Page 25 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 25
Our brain is responsible for controlling everything in our “NEUROPLASTICITY
body, from basic functions like our heartbeat to high-level
processes like memory and consciousness. To do this, the
brain utilizes billions of neurons, which communicate to CAN BE
one another via electrical signals that are sent through the
that these neuron highways in our brains became rigid PROMOTED
brain and throughout our body. Scientists once believed
witnessed devastating brain injury and miraculous recov- NOT ONLY
and unchangeable shortly after birth. It took doctors who
ery to disprove this hypothesis and instead realize that FROM EXTERNAL
our brains have neuroplastic ability. This means that our
brains can reorganize our neural pathways, creating new
synaptic connections and ultimately rewire our brain! STIMULI BUT
to dig deeper into our brain’s capacity to change in the ALSO INTERNAL
It wasn’t until the 1960s that scientists were beginning
suffered a major stroke and lost a portion of the brain, STIMULI, FROM THE
face of external factors. Medical cases of patients who had
but were able to regain function, formed the basis of this
discovery. It demonstrated that our brain was more mal- THOUGHTS WE
leable than it was initially believed to be and could regain
functions via neuroplasticity. The same was found study- THINK, THROUGH
ing individuals who suffer from blindness. Scientists found
for hearing were active in the regions of the brain that VISUALISATION.”
that due to the brain’s neuroplastic ability, new neurons
are usually responsible for seeing. This suggests that very
active neuronal circuits can grow into available spaces in Neuroplasticity can be promoted not only from external
the brain where neurons are no longer activated. This al- stimuli but also internal stimuli, from the thoughts we
lows the neurons to propagate to new areas of the brain, think, through visualization. In one study, a set of individ-
strengthening their power and sensitivity. (This is why uals was broken into two different experimental groups.
blind people tend to have a heightened sense of taste and The first group practiced piano for two hours each day
more sensitive hearing). for a week, while the second group imagined practicing
piano while keeping their hands still for the same amount
However, our brain doesn’t change only as a result of of time. In both cases, the motor region in the brain that
damage. What we now understand is that our brain cre- controls finger movements when playing a piano had ex-
ates and alters our neural pathways in response to new panded. This same philosophy is at the core of cognitive
experiences and information. Studies have shown that behavioral therapy (CBT). This treatment works for de-
continued learning, whether it be a new language, a mu- pression, anxiety, and addiction by continuously refram-
sical instrument, or a skill, increases connectivity in our
ing the way one thinks about experiences. This ultimately
NEUROPLASTICITY brain regions and promotes the formation of new neural reshapes how one processes information and what parts of
networks. For example, musicians have been shown to
the brain and neural networks are activated.
have 130 percent more gray matter in the part of the brain
IN A NUTSHELL Alina Grubnyak, courtesy responsible for hearing. The brain also alters neural path- Neuroplasticity is not a wonder pill or a quick fix, but it
should be thought of like muscle-building. What we do
ways when we exercise. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF) is one of the key proteins responsible for regulat-
often or do more of, we become stronger at, and what we
ing and promoting the formation of our neural network
don’t use gets weaker and ultimately dissipates. Howev-
gains. It’s the repeated practice that builds strength, and
our BDNF levels, and when we exercise or dance in tune
Harnessing the power of your brain. and thus for neuroplasticity. When we exercise, we boost er, doing an exercise once won’t cause immediate muscle
to music, it has an even greater neuroplastic effect.
the same is true in the brain. ■
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