Page 21 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 21


         Opposite page: courtesy Dr. Habib Sadeghi.This page: courtesy

                                    A treatment of the mind and body, by Dr. Habib Sadeghi.

                One of the greatest comebacks patients can be faced with   lasting, the mind and body must be treated together. I’ve
                is to regain their health after battling a serious illness. My   seen this in many patients, including one I’ll call “David.”
                years in medicine have shown me that the mind and body
                are connected in an intimate way that science is only be-  “This is rubbish,” he said.
                ginning to understand.
                                                               My conversations with David, 69, CEO of an international
                I believe nothing about disease is random. Everything from   technology corporation weren’t going well. He wasn’t open
                the type of disease a patient has to the time of onset and its   to  anything I had to  share  about mind/body  medicine
                location in the body are the result of epigenetic effects that   and flatly stated at our first meeting that he’d only made
                provide clues to its healing. Whatever affects the mind also   an appointment with me as a favor to a friend whom I’d
                affects the body, therefore if healing is to be complete and   previously treated. David had stage 4 prostate cancer that

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