Page 119 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 119

APRÈS - MOVEMENT   Spring Café Aspen is an all-organic food and juice bar that   white sauce. He got to work on a vegan version of the NYC fa-

                opened in Aspen, in 2013. It was founded on the belief that
                                                               vorite, and that’s how “A Vegan Walks Up to a Street Cart” was
 CUISINE        food should be beautiful, delicious, and fun, and served in   born. The menu item has since become a hit!
                an environment that promotes health, vitality, and peace
                of mind. Spring Café Aspen’s mission is to share inventive
                and nutrient-dense cuisine using organic, plant-based, and
                                                               1 head cauliflower, broken into medium florets
                naturally delicious ingredients. It sources locally whenever   For the roasted cauliflower:
 Elevate your dining experience with recipes from Sabrina Rudin.  possible, implements low-waste practices, and is committed   2½ Tbsp turmeric powder
                to providing a fair, equitable, and inclusive environment for   1½ Tbsp cumin powder
                its team and customers.                        3½ Tbsp coriander powder
                                                               2 Tbsp garlic powder
                Sabrina Rudin, the café’s founder and our longtime friend   2 Tbsp onion powder
                and Tracy Anderson studio member, grew up spending   2 tsp ginger powder
                time in Aspen. She moved to Colorado after college to   2 Tbsp avocado or grapeseed oil
                teach snowboarding and realized that there weren’t many   Salt to taste
                nourishing and satisfying food options to fuel the activi-
                ty-driven lifestyle. Rudin used her lifelong experience with   For the halal-style white sauce:
                vegetarianism, organic foods, and holistic living to create   ½ cup vegan mayo
                the café. Eight years later, Spring Café Aspen has set down   ¼ cup oat milk
                its organic roots in New York City, on the corner of Mer-  1 tsp rice vinegar
                cer and West Fourth streets. The menu is a mix of Aspen   ¼ tsp garlic powder
                favorites and some NYC-inspired dishes designed in collab-  Pinch of salt
                oration with Executive Chef Alec Gross. He shares Rudin’s   Pinch of freshly ground black pepper
                commitment to local and organic produce, vegetarian cui-
                sine, and sustainable and low-waste practices.  4 naan or lavash wraps
                                                               1 avocado, sliced thin
                             BLUE BEAUTY SMOOTHIE (serves 1)   ¼ white onion, thinly sliced
                               The heart and soul of Spring Café Aspen is   1 jalapeño, sliced thin
                                the organic juice and smoothie bar, which   1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
                                 serves fresh smoothies and juices, as well   ½ head romaine hearts, chopped
                                 as a selection of cold-pressed juices. The
                                 menu rotates seasonally, but one smooth-  1. Preheat oven to 375°F. For the roasted cauliflower: In
                                 ie that’s too beloved to change is the Blue   a small bowl, combine spices and mix well. (You will have
                                Beauty. The recipe relies on organic frozen   extra to use for another time.) Toss cauliflower in spice
                               wild blueberries to keep this vibrant drink   mixture, avocado or grapeseed oil, and salt. Place on a
                              on the menu all year long.       parchment-lined sheet tray and roast for 20 minutes, until
                                                               cauliflower is crispy and has a slight char at edges. This
                INGREDIENTS                                    can be made ahead of time and will last two days in the
                1½ cups organic raw coconut water              refrigerator.
                ½ banana, frozen                               2. For the halal-style white sauce: Whisk together all ingre-
                1 cup organic wild blueberries, frozen         dients and set aside.
                1 Tbsp almond butter                           3. To serve: Lightly toast naan or lavash wraps. Arrange av-
                ¹⁄  cup organic raw coconut meat, frozen       ocado, onion, jalapeños, tomatoes, and romaine hearts on
                                                               a plate, then place roasted cauliflower on top. Drizzle white
                1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until   sauce over top, and serve with hot sauce and naan or lavash
                smooth. Pour into a glass, and enjoy!          wraps. ■
                A VEGAN WALKS UP TO A                          Sabrina Rudin founded Spring Café Aspen in Aspen, in 2013.
                STREET CART                                    She was born in New York City and spent the first six years of her
                (serves 4)                                     life at 250 Mercer Street, the same building that is now home to
                What sets Spring Café Aspen apart              Spring Café Aspen. She was raised as a vegetarian and is pas-
                from other plant-based eateries is             sionate about sharing organic, plant-based, and natural foods
         Melanie Dunea  and elevated. When discussing the      sic, snowboard, and surf. She lives in New York City with her
                                                               with her community. In her free time, she loves to sing, write mu-
                that the food is both comforting
                menu, Rudin, who is pregnant with
                                                               husband, Michael, their two sons, Lukas and Dylan, and their
                her third child, shared with Chef Alec
                that she had been craving a gyro with the classic halal cart–style   dog, Hopkins.
 Sabrina Rudin
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