Page 89 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 89
Whether you hop in the shower to wake up in the morning You use products with harsh ingredients.
or to unwind in the evening, submerging yourself under a With the wide selection of skincare products on the mar-
steady stream of water is a rewarding experience. There’s ket, searching for a safe and effective cleanser can be
no better feeling than taking a steamy shower and emerg- overwhelming. It might seem tempting to opt for a face
ing from the bathroom looking and feeling squeaky clean. or body wash that’s labeled “natural,” but Rhee warns
against this.
Although showering seems like a natural and simple pro-
cess, according to Dr. Libby Rhee, board-certified derma- “In the beauty realm, a lot of products labeled natural are
tologist and the chief medical officer and founder of Liora unfortunately loaded with potentially harsh botanicals
Dermatology and Aesthetics in New York City, many of us that can dry and irritate the skin,” Rhee explains.
fall into the habit of making common shower mistakes that
wreak havoc on our skin microbiome. Instead of selecting a product based on the front label,
Rhee suggests looking at the ingredients list, so you can
These repeat offenders can leave our skin dry, irritated, steer clear of harsh fragrances and surfactants that inflame
and ashy. Because our skin protects us from environmen- and strip your skin. She also recommends looking for a
tal stressors like UV rays, pollutants, and bacteria, Rhee gel cream or cream formulation, which is gentler than a
explains that dry and dehydrated skin doesn’t shield us translucent liquid.
from these everyday stressors as effectively. Maintaining a
healthy skin barrier is nonnegotiable, and the best way to You scrub too aggressively.
strengthen skin starts with your daily shower. It’s common to assume that scrubbing your body intensely
with soap will remove dirt and toxins better, but a rough
“The things we do every day make the biggest impact on application can actually do more harm than good for your
our lives,” Rhee says. “Thus, starting your skincare routine protective barrier.
in the shower, when all your skin is exposed and can be
taken care of, is the most intuitive place to start.” “This strips the surface of the skin, disrupts its crucial pH
balance, and leaves you more susceptible to irritation, in-
Because everyone’s skin is different, it might take some tri- flammation, infection, and imbalanced skin,” Rhee says.
al and error to figure out what shower routine works best
for you, but as a rule of thumb, these are some recurring Instead of poking and prodding your skin, apply your
shower mistakes to avoid at all costs. products in a gentle way. Rhee uses a mild soap and rubs it
on with exfoliating gloves to smooth the skin. For her face,
Your shower is extremely hot. she applies a fragrance-free face wash with her fingertips
Although a hot shower sounds comforting in the moment, in a circular motion.
cranking up the temperature doesn’t bode well for your
SPRING CLEANING skin. Taking a steamy shower strips your skin of its nat- “Remember, you’re cleansing your skin, a vital organ, not
ural sebum, lipids, and proteins, which means your skin
your bathroom floor,” Rhee says.
becomes more easily inflamed and dehydrated. Hot water
is especially problematic if you’re prone to eczema, rosa- You forget to moisturize post-shower.
April showers bring May healthier skin. cea, or dry skin because the high temperatures aggravate After you jump out of the shower and pat your skin dry,
skin conditions. moisturize your body and face as soon as possible, partic-
ularly within one minute of drying.
As a general rule, Rhee recommends using lukewarm wa-
ter, but if you really can’t forgo your piping-hot showers, “By moisturizing our skin when it’s damp right after a
she advises, “The hotter the shower, the shorter it needs to shower, it can lock in the most moisture and will start your
Opposite page: Sora Shimazaki, courtesy Your shower is too long. When your skin is fresh from a shower, your pores are
skin off every day with its maximum protective and filter-
be, and the more moisturizer you need to apply immedi-
ing potential,” Rhee says.
ately after you’re done steaming.”
Parting with your shower is dreadful, especially on chilly
open, so they will absorb the serums and moisturizers
mornings or cold evenings, but standing underneath the
much better, leaving your skin looking smooth and silky.
running showerhead for too long can damage, dehydrate,
Skipping your daily moisturizer or waiting too long after
your shower will make your skin more dry and sensitive
and irritate your skin.
than usual.
Luckily, Rhee says you don’t have to abide by the five-min-
The next time you take a shower, make sure you don’t
ute shower rule, which is a relief because, let’s be honest,
repeat any of these unhealthy skincare habits, and your
no one wants to jump in and out that quickly. If your skin is
your skin starts to prune.
86 relatively healthy, you’ll know how long is too long when skin will become radiant and glowy in no time. ■ 87