Page 4 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
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us, and tends to repeat itself, which also lives in   and symptoms ranging from low energy to
                                                                                                                                                my love for vintage fashion.              lack of focus to feeling disconnected, advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                          aging—and the list goes on. Our bodies and
                                                                                                                                                As always, I share with you my latest recipes for   brains have to come together, and there are
                                                                                                                                                a total diet revival (more than 40 of them!) and   countless inspirational bodies and many too-
                                                                                                                                                provide you with guidelines to hone in on how   good-to-be-true methods claiming to get there.
                                                                                                                                                food nurtures everything about our health. But   The truth is getting there is a real equation. One
                 Editor In Chief, Tracy Anderson  LETTER FROM THE EDITOR                                                                        that’s all just part of the work in. To get your   of the things that I’ve learned on my journey
                  Deputy Editor, Steven Beltrani                                                                                                body moving with a groundbreaking strategy,   transforming thousands of lives is the ratio of
                                                                                                                                                I’ve added an exclusive code on the last page   the forces used, the way the muscles are played,
                    Design Director, Jill Serra Wilde  Every one of us has a comeback moment.                                                   of this issue offering you three weeks of free   the developing language, the loss of unhealthy
                                                                                                                                                                                          fat while supporting the bones and connective
                                                                                                                                                access to our Online Studio. When all is said
                 Photographer, Samuel Eric Anderson                                                                                             and read here, I hope you dig into this special   tissue are a perfect equation that gets solved
                  Editorial Manager, Sierra Asplundh  As we reach the anniversary of when the pandemic took over, we                            opportunity to meet me on the mat, just like   through the ways we conduct our muscles and
                  Associate Food Editor, Sandra Rojo  must come to terms with how it has affected us all. Depending on                          many of your most celebrated icons have and   power through the brain and spirit.
                     Copy Editor, Joseph Manghise  our individual privileges and circumstances, we’re still operating                           continue to do. I think I can speak for most of
                                                within the new normal yet beginning to prepare for the next phase
                                                of our collective lives as frontline workers and dedicated health-care                          them when I say you shouldn’t wish for their   I believe in creating balance where there is
                                  Production                                                                                                    body parts because if you do, you’ll miss the   imbalance. For those who have been following
                   Head of Digital, Josh Rosenzweig  professionals continue to safeguard us and vaccine distribution is                         opportunity to become your best.          along, you know I repeat this time and time
                                                expanded. We’re leaning on our communities, resetting our priorities,
                      Hair Stylist, Korey Fitzpatrick  expanding our awareness, and using our voices to continue to align                                                                 again. Not only because that part of my research
                      Makeup Artist, Elena Miglino  ourselves and the world around us. For us at Tracy Anderson, we’re as                       My Method has been built on the artistry of my   hasn’t changed, but it bears repeating. Know
                   Imaging Specialist, George Maier  focused on the mind, body, and soul as ever before.                                        integrative muscular awakening and balancing   that you can always come back to yourself. No
                         Designer, John Sheppard                                                                                                systems. Remodeling muscular imbalance is a   matter how much disconnection exists around
                                                To help you start your health journey, or continue the one you’re                               practice that didn’t have the content needed   you or within you, I assure you that you can
                                 Contributors   already on with us, we’ve curated this issue with some of our strongest                         to support the science before I decided to be   recommit to finding your healthiest self by
                 Dr. Habib Sadeghi, Dr. Sherry Sami,   players to unearth more tangible resources as we approach all three                      “groundbreaking” in an industry deprived of   engaging areas that you didn’t even know were
                         Maria Kelling, Mimi Kirk,   areas. Discover more insights from some of our resident contributors                       strategy that created balance. To repair the   within you yet. We’ll never know how many
                   Donnie Vincent, Kimberly Wehle,   like Dr. Habib Sadeghi and Dr. Sherry Sami, who both highlight                             divides and mend the fractures in our bodies,   layers reside within our total beings, or what’s
                      David Restrepo, Dr. Jon Lieff,   experiences that show a fuller, complete range of understanding by                       we must learn how to choose the right tools   coming up just around the corner. This is where
                Dr. Steven C. Hayes, Dr. Drew Ramsey,   circulating and strengthening our mind/body connection. Learn                           and most importantly learn how to use them   the discipline and structure that science support
                     Lilly Blomquist, and Rose Davis  from my longtime client and new mom Hilary Rhoda as she opens                             ourselves.                                must be coupled with a state of mind that only
                                                up about her early months of motherhood, and my stylish media-                                                                            you can breathe energy into.
                    Special thanks to: Kyley Hooper,   spearheading super pal Laura Brown as she dives into everything                          The truth is we’re all different. Muscular
                   Chris Asplundh, Madison Shalloo,   from fashion to politics. And to help us speak our minds, we pick                         imbalances caused by how or what you have   Is this your comeback moment? I truly hope it is.
                                                                                                                                                or have not put your body through, as well
                                and the TAmily  the brain of the phenomenal Meena Harris about her inspirational                                as genetic weakness, cause what you see as   Love,
                                                ambition to ignite our voices. Environmentally, we highlight various
                                                stories that integrate what happens outside of us, affects the inside of                        problem areas, injuries, aches and pains, feelings   Tracy Anderson


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