Page 121 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 121

A  MAP  OF                                          MINERALS


                                 MICROMINERALS                             TRACE MINERALS
 The vitamins and minerals you need—and where to find them.  You need more of these than   You need less of these than
                                     trace minerals                            microminerals
 To keep our body running at its best means fueling it with   and minerals). Micronutrients are important for so many
 the best. To do so, we must focus on mindfully consuming   elements of peak health, such as energy levels, immunity,   CALCIUM    IRON*
 high-quality real food and a variety of it. High quality means   blood clotting, brain development, bone health, aging, and   Important for bone health and muscle function  Important to oxygenate the body
 that we get nutrients in their purest form, and a variety en-  fluid balance. However, micronutrients can’t be made by   Milk products, leafy greens,    Oysters, white beans, spinach,
 sures we’re getting all the nutrients needed. When we think   our body, so they must be consumed. Therefore, we’ve com-  fortified nondairy milks, chickpeas  dried fruit, nuts and seeds, tofu
 about nutrients, we need both macronutrients (i.e. protein,   piled some of the key micronutrients, why they’re important   (*Foods with vitamin C help your body
 fat, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (i.e. vitamins   for optimal health, and how to include them in your diet.  PHOSPHORUS    absorb iron, especially iron from
                         Important for bone health and cell membranes          nonbeef sources)
                                 Salmon, yogurt, turkey
                                    MAGNESIUM                       Important for tissue health and brain health
                         Important for body’s reactions, nerve transmis-       Crab, cashews
 VITAMINS                sion, muscle health, and bone and teeth health
                             Legumes, nuts, seeds, black beans                    ZINC
                                                                          Important for immunity and
                                      SODIUM                                  wound healing
 WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS  FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS  Important for fluid balance and blood pressure  Beans, nuts, oysters, crab, chickpeas
 These are not stored in the body  These are stored in the body  Salt, processed foods, canned soup
 VITAMIN B  VITAMIN A                 CHLORIDE                            Important for thyroid health
 Important for energy production    Important for eye and organ function,    Important for fluid balance  and reproduction
 and nervous system  healthy skin, and immunity  Seaweed, salt             Brazil nuts, sardines, ham
 Dairy, fish, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach
 B-1 (thiamine):                     POTASSIUM                                   IODINE
 Whole grains, beef, fish  VITAMIN D  Important for nerve impulses    Important for hormones, thyroid health,
 B-2 (riboflavin)    Important for immunity and bone health  and muscle function  and metabolism
 Eggs, milk  Sunlight, fish oil, milk  Lentils, acorn squash, bananas             Salt
 B-3 (niacin)
 Beef, salmon, leafy greens, beans  VITAMIN E
 B-5 (pantothenic acid):    Important for immunity, an antioxidant
 Mushrooms, tuna, avocado  that protects cells from damage
 B-6 (pyridoxine)    Sunflower seeds, wheat germ,
 Fish, milk, carrots, potatoes  almonds, avocado
 B-7 (biotin)    A complete diet of fruits and vegetables, as well as lean   such as mushrooms, fortified cereals, tofu, edamame, cal-
 Eggs, almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes  VITAMIN K    proteins and grains, usually means you’ll be getting all   cium-fortified dairy beverages, and leafy greens.
 B-9 (folate)    Important for blood clotting and bone health  the right vitamins and minerals necessary. That’s why di-
 Beef, spinach, asparagus  Leafy greens, soybeans, pumpkin  eting, eliminating entire food groups, or eating the same   While we always opt for a food-first philosophy, meaning
 B-12 (cobalamin)    foods all the time can accelerate deficiencies, which can   we try to get all our nutrients from real foods the way our
 Clams, fish, beef, spirulina,    Opposite page: Vino Li, courtesy;   This page: Tara Winstead, courtesy,   be linked to many diseases. Those following plant-based,   ancestors have for centuries, vitamin and mineral supple-
 nutritional yeast, chlorella  vegetarian, and vegan diets can still maintain proper levels   ments can also be used. These work by providing your body
                of their micronutrients with just a little extra attention and   with a synthetic version of a vitamin or nutrient if you’re
 VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid)    care. Vitamin B-12, calcium, iron, and zinc are all micro-  deficient and struggling to include it. We recommend the
 Important for collagen production  Mockup Graphics  nutrients that are easier to get from animal-based prod-  advice of a professional alongside a blood test to determine
 Citrus fruits, bell peppers, tomato,    ucts. However, with proper planning and healthy choices,   what micronutrients you could use more of and how to sup-
 broccoli, brussels sprouts  these micronutrients can be obtained from other sources,   plement to meet your body’s requirements.  ■

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