Page 131 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 131

Juices that say, “Drink me!”
 drinking     INGREDIENT S:

              1 medium yellow beet
 If you’re looking    potions  6 large carrots
 to reboot your health,   1 handful of spinach
              1-inch piece of ginger
 juice cleanses bring
 about magical results.
              MILK (Before Bed)
 They are known    ALMOND-CINNAMON
 to remove toxins,    Makes 20 oz
 pollutants, and    GO GREEN
 preservatives from the   (Morning)   Fresh homemade almond milk
 body. They’re also a   (makes 20 oz)      with cinnamon is a perfect cap
 Three major dark leafy greens go
              for the day. Rich in magnesium,
 great way to give your   into this juice to give it the green   potassium, copper, and vitamin
 22  digestive system a reset.  Here is a suggested cleanse that   light of juicing. Leafy greens help   E, it prepares us for sleep and   22
 temper blood-sugar swings and
              will nourish our system for a
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  claim to have increased   the ingredients and enjoy. Please   4 handfuls of spinach  INGREDIENT S:  Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
 are filled with phytochemicals to
              new day. Cinnamon is healing
 Juice cleanses work
              in many ways. It is antibacterial,
 fills our bellies and powers up
 support the entire body.
 everyone. Many people
 for one day or more. Just blend
              and delicious
 124  well for just about   our bodies. This can be done   INGREDIENT S:   antiviral, high in antioxidants...      125
 note: Always check with a
 energy and vitality
 medical professional if you have
 3-5 kale leaves
 after a juice cleanse.
 any medical concerns before
 1 medium cucumber
              19 oz filtered water
 weight, and others learn
              2 pitted dates (optional, for
 5 celery stalks
 C  Some people lose   you begin.  4 parsley stems and leaves  1½ cups almonds                                       C
 Please use the instructions on
 1-2 granny smith apples (if
 TRA  how their body feels   your juicer for the best results. We   sweetness is desired)  Dash of cinnamon          TRA
 when it’s working at   used a PURE Juicer to juice 20 oz
 optimum performance.   per serving. PURE Juicer will yield   Cleansing does not have to be
 The results don’t end   about 30% more than other juicers,    CARROT TOP   an all-or-nothing endeavor.
              Certainly, you can drink only
 there: sleep typically   so please adjust the quantities   Makes 20 oz  juice for a complete detoxifying
 improves, skin    cleanse, but you can also choose
 brightens, and bound-  There is more to the carrot than   to do a modified starter cleanse.
 less energy can be    LEMON-ALOE   meets the eye. Carrots cleanse   Whatever your choice, start the
 (Wake-Up Shot)
              process by including green drinks
 the body, brighten the skin, and
 experienced.   provide an extra boost of ener-  into your daily diet. Once you
 Makes 20 oz
 gy. Spinach and ginger are great   are used to this healthy habit or
 - Excerpt from    INGREDIENT S  for digestion while yellow beet   daily juicing, a cleanse might be
 The Ultimate Book of Modern   brightens our juice and immune   easier to complete and something
 Juicing, by Mimi Kirk  1/2 lemon, juiced  system.  you look forward to.
 2 cubes of raw aloe (from aloe leaf)
 Coconut water (optional)  What to eat for dinner? After
 three healing juices, you may
 choose something nutritious
 and light at dinner such as soup,
 salad, or steamed veggies. Savor
 your meal slowly.
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