Page 140 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 140

livia Palermo is the original multi-hyphen-  From a young age I was immersed in the world of auction           to spend your money well, have a great product, and feel   Anything Moncler.
                            ate. Long before likes, follows, and shares,   houses through my aunt, whether it was costume jewelry          amazing. Having that extra weight attached to the Art
                            Palermo was a front-row fixture and a mod-  or fashion. Later in life, studying in Paris and being in a        Deco chain link that we’ve done with our eye shadow pal-  You’re amazing on the slopes! You’re always so impec-
                            ern-day swan on the Manhattan social cir-  different environment, I was able to understand the fash-           ettes and lipsticks is a nod to my vintage bracelet. Every-  cably yet effortlessly dressed. What do you wear when
                Ocuit. Fast-forward to a decade later, and Pal-  ion houses and the craftsmanship, which gave me a dif-                    thing’s connected, and there’s always a story. Our future   we’re all in our sweats?
                ermo has translated her world into highly engaging and   ferent perspective as an American living in a foreign city.       is beauty, and we’re excited about it. There’s still so much
                dynamic content on her e-commerce and editorial plat-  Growing up with dyslexia, there is a creative aspect of that        we can do, and to cater to my women and men so they can   A cute cashmere set or a mixture of cashmere top with a
                form ( through her new beauty label,   that you use as an outlet. So, for me, I wanted to create my      enjoy skincare as much as possible is thrilling.  chic, tailored track pant. It looks more trouser-y.
                Olivia Palermo Beauty, all while simultaneously providing   own space, but it had to make sense. Why are we doing
                daily inspo to her 6.6 million (and growing) following on   this? What is the purpose? Everything is an organic expe-      When you talk about going to the auction houses, seeing   What is a fashion never?
                Instagram. However, beneath the glossy veneer lies an art-  rience, and it has to be the right fit.                        real craftsmanship up close in fashion, and then launch-
                ist—someone who uses each touch point she comes across                                                                     ing beauty, you marinate in things that are beautiful and   Birkenstocks, Tevas, Crocs, and clogs. Also, beanies and
                in her life as fuel for her budding business empire.  I love that you talk about being dyslexic, and it’s interest-        show in everything you bring forward. What drives this?  summer scarves. There’s quite a list, but that’s a good start.
                                                               ing that you can relate that to your creativity. It’s import-
                Beginning with ready-to-wear, Palermo captured the max-  ant for people to know that. Building off this, it sounds         My personal and brand ethos is to have a happy balance be-  How do you get through the tougher parts of your career?
                imalist energy of her ward-                                           like your aunt has extraor-                          tween creative work and self-care. Taking care of yourself
                robe with a modern slant.                                             dinary taste, and I know                             in a wellness space. Finding the Tracy Anderson Method   It’s important to have a moment of reflection every day—
                Playing the role of muse and                                          your mom has an impecca-                             years ago and working with you to keep me in my best form   things you want to work on, things you think about after.
                designer, the collection was                                          ble eye. When did you real-                          has benefited me tremendously. We’re all so busy, but you   Writing down lists and checking them off. It can be very
                a multigeneration sensation                                           ize that it’s not always about                       need to cut in that time—maybe it’s waking up a bit earli-  helpful going into a new day. You want to start fresh and
                yielding a sell-out of its debut                                      buying  the  most  expensive                         er to find that space. You’re sweating out all those toxins   in a great way. ■
                offering. Her team, compris-                                          piece?                                               and will regenerate those skin cells to make you feel better
                ing an eclectic mash-up of                                                                                                 and your skin look better. Plus, it will highlight the beauty   To discover and shop Olivia Palermo Beauty’s latest products,
                business and creative minds,                                          That  was  something  I                              products and skincare we’re looking to have in everybody’s   please visit or follow @oliviapalermobeauty
                are sprinkled across the                                              learned early on. If some-                           beauty wardrobe.                               on Instagram.
                globe in New York, London,                                            thing’s great, it’s great. It
                Paris, Berlin, and Beijing,                                           doesn’t matter how much it                           How do we wear Poppy?
                which explains why Palermo’s                                          costs. You can mix a great
                jam-packed schedule starts in                                         Manolo Blahnik with a                                I love Poppy with a minimal eye, a great lash, and a touch
                the morning and goes late                                             Bolton handbag. It’s about                           of gold at the eye and having that red lip be a statement.
                into the evening. But for Pal-                                        finding a great piece and                            It depends, though—sometimes you want a pouty look,
                ermo, any venture she’s taken                                         working it with your ward-                           sometimes you want a stain, and other times you want a
                on is about empowering her                                            robe. Zara is great, though                          very clean red lip. It depends on what you’re wearing, what
                community.                                                            during the pandemic, I ed-                           vibe you want to give off... and everyone wears their glam
                                                                                      ited back. Now I’m focusing                          in their own way. It’s inspiring to see how the Olivia Paler-
                Her latest project? Olivia Pal-                                       on investment pieces. As you                         mo Beauty community put on their glam.
                ermo Beauty, a nugget of an                                           get older, you do tend to do
                idea long before its launch,                                          that. However, when I travel,                        What has been the one point in your career so far where
                with  design  cues rooted in                                          I pop into Zara. It’s great and                      you thought “I never thought I would be here”?
                pieces from her childhood.                                            so easy, but I like to invest.
                Luxe touches wrap a care-                                                                                                  I haven’t had that moment yet. I’ve always put my head
                fully curated collection with                                         Keeping an eye on the fu-                            down, focused on something I want to accomplish, and let
                shades meant to work for all skin tones, something that   ture, where do you want to focus the most?                       the work speak for itself. There have been times where if I
                Palermo championed long before it became de rigueur.                                                                       can’t find it or do it myself, I’ve found the people who can
                Providing something to help everyone feel (and look)   On Olivia Palermo Beauty and making a woman feel beau-              help build those tools to achieve anything.
                their best is the reason why Palermo isn’t fazed by the   tiful. When we started over two and a half years ago, the
                competition in the space. And because of that mindset, we   world was in a different place. During the pandemic we         That means the best is yet to come from Olivia Palermo.
                asked Palermo to divulge the details on her brand and her   decided to move on from [Olivia Palermo] Collection and        What is your favorite city that inspires you creatively?
                fashion ethos.                                 keep beauty moving forward. There’s a place for everyone
                                                               in the marketplace, and we’re trying to bring back luxury                   Milan, Tokyo, and New York. I get a lot of inspiration when
                At what moment did you realize there was a creative   and quality to your beauty shelf and cabinet. Making sure            I’m in Milan, from the fabrics to the restaurants to the art.
                world inside you that could be communicated through   the packaging from the exterior is equal to the product
                your presence?                                 inside, and that the product itself is a luxury experience.                 What is the one outfit you have a soft spot for?
                                                               At the end of the day, what’s important is that you want

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