Page 79 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 79

The benefits of a holistic diet, by Dr. Ramsey
       feed your


 How do we commit to real

 change in our lives?
 22  Transformation is the crux of my work as a                                                                      22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  change happen to us?   feel oriented and alive—and the pan-                            Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
 psychiatrist, and I believe it’s one of the vir-
 tues that connects us to Tracy Anderson.

 of self-efficacy. When we plan, execute,
 and accomplish things in our lives, we
 72  Change happens, but how does   plan and execute because of the power                                           73
 For all our studying of habits and willpower, committing  demic has robbed us of that. And even
 when we feel some sense of control and
 like to ignore. Like Alice falling down the rabbit hole and
 loved one, those plans are shaky at best.
 meeting a variety of strange characters, change is terrify-
 C  to changes in our self-care involves aspects of change we   start  to plan a trip or make plans to see a   mitting  entirely  to  the  notion  that  the  What wisdom   ambitions for the new year should be   C
 TRA  ing and disorienting. While we imagine control and ac-  Like you, sometimes I have wondered   changes that I need to happen are com-  can we bring to this   grounded in the new science of feeding   TRA
 complishment, especially when we set goals for ourselves,   when  we  will  emerge  from  the  rabbit   ing. Change isn’t just about willpower   year?  your mental health.
 change can be the opposite of how it’s initially visualized.   hole. Pandemic life has us all questioning   and discipline. Change is filled with un-
 our reality—the digital and virtual—and   certainty, fear, and loss.   For what we can control, we create chang-  The key food categories for your men-
 sifting through what we have lost, what       es in our lives via our mind. If your brain   tal health, like leafy greens, seafood, and
 And these two aspects of our lives are especially shaky right now after  we need, and the ever-changing land-  So how can we commit to   is not mentally committed to a new habit   fermented foods, contain the highest
 two years of a global pandemic.   scape of what seems possible.   real food change    or the embrace of changes, they can’t hap-  concentrations of the nutrients that your
                                               pen. What strikes me about Alice is how
                                                                               brain thrives on—and brains that are
 The limits of our control is one of the major psychological hurdles we   Let’s start by    this year?   she teaches us about process. She really   growing and thriving are always chang-
 all face. I witness my patients planning and canceling their weddings   declaring that anything    We need the full power of our brains—  doesn’t have any idea how to get back or   ing. Seeking these nutrients, the “brain
 and baby plans, college careers turn upside down, and marriages reeling   but that might present us with a bit of   how to shift her reality; she just does what   foods” that contain them, and the stance
 from the loss of the little control we can muster. I asked Josh Gordon,  is possible.   a problem right now. All aspects of our   she has to. She cries a pool of tears. She   of joyfulness that is missing for so many,
 MD, the director of the National Institute of Health, about the start  The new year presents an opportunity   brains are  being overworked and  our   shrinks. She grows. She finds her voice.   is at the center of any meaningful change.
 of our mental health last week and he emphasized the need for us to  for  new  goals  around  our  growth.  On   emotional and spiritual health is being
 tough days, that may seem absurd, but   challenged like never before.  As a nutritional psychiatrist, I see Alice’s   Like Alice, our way out will involve
 even I’ve seen myself making a lot of safe    process and yours, as an energetic vortex   many tears, feelings of disorientation,
 choices trying to control what I can for   I suspect after Alice was shrinking and   of oxygen combined with the nutrients   and fear—and it will happen one bite at
 my family.   growing, she felt much the same way.   in the food you eat. These are the two   a time. As we shrink and grow, focusing
                                               most basic ingredients of your conscious
                                                                               on the mindful embrace of our process is
              How did Alice get out after being stuck
 For me, making safe choices has meant   VEGEFOX.COM  in a Wonderland filled with strange   process and the root of all change. This   the only way to commit the changes that
 focusing on things I can control and sub-  creatures asking challenging questions?   is why focusing your food goals and   are already happening to you.  TA
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