like many kids,   Ambitious. These words aren’t insults or drawbacks, they
                are beginning to understand the world around them and   are our superpowers! It’s actually why I decided to write
                big concepts like fairness, racism, and activism.  my newest book, Ambitious Girl, after realizing that not
                                                               everyone saw female ambition the same way I did. I
                My mom was a single mom, so when I was little she took   was taught that ambition was a good thing, that it meant
                me everywhere—rallies, meetings, even to class. And it   courage, and living your purpose. But to a whole lot of
                had a lasting positive impact on me. One of the reasons   other people, ambition—women’s ambition, that is—was
                I wrote the book is if you only start talking about issues   code for taking up space that wasn’t intended to be yours.
                like pay inequity, for example, when women are in the   We’ve gotten better at recognizing these double standards
                workplace, it’s almost too late. I think it’s so important for   and sexist dog whistles, but we still hear them all the time.
                parents to start that conversation now. It’s important to   Not just “ambitious,” but also its evil stepsisters: loud,
                talk to our kids about the issues we care about.  assertive, bossy, persistent. You could spend your whole
                                                               life hiding from these words. Instead, we need to reframe
                What was the tipping point that ultimately led to   and reclaim them.
                you founding your company, Phenomenal, in 2017?
                Even though my career had been mostly in big law   We’re so excited about your new book, Ambitious
                and tech, I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit.   Girl. What does this word mean to you, and how do
                But I actually started Phenomenal shortly after the   you hope it inspires the next generation of women
                2016 election. Like a lot of people, in that moment, I   and girls?
                found myself wondering what I personally could do   I want my daughters, and every other girl in the world,
                to lift up women, make our voices heard, and support   to believe that the word “ambitious” is positive, that it
                issues I cared about. It started as a small initiative to   means owning and living your purpose. Given how I was
                raise money for women’s organizations—I had made a   raised, it never occurred to me until I was much older that
                handful of “Phenomenal Woman” T-shirts for the first   women’s ambition could be anything but something to
                Women’s March in 2017, and I decided to sell them on   celebrate. I’ve always worked hard to make sure my own
                International Women’s Day through Women’s History   daughters are raised with these same fundamental values
                Month.                                         that shaped my childhood. With this book, I want to
                                                               make sure my kids—and girls all over—have the tools and
                The original T-shirt was inspired by my favorite Maya   language to reframe, redefine, and reclaim what they will
                Angelou poem, “Phenomenal Woman.” A lot of people   inevitably hear about female ambition in the “real world.”
                know Angelou as an iconic author and poet. But she was   My greatest hope is that girls who read my book dare to
                also a fierce advocate—a true pioneer of the Civil Rights   define their own unique purpose in the world, and that
                Movement, and a good friend of both Martin Luther King   they grow into strong, ambitious women.
                Jr. and Malcolm X. The more I thought about Maya the
                activist and that powerful poem, and about the energy   We at Tracy Anderson reflect and renew one day,
                and engagement I was feeling all around me in the wake   one week, one year at a time. What does your
                of the 2016 election, the more the poem started to feel   growth mindset look like?
                like a rallying cry. I wanted to honor the work of Black   Last year was such a hard year for so many, and we may
                women like Maya Angelou who came before me and   not be through the worst of it. In 2021, I’m keeping my
                paved the way, while also celebrating the historic moment   growth mindset and hopes pretty simple—for healthy
                that was the Women’s March. We thought it was going to   family and friends, being able to gather safely together
                be a small thing, but we ended up selling 2,500 T-shirts in   once again, and for empathetic and compassionate
                one day, and the rest is history.              leadership to be restored in our federal government.
                And recently, we launched Phenomenal Media to   If you could design one Phenomenal T-shirt with a
                continue to bring greater awareness to issues affecting   message to encapsulate your hope for 2021, what
                underrepresented communities.                  would it be?
                                                               If 2020 was “I’m speaking,” this year would be “I’m still
                Within this particular issue, we’re highlighting the   speaking!”■
                idea of the comeback. Do you mind sharing with
                us the power that comes from reframing words or   To order Meena Harris’s latest book, Ambitious Girl, please visit
                perspectives to progress in both life and career?
                A lot of my work with Phenomenal is about reframing

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