Page 137 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 137
You picked up this magazine because you follow a control and moisture. After all, polishing your car
healthy lifestyle—this is a Tracy Anderson magazine, doesn’t make it go faster, but it sure looks nicer
after all. We are constantly looking for the newest getting there! Try the Davines Vegetarian Miracle
tips on health, but whether it’s food, vitamins, skin- Mask. It’s a clean brand, and it also smells amazing!
care, or makeup, we sometimes forget about the lit- The next myth is that trimming your hair will make
tle strands sitting on top of our heads. it grow. Wrong! Trimming your ends will make your
hair look more polished and appear thicker, but that’s
Hair health does not, unfortunately, involve instant as far as you’ll get.
gratification, but if we adjust a few easy hair care
steps, you’ll see the results. I’m here to debunk a few However, trimming your hair reduces tangled ends,
hair myths and put some life back into these under- and that’s a more important topic: tangles. Please
inspired hair follicles. Which leads me to my first and drop everything and buy the Extension Removal
most important topic: Happy follicle, happy hair! Brush from Sheila Stotts. Pick up a small one for your
purse as well! It’s the preferred brush of every celeb-
First myth: Is my hair dead? Nothing you put on your rity stylist I know. Don’t be fooled by the simple look
hair can make it grow faster, because all the hair you of this brush—it means business. It gently glides over
see is no longer living. This doesn’t mean your entire tangles until the job is done, leaving no trace of a
hair shaft is dead—just the visible part. So we have to struggle. I’ve ordered endless numbers of these for
start thinking about our hair from the inside out and Tracy, and they are even Penny approved! To wrap
give our scalp and follicles a little TLC. I call this the up the tangled-hair myth, you’ll need to grab a silk
follicle finesse, and the easiest way is a good pillowcase—they are proven to reduce fric-
old-fashioned shampoo. Besides your day- tion by 43 percent. Not only will they tame
to-day shampoo, pop a detoxifying scalp your hair while sleeping, they are also hy-
shampoo in your shower for a once-a-week poallergenic and antiaging by reducing
scrub-down. And when I say scrub-down, I stretching and tugging on delicate facial
mean it—make sure to scrub and stimulate skin. My go-tos for affordability and great
for at least a minute, rinse, and repeat. quality are Slip and Blissy.
There are so many detox shampoos on the Final myth: Coloring my hair will ruin it.
market with loads of invigorating ingredi- Nope, not with a professional colorist, at
ents, but my personal favorite is Davines least. I’ve been a colorist for 15 years, and
Energizing Shampoo. It’s designed with I’ve seen my fair share of boxed brunette
a Hair Energy Complex and will wake up Korey Fitzpatrick and bleached blonde breakage. I’ve also
your follicles in no time. Another must- had every color in the rainbow on my head
have: the Art+Acre Cold Pressed Scalp Detox. This and still have long and thick hair because I colored it
detox gently removes unnecessary elements while properly. Coloring your hair is a much more complex
stimulating blood circulation and hair growth. process than you imagine—it takes professional col-
orists years to learn their formulas and techniques.
And finally, a clarifying shampoo! I style women’s Make sure you really do your research and find a col-
hair every single day, from the Upper East Side to orist who will take the time and be honest about your
Beverly Hills. I see one thing way too often: clean end results. Unfortunately these services are long and
hair that just isn’t clean. Now this doesn’t mean pricey when you’re seeing a true professional, but the
wash every day, just that when you do wash, really get results will pay off when you walk out with Pinter-
in there! If you’re taking a Tracy Anderson Method est-worthy hair. It is on top of your head, after all, so
class, I know for certain you are sweating profusely it’s definitely worth the time and investment. ■
at least five times a week. This means you need a
FOLLICLE F A C T OR clarifying shampoo. One of my favorites is the Ouai Korey Fitzpatrick has been a celebrity hairstylist for 15 years
and has been taming Tracy’s hair for almost 10 of them!
Detox Shampoo. It will wash away dirt, oil, and
She has seen the good, the bad, and the broken in the
buildup, leaving your hair squeaky-clean. This is an
TK TK TK TK TK Alexander Krivitskiy intense shampoo and should be used about twice hair world, and it has made her extra passionate about
all things healthy hair. Specializing in color, extensions,
a month. Pop these three favorites in your weekly
cutting, and styling, Korey has sought out the best ways
routine, and you’ll be Rapunzel in no time.
her client. Healthy hair doesn’t mean boring hair, and her
Opiorae hocchum, ustrum quam nonsil unir adhuctam aut fue inatus bon sta. Air masks have a role to play, too. They can add to keep hair healthy while still achieving the end goal of
Korey Fitzpatrick breaks down your healthy-hair myths and best practices.
mission is to tell us how.
temporary relief to damaged hair by giving a little
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