Page 59 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 59

Black Cut-Out Coverup by RICK OWENS,      How your DNA can impact your workout, BY DR. JOSEPH RAFFAELE
 Amaya Black Crop Top by DEVON WINDSOR,
 Underwear by REEBOK,    internal versus
              external wellness

              What makes you uniquely you, and can it be transformed?
                         It’s written in your genes, but probably not how you would think.

                            One could arguably say that your genome, the complete set of im-
                            mutable genetic instructions made up of the DNA found in every
                            cell, is uniquely yours. In fact, even identical twins who start out
                            as one embryo may develop slight differences in their genome soon
                            after dividing into two.
                                                                                mechanisms that cells use to control gene
                            How, what, and when your genes are expressed dramatically af-  expression. In my practice, we use the
                            fects the behavior and function of every cell in your body. For   most  advanced  epigenetic  test  company
                            instance, how your genes express has an impact on your state of   to assess physiological aging through the
 22                         health, your sense of well-being, and even your appearance. The   eyes of the epigenome.   22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  changing its sequence. These epigenetic markers direct your DNA   a test called the Pace of Aging that looks   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                            answer to why some people look, act, and feel 10 years younger
                            (or older!) than they are is due in large part to their epigenomes.
                                                                                The suite of blood-based tests evaluates
                        1  Fitzgerald KN, Hodges R, Hanes D, Stack E, Cheishvili D, Szyf M, et al. Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet
                                                                                time to describe your intrinsic and im-
                                                                                mune system aging. Uniquely, it also has
                            consists of chemical compounds that attach to your DNA without
 54                         Your epigenome, ‘epi-’ from the Greek word meaning ‘above,’   epigenetic markers accumulated over   55
                                                                                at epigenetic changes occurring in a dy-
                            to turn genes on or off depending on the cell type needed during
                          and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial. Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Apr 12;13(7):9419–32.
                            development, or in response to the environment. It’s this very pro-
                                                                                namic fashion and describes your years
                            nose, and also guides your cells in adapting to what you put in
                                                                                cise moment your blood sample is tak-
                                                                                en. This is like having a needle-moving
                            your body, changes in your environment, or your behavior.
 C                          cess that distinguishes the cells of your toes from the cells of your   of biological aging, per year, at the pre-  C
 TRA                                                                            speedometer of aging. Knowing your   TRA
                            If you think of DNA as notes on a page of music and the body’s   rate of aging allows you to compare
                            cells as instruments in an orchestra, then epigenetics is the way   your past history from current influenc-
                            the conductor directs the orchestra to play. Imagine how the   es which are regulated in part by ongo-
                            music could be altered depending on what, when, and how an   ing, modifiable lifestyle factors. This is
                            instrument is led by the conductor. Now consider how the con-  important, up-to-the-minute  feedback
                            ductor’s lifestyle might have a significant impact on how well she   on steps you may have taken to improve
                            leads the orchestra: If she’s not getting enough sleep, drinking too   your physical and mental health, or a re-
                            much alcohol, smoking, experiencing chronic stress, consuming   minder that things are slipping.
                            inflammatory foods, not exercising, or living in an area with high
                            pollution rates, the sound of the symphony could be dramatically   Studies have shown that reversing bad
                            altered. This change in the “music” is a result of how she lives and   habits, and adding a few good ones like
                            is remembered in the body by the altered epigenome and remark-  yoga and meditation, can have a quan-
                            ably can be passed down to her son or daughter.     tifiable impact on the arrangement of
                                                                                your epigenetic markers. Just this year,
                            These epigenetic markers are arranged in characteristic patterns   a study showed that an 8-week program
                            and have been employed to gauge physiological age or epigenetic   of lifestyle and dietary interventions ,
                            clocks. These DNA methylation clocks are named for one of the   along with probiotics and phytonutri-
                                                                                ents, can reverse aging by a remarkable
                                                                                3.2 years as measured by an epigenetic
                                                                                clock. You are truly the conductor of
                                                                                your epigenome! TA
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