Page 125 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 125

MAIN C OURSE ENERG Y                         MAIN C OURSE ENERG Y

 (serves 4 to 6)


 For the snapper:
 3 Tbsp DIY taco seasoning
 ¼ extra virgin olive oil
 1 Tbsp lime juice
 1½ lbs red snapper

 For the seasoning:
 1 Tbsp chili powder
 1 Tbsp sea salt
 1 Tbsp smoked paprika
 1 Tbsp cumin
 1 Tbsp onion powder
 1 Tbsp garlic powder
 1 Tbsp oregano
 22  PREP AR ATION                                                                                                   22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  resealable plastic bag.                                                                Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20

 1. Add ingredients, along with
 118  For the seasoning:                                                                                           119
 oil and lime juice, into a
 Shake to combine. Add fish
 to marinade and refrigerate
 for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
 C  MUSHROOM FAJITAS IN BUTTERHEAD   For the snapper:                                                                C
 TRA  (serves 4)  1. Remove from marinade and                                                                        TRA
 place on a grill basket.
 INGREDIENT S  PREP AR ATION  2. Grill at high heat for 5 to 8
 minutes, flipping half-way.
 1 medium red onion, sliced  For the seasoning:  Remove from heat and
 3 bell peppers (red, yellow, and green)  1. Add ingredients into a small container   let rest for 5 minutes. Remove
 16 oz baby bella mushrooms, sliced  with a lid. Shake to combine.    from grill basket and plate.
 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced  Store with the rest of your spices
 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil  and use as needed.
 2 Tbsp DIY taco seasoning
 1 butterhead lettuce, leaves carefully   For the fajitas:
 separated, washed, and dried.  1. In a large frying pan or wok,
 heat oil over medium-high heat.
 For the seasoning:  Sauté onions for 2 minutes.
 1 Tbsp chili powder  2. Add garlic and cook until aromatic
 1 Tbsp sea salt  (about 1 minute).
 1 Tbsp smoked paprika  3. Add mushrooms and cook for
 1 Tbsp cumin  2 minutes then add peppers and cook
 1 Tbsp onion powder  for an additional 2 minutes.
 1 Tbsp garlic powder  4. Mix seasoning in ¼ cup water
 1 Tbsp oregano  and pour in the mixture. Serve on
 lettuce cups.
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