Page 123 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 123

MAIN C OURSE ENERG Y                         MAIN C OURSE ENERG Y

              WITH MINT-
              (serves 3 to 4)
              INGREDIENT S

              For the cauliflower steaks:
              1 head cauliflower
              1 Tbsp olive oil
              Salt to taste
              ¼ cup pomegranate seeds
              Mint leaves (optional garnish)

              For the pesto:
              1 cup fresh mint
              1 small shallot, chopped
 22           1 garlic clove, regular or black                                                                       22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  PREP AR ATION          WITH AIOLI SAUCE                                                Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
              Zest of 1 small lemon

              ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
              1 tsp salt
 116          1 Tbsp lemon juice                     TURKEY AND VEGGIE BALLS                                       117

                                                     (serves 3 to 4)
              For the cauliflower steaks:
              2. Trim stem off cauliflower
                head. Cut head of cauliflower,
                                                     For the balls:
 C            1. Preheat oven to 425°F.              INGREDIENT S                    PREP AR ATION                   C
                                                                                     For the sauce:
 TRA            vertically (top to bottom)           2 medium carrots, peeled and trimmed  1. Mix ingredients to combine   TRA
                into 1-inch-thick steaks.            1 small zucchini, ends trimmed    and refrigerate until needed.
                Brush each side with oil and         1 cup cooked rice
                sprinkle with salt.                  1 lb ground turkey              For the balls:
              3. Heat oil in a frying or cast        1 tsp salt                      1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
                iron pan. Sear on both sides                                         2. Cut carrots and zucchini in
                for 3 to 4 minutes until             For the sauce:                    smaller pieces. Place in a
                browned or golden brown.             ½ cup vegan mayonnaise            ood processor and
                Place on a baking sheet              1 tsp Dijon mustard               pulse until roughly ground
                and bake for 5 to 8 minutes          1 clove garlic, grated            (or grate them).
                until fork tender.                   1 tsp olive oil                 3. Combine with rice, ground
              4. Drizzle with mint-                  Pinch of salt                     turkey, and salt.
                pomegranate pesto and                                                4. Make small (2 Tbsp) rounds
                garnish with pomegranate                                               with the mix.
                seeds and mint leaves.                                               5. In a large frying pan over
                                                                                       medium-high heat, sear balls
              For the pesto:                                                           on each side until golden
              1. Place ingredients in a                                                brown (about 5 minutes).
                food processor or blender,                                           6. Transfer to a parchment
                pulse until smooth.                                                    paper lined baking sheet and
                                                                                       bake for 5 to 8 minutes or
                                                                                       until fully cooked.
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