Page 82 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 82
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Apple blueberry purée; kiwi basil purée; parsnips, carrots, peas, and herbs purée; roasted kabocha squash
and zucchini purée; spiced sweet potato and apple purée
I start my morning with lemon water mixed
with a teaspoon of olive oil and a pinch of
sea salt. I always have a coffee, and I take it
black with a thin layer of oat milk foam, only
ever on top.
For breakfast, I opt for an apple blueberry
purée. It has a wholesome sweetness to it,
which gives me energy throughout the start
of the day.
22 Afternoon 22
Y ANDERSON WINTER 20 If you are trying to dodge the dreaded after- Y ANDERSON WINTER 20
parsnip, carrot, peas, and herb soup for lunch.
76 A hot broccoli and cauliflower salad, and a 77
It leaves me satisfied, but never sluggish.
noon slump and shift your mind from a bag of
that can work in your favor: half of a dark
goal. If you aren’t seeking to lose weight, choose freely across all
You will confront the challenges of choosing to prioritize your
physical health.
chocolate bar or a dairy-free, allergen-free En-
C experience a deeper connection and understanding of yourself. you switch off inner conversations that define your mental and soup, one salad, and one main would make up a day’s nutrition chips or a piece of cake, I have a few options C
TRA health every day, and the natural bumps in that road. It takes lanes, as every recipe is nutrient-dense and packed with power. joy Life chocolate bar, or an additional portion TRA
work and commitment to keep that conversation with your body One thing I believe about balance is we have to harvest our of the fruit purées. If I feel my mind is spin-
alive. I’ve seen many people go through this journey, and both nutrition from the earth and know there is no such thing as CH EF A LEX A N DER BROW N E and SA N DR A ROJO, our in- ning—and I have nowhere to drive—I will opt
the successes and failures that are par for the course. The hard prepackaged nutrition. The truth is your workout takes a little trepid Food Creative Editor, committed themselves fully for one crisp glass of wine.
truth is, until you heal and reclaim that primal connection to your time and your food prep takes a little time, but the return on to capture my vision and expertise for what works with
body, an expert curriculum is critical to reach your goals. It is key your investment is a lot more quality time. weight loss. Evening
for us to take on the whole self—your nourishment, your sleep
patterns, your emotional state, your spiritual being. By taking all You are in the driver’s seat here. Sit with yourself and assess CH EF A LEX A N DER was raised with the highest standards for For dinner, I would pair a fennel and pea soup
of these vital components into account in a holistic manner, we how you feel in relation to potentially unhealthy weight you food, and tailors his recipes to optimize our health. He has a with an herb-roasted black cod. The soup is
can achieve not just a fleeting victory, but long-term success. feel is not serving your health. Maybe you feel your nutrition profound understanding of flavor, and a deep respect for the super flavorful and light, and the cod is pro-
just isn’t optimal, or you lost your healthy, glowing skin and natural states of fruits and vegetables. I am constantly in awe tein-packed and surprisingly hearty.
shiny hair. Is your energy off? Is your mood low? Whatever of his masterful culinary creations.
Nutrition Guide the case may be, we have carefully crafted three categories for
you to see the results of mixing and matching. Choosing what SA N DR A has always had a love of the kitchen—it’s her happy
Being that this is the first issue of the new year, I wanted to sounds good to you or what you are ready to explore making. place. She grew up in a rural part of Mexico, where eating *Tracy does not watch her portions with her
deliver the best guidance on weight loss, weight management, processed foods wasn’t even part of the equation. I threw her recipes and we do not recommend portions for
and complete cellular enrichment. My recommendation is to mix and match recipes. Or if you are quite the challenge with my “mix, match, and choose” vision, her recipes as they are designed to enjoy until
looking for faster weight loss, you can draw from the purées and she absolutely delivered. you feel nourished.
I firmly believe that you must have a choice in what you reach and soups, and choose one of the salads or mains every fourth
for to nourish yourself, or you are sacrificing a primal, guttur- day. You can also lose and manage your weight by mixing and I’m so excited for you to experience the benefits behind
al tool you need to survive and thrive. Diets that over control matching four items total per day. For instance, one purée, one every bite. -TRACY