Page 23 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 23

had metastasized to the bone and was unresponsive to all   of being unexpectedly abandoned, yet again, by the most
 treatment, including radiation and chemotherapy.  important woman in his life.

 He eventually did come back. This time, we were discuss-  Eventually, David remarried and started a new life. At that
 ing the connection between unresolved emotional trauma   point, he felt there was no need to look back, but feelings
 and physical illness. “I haven’t had any traumas,” he said.   buried alive never die.
 I explained to David that trauma is relative to each per-
 son. An experience doesn’t have to be an act of physical   By the time David came to me, he had been battling his
 violence for us to be traumatized by it. As David shared   cancer for years. He was also displeased with Jenna who,
 his story over the following weeks, I could see that he’d   now in her thirties, he described as lazy and overweight.
 experienced more than his share of traumas and related   David was concerned that she wasn’t dating or making any
 unresolved emotional issues that were contributing to his   effort to move her life forward.
 health challenges.
 I explained to him that for men, the pain of rejection and
 David was born in France, and from his earliest years, he   abandonment by the women they love is most often de-
 said he’d always felt estranged from his mother. Her words   posited in the sexual or urogenital organs of the body, in
 and actions clearly showed that she preferred his older   his case the prostate gland. His connection to Karen was
 brother as nearly all her time and affection were reserved   a deep and intimate one, while the rejection of his mother
 for him. Meanwhile, all David’s accomplishments went   created a primal emotional wound that needed healing. I
 completely unnoticed. One day, in front of his brother and   shared with him that chronic stress from any source but
 a group of friends, David’s mother said of her eldest son, “I   especially unresolved emotional issues over a lifetime sup-
 know he’s going to be a great artist someday, but David? I   press the immune system, making us more susceptible to
 have no idea where he’ll end up.”  everything from colds to cancer, and prevent healing.

 The dismissive tone of disownment in his mother’s words   In order to heal, I told David that he must begin to prop-
 cut deeply and only served to confirm the feelings of aban-  erly grieve, first for the loss of Karen and then for a moth-
 donment David had felt from her his entire young life. This,   er’s love that would never come. After so many years, he
 of course, was in addition to the humiliation he felt because   needed to allow himself the dignity of his own emotional
 all his friends now knew that his mother was completely   process. Only when the emotional charge connected to his
 indifferent to him. Soon after, David was assigned to a Ca-  dis-ease could finally begin to be released would his physi-
 nadian nanny who whisked him off to Canada where he   cal body respond in kind.
 did the rest of his growing up.
 Amazingly, even though David had liquidated all Karen’s
 Eventually, David moved to Los Angeles and married his   belongings years earlier, he still had the suitcase with her
 wife, Karen, a nurse. Life was looking up. They had a beau-  videos, photos, and cards. In an incredible act of bravery,
 tiful daughter, Jenna, and David had assumed the role of   David began to view old home movies of Karen and read
 CEO at one of the largest tech companies in the world. In   her beautiful words to him as he grieved and emptied his
 spite of his wonderful success, David’s mother still refused   own heart. He also began seeing a therapist to process his
 to acknowledge his accomplishments or have any contact   relationship with his mother. It was only a few weeks later   “WHATEVER AFFECTS
 with his daughter. “She’s all the way over there in the Unit-  when David called to tell me that for the first time ever his
 ed States,” she’d say. “She’ll never know me anyway.”  cancer was responding to treatment. Incredibly, even his   THE MIND ALSO AFFECTS
 relationship with Jenna had benefited from his emotional
 One day after arriving back in L.A. after a business trip,   and energetic shift. It didn’t happen overnight, but David’s   THE BODY  THEREFORE
 David was surprised to find his father-in-law and a family   regular physicians officially declared him to be in remission
 friend waiting to pick him up at the airport instead of his   as he continues to do his work by honoring his emotional
 regularly scheduled driver. On the ride home, David dis-  process in all areas of his life. ■  IF HEALING IS TO BE
 covered that while he was away, Karen had died from an                                                        ,
 undiagnosed heart condition.  Dr. Habib Sadeghi is founder of Be Hive of Healing Integrative Medical   COMPLETE AND LASTING
    Center in Agoura Hills, CA. He specializes in a multidisciplinary
 In David’s words, he “shut down.” Unable to properly   approach to chronic illnesses such as cancer and autoimmune disease   THE MIND AND BODY
 with comprehensive treatment protocols that incorporate a wide range
 grieve, he soon packed up all Karen’s belongings and locked   of interventions. Dr. Sadeghi is also the co-founder of the Love Button   Anna Shvets, courtesy
 them in the attic. Every video, photograph, and greeting   Global Movement, a nonprofit organization that promotes loving action   MUST BE TREATED
 card that bore her image or handwriting were piled into a   and philanthropy within communities to improve social cohesion. He is the
 suitcase and left to linger there in the darkness with the rest   author of two books, The Clarity Cleanse: 12 Steps to Finding Renewed Energy,   TOGETHER.”
 Spiritual Fulfillment, and Emotional Healing, and Within: A Spiritual Awakening
 of his memories of her. At the time, David didn’t realize   to Love & Weight Loss. For more teachings from Dr. Sadeghi, please visit
 that his actions were being driven by the subconscious pain

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