Page 126 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 126

Why you should start incorporating fungi to your diet, by DR. UMA NAIDOO

               As a nutritional psychiatrist, one of my principles for eating for im-
               proved mental health is to include lots of fiber-rich and nutrient-dense
               plant foods into meals. One such food is mushrooms.

               Mushrooms are a highly versatile “meaty” plant food that, interestingly, are actually
               fungi, not vegetables. They also come in a variety of types. There are mushrooms we eat,
               which are cooked in soups or veggie dishes; adaptogenic mushrooms, which tend to be   This variety is still illegal in most parts
               consumed as teas, and toxic or hallucinogenic versions, which have been getting a lot of   of the world. They contain  Psilocybin,
               attention recently for their suggested mind-altering benefits. Simply put, these varieties   which is suggested to have powerful
               of mushrooms have unique mood-boosting potential that are worth discussing.  abilities to alter brain chemistry in a way
        22     Mushrooms as Food I’m sure we all first think of the classic white button   that greatly improves symptoms of de-
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  most essential nutrients for mental fitness. Shiitake mushrooms are a hearty, edible   of their therapeutic benefits. However, I
                                                                                pression and anxiety. 
               mushrooms, but there are many more we can include in cooking that have notable

                                                                                ed therapies is growing. Recent clinical
                                                                                trials have demonstrated strong evidence
               Mushrooms are one of the few plant sources of vitamin D and vitamin B, two of the
       120     health benefits.                                                 Research behind these psychedelic-assist-
                                                                                strongly encourage anyone with an inter-
               mushroom that contains nearly all of the amino acids needed to support healthy
                                                                                est in trying psychedelic mushrooms to
               brain function, cellular activity, and structure. Portobello mushrooms—a popular
               helps maintain energy levels and resist brain fog. Porcini mushrooms are naturally
                                                                                edgeable in the most updated research.
               high in the antioxidant ergothioneine, which has been linked to reduced risk of cog-
        C      meat alternative in burgers and sandwiches—are notably high in potassium, which   first consult with a psychiatrist  knowl-
        TRA    nitive decline and depression.                                   In Nutritional Psychiatry, we know that
                                                                                the many nutrients, antioxidants, and
               Adaptogenic Mushrooms Another category of mushroom is that of the   fiber contained in mushrooms support
               adaptogenic variety, which have been getting attention recently due to the develop-  improved mental fitness and emotional
               ment of infused teas and elixirs. Reishi mushrooms, for example, are rich in beta   well-being. I promote the use of a whole-
               glucans and ganoderic acids. They have been shown to reduce symptoms of depres-  some, nutritious diet as a means of im-
               sion and fatigue.                                                proving gut health, mental fitness, and
                                                                                emotional well-being. Mushrooms should
               Meanwhile, lion’s mane is a medicinal mushroom that has powerful effects in sup-  be a component of a plant-based diet and
               porting the nervous system and mental health. It has been shown to reduce the risk of   are highly nutritious, containing bioactive
               Alzheimer’s, memory loss, and boost overall mental function. Beverages containing each   compounds like beta-glucan that activate
               of these mushroom varieties have become popular as coffee alternatives for those sen-  the immune system. They are also excel-
               sitive to caffeine. They help support energy and focus without being overly stimulating.   lent sources of gut healthy, dietary pre-
                                                                                biotic fiber. The adaptogenic versions are
               ‘Magic’ Mushrooms Psychedelic or “magic” mushrooms are a final variety of   rapidly  gaining  presence  throughout  the
               mushrooms that have become a hot topic in regard to mental health.  field of wellness, while the psychedelic ver-
                                                                                sions offer great opportunities in research
                                                                                for additional therapeutic means.

                                                                                Ask yourself: How will you introduce   JAN NAKHONKAE
                                                                                these foods to your current diet?  TA
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