Page 132 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
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my spine at age 19. In an effort to reconnect with my body, “IN FACT, NEW
My life has been one long learning journey since breaking
ers, scientists, strangers, books, movies, and inspirational RESEARCH RECKONS
I looked for teachers everywhere: in parents, friends, heal-
quotes on bus stops. THAT 88 PERCENT
that changed everything. I was one of the first nondiabetics OF NONDIABETICS
Then, four years ago, I started learning from my body. And
tached to the arm for two weeks that measure our glucose LIKELY EXPERIENCE
to put on a continuous glucose monitor, circular devices at-
tion to our phone. Thanks to it, I could see spikes (sharp GLUCOSE SPIKES
(blood sugar) levels continuously, and send the informa-
increases in glucose)—and spikes meant that something I EVERY DAY.”
just ate was causing my insides trouble.
My glucose levels showed me that anxiety and brain fog flattens the glucose curve of that meal. Holding a plank or
were linked to spikes. That I didn’t respond well to cook- doing some squats in front of the TV also works. Just saying.
ies, but that brownies were a better option. That my 11 a.m.
craving was due to my breakfast choice (when I thought it 3. Refuel with a glucose-steady smoothie. You’ve heard
was due to stress), and that my lethargy was due to a glu- from Tracy that smoothies are a great way to refuel after
cose crash after my afternoon oat latte. That there was a a workout. But not all smoothies are created equal. Some
reason I had more cravings right before my period. That will do you more harm than good. Avoid smoothies made of
I felt crappy in the morning not because of my sleep, but just fruit, because they’ll send your glucose levels through
because my dinner had caused spikes throughout the night. the roof, inflame and age you instead of keeping you in top
shape. Make sure to always incorporate protein (e.g. pro-
I dove into the science, and spent a year putting it all to- tein powder), fat (nut butter, avocados, coconut milk), and
gether and learning hacks to keep my glucose levels steady. fiber (from fruit, berries are your best bet).
And boy, did I feel better—my acne cleared up, my weight
steadied, I felt energized all day long, I slept better, and my 4. Incorporate vinegar into your diet. Either in your salad
brain fog was long gone. dressings, or in water, vinegar will help keep your glucose
steady. It slows down the breakdown of starches, and tells
Odds are, you’re spiking every day without knowing it, our muscles to uptake more glucose (a bit like what hap-
too—just like I did. In fact, new research reckons that 88 pens during a workout). You can try a teaspoon of vinegar
percent of nondiabetics likely experience glucose spikes ev- in a tall glass of water before a meal (up to one hour before
ery day. Those translate to inflammation, aging, cravings, a meal works) or in a vinaigrette on your salad.
dysregulated mood, poor sleep, and sex hormones going
haywire. Many symptoms you feel every day could be due to 5. Eat foods in the right order. When faced with a meal, eat
your glucose levels being out of balance. your veggies and protein first, and starches and sugars last.
This will on average flatten the glucose spike from your meal
I have been fueling the Glucose Goddess community with by more than 50 percent. Of course, if you’re having a pro-
easy tips to avoid glucose spikes—without going on a diet. tein smoothie or a mixed dish and can’t do this, don’t stress
And now, I’m here to share a few with you.
it. People in the community have lost weight (even post-
menopausal weight) just by implementing this easy hack.
Try out these tips, and see how you feel. And do let me
eat your favorite cookie or cake without setting off a chain
LEARN FR OM THE Cristina Matos Albers, Unsplash; Anys Holdstock. 1. Eat your cake before or after a workout. Here’s how to Jessie Inchauspé is the founder of the widely popular @glucose-
reaction of spikes and cravings for the rest of the day: Eat
know! Reach out @glucosegoddess on Instagram. ■
your sweet indulgence up to one hour before or one hour
after a workout. Your working muscles will soak up the
SCIEN CE WITHIN glucose as you digest it. You’ll eat your cake, but avoid the goddess Instagram account, teaching her more than 120,000
spike, so you’ll avoid cravings later on.
followers about healthy food habits. She invented a new way to
illustrate nutrition science, which is helping people learn how to
in mathematics from King’s College, London, and a master’s in
lent for combating postmeal sleepiness. Just 10 minutes of
Jessie Inchauspé incorporates technology to understand her body’s 2. Go for a 10-minute walk after each meal. This is excel- eat to heal physical and mental struggles. She holds a bachelor’s
walking, started within one hour of the end of your meal,
biochemistry from Georgetown University.
glucose cadence.
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