Page 63 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 63


 fasting turns on the body’s natural defenses against diseases   looking around and noticing things that you might not have
 and aging, including the process of autophagy, which recycles   seen before, maybe a uniquely colored bird, the way the light
 old and damaged proteins.   hits a corner in your house, or a sense of appreciation as the
 sun rises in the morning. Awe can be found in even the small-
 4.  est of details.
 Tune into your natural hunger signals
 Getting in touch with your child-like natural hunger signals   8.
 is one of the best ways to develop a healthy relationship with   Sleep as much as you can
 food. Try to strip away any story about how your body should   Children regularly get double digits in hours of sleep each
 look, and simply drink more unsweetened beverages to reduce   night. Adults don’t necessarily need that much, but sleep depri-
 hunger and eat moderate amounts of wholesome, nourishing   vation is a real and pervasive health concern. Sleep is incredibly
 food when you do feel hungry.   important for overall health. Genes that control the pace of ag-
 ing, such as the SIRT1 gene, also control our daily sleep-wake
 5  “circadian” rhythms. This may be why aging is accompanied
 Turn to the element of surprise   by a disruption of daily sleep-wake cycles and a lack of sleep
 If you tune into your inner child and they are misbehaving,   increases susceptibility to diseases. A lack of sleep, for example,
 you might need to add an element of surprise to wake up your   is tied to a dysregulation of metabolism and a hormone imbal-
 body’s natural defenses against aging. Treatments such as sau-  ance, while a single night of poor sleep leads to an increase in
 nas, and cold therapy or cryotherapy, put momentary stress on   beta-amyloid, a protein in the brain associated with impaired
 your system to boost cellular repair systems, a process called   brain function and Alzheimer’s disease.
 “hormesis.” Regular sauna bathing decreases the chances of a
 22  heart attack and cold therapy is known to elicit anti-inflamma-  Okay, so children aren’t necessarily adventurous eaters, but   22  22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  liquids out of their bottles or sippy cups. Your body is made   grams. Examples include resveratrol in red wine and EGCG in   and anxiety. Practicing regular meditation, breathwork, and   12.   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
 Eat the rainbow
 tory and immune-boosting benefits.
 Drink water constantly
 rience adversity, such as a lack of light or water or nutrients,
 58  Children  spend  the majority  of  their  day constantly  sipping   they do love to get colorful and creative. When plants expe-  59
 they make colorful molecules that turn on plant survival pro-
 up of approximately 60% water, and every system in your
 matcha green tea. When we ingest these molecules, they turn
 on our own body’s defenses against adversity, possibly because
 body functions better when you stay hydrated. Keep your own
                                                                       Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
 run out.  Because these molecules often have color, get creative
              as your inner child needs them to be.
 throughout the day. We usually recommend that people drink
 and make your meals as colorful as possible with deep green,
                                                               for your health if you don’t either. Alcohol and especially tobacco
 their body weight in ounces of water each day to achieve op-
 C  adult-sized sippy cup (large water bottle) on hand and sip on it   the molecules serve as a signal that our food supply could soon   exercise can help you keep your day-to-day stress levels as low   Children obviously don’t drink or smoke, and it is honestly best   C  C
 TRA  timal health.   red, orange, and purple foods.   11.     accelerate the aging clock and can lead to a long list of health   TRA  TRA
                              Keep moving                      problems, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and lung dis-
 7.  10.      Kids are constantly on the go; they spend most of their days   ease. Though drinking some alcohol, like red wine, in modera-
 Find a sense of amazement in daily life  Manage stress levels  running around the house or playground, barely stopping until   tion may provide some small benefit, limiting these substances as
 Have you ever noticed how children are amazed by the world?   In most circumstances, children lead relatively stress-free lives.   bedtime. While it would be virtually impossible to mimic this   much as possible will keep you looking and feeling your best.  TA
 They are curious and excited about almost everything they   While some amounts of stress can be beneficial to adults in   behavior as an adult, incorporating movement into your day is
 experience. According to researchers, experiencing awe into   terms of productivity, chronic stress causes the adrenal glands   MARIIA K ORNEEVA  essential for slowing the aging clock. Extensive research shows   If you’d like to read more, visit and if you
 your life can both make you happier and improve physical   to secrete cortisol, which can cause a slew of mental and physi-  that aerobic activity of moderate intensity of at least 150 min-  discover your biological age and do something about it, visit
 health. Get in touch with your amazed inner child by simply   cal health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease,   utes per week provides the greatest longevity.

 “practicing regular meditation, breathwork, and exercise   can help you keep your

 day-to-day stress levels as low as   your inner child needs them to be.”
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