Page 75 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 75

Supporting your heart health on your own terms                                phones also measure steps taken, with
 a new                                                                         to measure their steps and then challenge
                                                                               the latest goal being more than 5,000
                                                                               steps per day. I encourage my patients
                                                                               them to do more the next day.

                                                                               Accounting for heart health risk fac-
 reign                                                                         pressure, abnormal cholesterol, BMI,
                                                                               tors—age, gender, family history, blood
                                                                               smoking history, and diabetes—allows
                                                                               the development of numerous risk equa-
                                                                               tions that your doctor might use to pre-
                                                                               dict your risk for heart disease. However,
                                                                               these apply only to the average person,
                                                                               across  diverse  populations,  which  have
                                                                               risk factors similar to your own and do
                                                                               not define or measure your personal risk.
                                                                               My colleagues and I, originally at the
 In the ballad “DESPERADO,”                                                    Mayo Clinic and now at the Princeton
 Glenn Frey laments,                                                           Longevity Center, had developed and ap-
 “Don’t you play the Queen of Diamonds boy,                                    plied measures of the extent of coronary
 22  she’ll beat if she’s able, the Queen of Hearts    How can you prevent     artery calcification (CAC), as a proven   22
                                                                               surrogate to the coronary atherosclerotic
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  Even the Queen of Hearts inventor, Lewis Carroll, de-  currently, but the adage remains, “Genes   zero (none detected) to 3,000-5,000 and   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
 was always your best bet.”
                                                                               plaque burden using non-contrast Car-
 heart disease and prolong
                                                                               diac CT, to define personal cardiac risk.
                                                                               tion accounts for a lifetime of risk factors
 Genetic factors are beyond our control
                                                                               to date. The CAC score can range from
 70  The Queen of Hearts?    healthy longevity?                                The amount of coronary artery calcifica-  71
                                                                               the higher the score, the higher your per-
 load the gun, and YOU pull the trigger.”
 scribed her as a childish, foul-tempered monarch who
                                                                               sonal risk for a heart attack. Although
 Choosing the best diet is one key factor.
 (“Off with their heads”). Incredibly stressful—it is
                                                                               about percent stenosis, or narrowing of
 heart disease and diet—low carb, high
 enough to give you a heart attack.
                                                                               the heart arteries, a sudden heart attack,
 carb, vegetarian, and pescatarian—
 C  is quick to give death sentences at the slightest offense   There are so many opinions regarding   patients and their doctors are concerned   C
 TRA  which result in confusion. Scientifically,                               without  necessarily  a  significant  warn-  TRA
 How you deal with stress, worry, and other emotions have signif-  the Mediterranean diet is the one that has   ing, has a mortality of 50%.
 icant effects on heart health. Smoking was originally advertised as   been associated with lowering the risk of
 a way to lower stress (cigarettes were even part of the K-rations   heart disease. This is a diet with plenty   and helps you sleep better. Most adults   for developing heart disease. I often rec-  My colleagues and I are in the business
 given to American soldiers in WWII) and improve digestion af-  of fruits, vegetables, and lean sources   need seven hours of sleep each night.   ommend smartwatches for my patients   of preventing your first heart attack.
 ter a meal. The long-term negative consequences of smoking were   of protein. Interestingly, it may not just   Prioritize sleep by setting a sleep sched-  who are at increased risk. Importantly,   So, work on stress management, follow
 only fully realized in the late 20th Century. There’s also stress eat-  be the diet, but the Mediterranean life-  ule and sticking to it by going to bed   these devices can monitor your sleep cy-  a Mediterranean-type diet, work on a
 ing, snacking, and comfort food—all of which can lead to obesity   style that should be a part of [your heart   and waking up at the same time each   cles and even snoring. All smartwatches   Mediterranean lifestyle, make sleep a pri-
 when taken to extremes, which can beget high blood pressure and   -healthy] plan. Have a glass of wine, visit   day. Keep your bedroom dark and qui-  can measure your heart rates at any time,   ority, and exercise daily. To quote from
 put you at risk for diabetes. Under added stress, we often do not   with your neighbors, family, and friends,   et. White noise generators are also very   and some even monitor for potentially   another great adventure, The Wizard of
 sleep well. An inadequate sleep cycle can lead to sleep deprivation   and walk whenever you can.  soothing for getting to sleep.  threatening, abnormal heart rhythms.   Oz, the titular character responds to the
 which adds on more emotions and stress. Obesity is also a prin-  Other smartwatches now measure blood   Tin Man’s desire for a heart: “My galva-
 cipal factor in the development of sleep apnea or sleep-disordered   Exercise  can  also  lower  your  risk  for   Regular health screening can be especial-  pressure on demand and even oxygen   nized friend, a heart will never be practi-
 breathing. All of these are especially important risk factors for the   heart disease. Physical activity helps you   ly important to define your personal risk   saturation. All smartwatches and smart   cal until it is made unbreakable.” TA
 development of heart disease.  control your weight and reduce your
 chances of developing other conditions
 that may put a strain on your heart, such
 as high blood pressure, high cholesterol,   Interestingly, it may not just be the diet, but the Mediterranean
 and type II diabetes. Regular exercise has   JASON HOLLY  lifestyle that should be a  part of [your heart healthy] plan.
 been shown to reduce risk for depression
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