Page 125 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 125

Please note that we are using a PURE Juicer. The instruc-  2 ⁄ cup small purple potatoes
 tions  will be slightly different  than for  other juicers but   Black pepper (for garnish)
 these recipes are great for any juicer—we just recommend
 adding 25 percent more produce for the same serving size.  Put a strainer inside a large bowl, under the PURE Juicer
 feed tube. Grind black grapes and apples.
 FOR SKIN: BETA CAROTENE   1. Wrap mashed ingredients in a press cloth or bag.
 Each food has a compound for protein absorption and cel-  2. Cut red cabbage into lengthwise pieces to fit the feed
 lular building.   tube of a PURE Juicer.
 3. Grind cabbage and potatoes together.
 Nutrition impacts the skin, which relies on what the body   4. Wrap mashed ingredients in a press cloth or bag.
 provides to do its job: hydration, enzymes for multiple func-  5. Press bags into a large pitcher using the hydraulic press.
 tions, vitamins, minerals, and more, which can come from   6. Serve with a grind of fresh black pepper on top.
 this delicious juice and a healthy lifestyle.
 Topical treatments with these nutrients can make a differ-  Each of the foods in this recipe has tremendous antioxi-
 ence in the health of our skin too, but the body plays a vital   dant and anti-inflammatory properties and also helps with
 role in our skin’s health and vibrancy.   blood purification.

 1 ⁄ cup orange pumpkin or butternut squash  1 ⁄ cups broccoli (include the stalk, it’s delicious!)
 2 carrots  1 ⁄ cups green cabbage
 1½ Granny Smith apples  2 ⁄ cup radishes
 1 ⁄ cup watercress   1 ⁄ cups dandelion greens
 1 ⁄ cup orange bell pepper  1 ⁄ cups cilantro
 Pumpkin spice (for garnish)  Ground cloves (for garnish)
 1.  Cut all ingredients into lengthwise pieces to fit the feed   1.  Cut all ingredients into lengthwise pieces to fit the feed
 tube of a PURE Juicer.   tube of a PURE Juicer. For greens, cut ends off, fold in
 2. Grind all ingredients together.   half, and move through feed tube.
 3. Wrap mashed ingredients in a press cloth or bag.  2. Grind all ingredients together in a PURE Juicer.
 4. Press into a large pitcher using the hydraulic press.  3. Wrap mashed ingredients in a press cloth or bag.
 5. Serve with a shake of pumpkin spice on top.   4. Press into a large pitcher using the hydraulic press.
 5. Serve with a shake of cloves on top.
 This combo is packed with nutrients that our brain loves.   Note: These are great as a traditional juice or frozen into
 Purple potatoes, although usually served cooked, boast in-  juice cubes (we used a rose ice cube mold, at right).
 credible benefits when you eat them raw. They contain the
 bioactive anthocyanin, which is known to improve cognition   FOR METABOLISM AND MITOCHONDRIA: LYCOPENE
 and prevent inflammatory damage to brain cells. Raw purple   Each food has substrates and cofactors for the electron
 potatoes are a resistant starch, meaning they are not digest-  transport chain. The electron transport chain consists of
 ed in the small intestine; instead they become a prebiotic in   five enzyme complexes, all of which require cofactors for
 the large intestine. Red cabbage contains two to three times   their enzymes to function and substrates for the enzymes
 the amount of vitamin C of other cabbages and is rich in the   to “work on.” The chain’s function is oxidative phosphory-
 antioxidant anthocyanin. Granny Smith apples go well with   lation to synthesize the energy molecule adenosine triphos-
 vegetables and have a low glycemic index.  phate (ATP).

 INGREDIENTS   The mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cell” because it
 1 cup black grapes  stores and creates energy for our cells and body from ATP.
 2 small to medium Granny Smith apples  If constant triggers cause inflammation, what happens to
 1 ⁄ cup red cabbage  our energy/ATP when our body is in a continuous battle in

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