Page 87 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 87


 (serves 7)

 SWEET POTATO,   1 chicken breast, skinless and
 MUSHROOM   boneless
 2 cups water, divided
 AND   1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
 CAULIFLOWER   1 small yellow onion, diced
 5 small leeks, whites only, diced
 (serves 7)  1 tsp salt
 3 garlic cloves, minced
 INGREDIENT S  1-inch ginger, grated
 5 cups cauliflower florets
 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil  1 can coconut milk
 2 medium onions, diced  1 cup peas
 6 scallions, sliced  20 oz spinach
 1 tsp salt
 22  2 tsp sesame oil  PREP AR ATION
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  PREP AR ATION  (serves 7)  2. Heat oil in a large soup
 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
 1. Pan-sear chicken. Add a cup
 1 lb shiitake mushrooms
 for 45 minutes or until
 80  2 cups cauliflower florets  CHOCOLATE   of water, cover, and simmer
 chicken is done and can easily
 be pulled apart with a fork.
 1. Heat oil in a large soup pot
 pot. Cook onions and leeks
 over medium-high heat,
 with salt until translucent
 salt. Cook until translucent
 (about 5 minutes).
 2½ cups coconut milk, divided
 (about 5 minutes).
 C  then add onion, scallions, and   INGREDIENT S  3. Add garlic and ginger,
 ¼ cup dark chocolate chips
 TRA  2. Add sesame oil, sweet potato,   1½ cup coconut sugar  and cook until aromatic
 cauliflower, and mushrooms,   ¼ cup cacao powder  (about 1 minute).
 and sauté for 2 minutes.   1 pinch salt  4. Add cauliflower and water,
 3. Pour in water, bring to a   3 Tbsp arrowroot starch  and simmer until tender
 boil. Lower heat and simmer   1 tsp vanilla  (about 10 to 15 minutes),
 covered until soft (about 30   stirring frequently.
 minutes).   PREP AR ATION  5. Add coconut milk and peas.
 4. Use slotted spoon to transfer   Bring to a boil, reduce to a
 solids into food processor   1. In a small saucepan, add 2   simmer, and start adding spin-
 or blender, and pulse until   cups coconut milk, chocolate   ach in batches, until it’s all
 smooth. Add water from   chips, sugar, cacao powder,   wilted and incorporated with
 the soup pot if necessary to   and salt.   the rest of the ingredients.
 achieve desired consistency.   2. Simmer, stirring constantly   6. Add shredded chicken and
 Adjust seasoning to taste.  until melted.   continue simmering, uncov-
 3. In a small cup or bowl,    ered, for 5 more minutes.
 whisk together the rest of the
 coconut milk with the starch
 and the vanilla.
 4. Pour into the chocolate mix
 and continue to simmer
 until a desired consistency is
 reached (about 2 minutes).
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