Page 72 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 72

An interview with HANNAH TALL
                                                       of The Loveland Foundation about intersectional well-being


               There’s power in healing—a truth The Loveland Foundation whole-
               heartedly promotes. The organization, which was started by Rachel
               Cargle in 2018, provides free therapy sessions to Black women and
               girls who are craving support and empowerment. Two years after its
               birth, we partnered up with The Loveland Foundation to offer those
               same participants at-home workout programming to help with their   Through our partnerships with the ther-
               healing journeys.                                                apy directory search platforms Therapy
                                                                                for Black Girls, National Queer & Trans
                                                                                Therapists of Color Network, Talkspace,
               In an effort to continue spreading the word about this amazing or-  Black Female Therapists, Psychology To-
        22     ganization, which recently debuted The Unfolding Presented by The   day and Open Path Collective, Loveland                                                                                                                      22
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  We’d love for you to summarize The Loveland Foundation’s mission for those   With therapy sessions costing an average               As you reflect on 2021, what was the   taking your efforts into the new year?   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                                                                                Therapy Fund recipients will have access
               Loveland Foundation podcast, we spoke with Hannah Tall, Director
                                                                                to a comprehensive list of mental health
               plans for the future as well as how everyone can support the cause.
                                                                                ing high quality, culturally competent
                                                                                services to Black women and girls.
       68      of Programs at The Loveland Foundation, to learn more about their   professionals across the country provid-                                                                                                                   69
               being introduced to your organization for the first time.
                                                                                of $80-$200 per session, we have select-
                                                                                likelihood that participants are able to
               in unique and powerful ways with a particular focus on Black women and girls. Our
                                                                                                                                        Does your employer offer donation
                                                                                                                                                                         and where does that inspire you to go
               resources and initiatives are collaborative, and they prioritize opportunity, access,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          more Black women and girls, and mental
                                                                                                                                        matching?  Ask  them  about  doubling
                                                                                financially afford therapy after the end
        C      HT: The Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color   ed the previous options to increase the   LEVER A GE Y OUR EMPL O YER’S   biggest learning for your organization   HT:  Our partnerships will help us serve   C
                                                                                                                                                                         in the new year?
        TRA    validation, and healing.                                         of the 4-12 sessions supported by The                   your contribution.                                                health professionals in the new year. We   TRA
                                                                                Loveland Foundation’s Therapy Fund.                                                      HT:  2021 helped  us expand  to offer   provide therapy support to 5,000 Black
               The Loveland Foundation was established in 2018 by Rachel Cargle following her                                           What can people do in            holistic wellness resources for both our   women and girls annually. We hope our
               widely successful birthday wish fundraiser, Therapy for Black Women and Girls.                                           their respective communities to pro-  Therapy Fund recipients and the amazing   partnerships can help us sustain and
               Her enthusiastic and generous social media community raised over $250,000, which                                         mote the importance of           network of therapists who support them.   grow our impact for therapy seekers, and
               made it possible for the foundation to provide over 600 hours worth of therapy   4 WAYS TO SUPPORT:                      mental health?                   Roughly 17% of therapists in the US are   the next iteration of our work, support-
               sessions at no cost. Since then, The Loveland Foundation has provided over 20,000                                                                         BIPOC. That number dips to a single dig-  ing therapists with professional develop-
               hours of therapy sessions to Black women and girls across the country.  CHAMPION THE C A USE                             HT: We like to approach mental wellness   it (roughly 3% according to the APA) for   ment and curated events and resources.
                                                                                Spread the word by sharing more infor-                  holistically. Therapy is part of a larg-  Black therapists. The lack of therapists of
               How are you ensuring that individual mental health gaps for Black women and   mation with your Facebook and Insta-       er wellness toolbox, and we encourage   color coupled with the increased demand   How do you lead by example with
               girls continue to shrink?                                        gram followers.                                         folks to find additional tools that may   for mental health services these last two   mental health practices within your
                                                                                                                                        support their mental, physical, spiritual,
                                                                                                                                                                         years has resulted in mental health work-
               HT: With the barriers affecting access to treatment by members of diverse ethnic and   DONATE                            emotional well-being, and that of their   ers experiencing burnout. We are ex-  company culture?
               racial groups. The Loveland Therapy Fund provides financial assistance to Black   The Loveland Foundation aims to pro-   loved ones. That may look like work-  tremely happy that we were able to start   HT:  We are preparing for our season-
               women and girls nationally seeking therapy.                      vide 5,000 women annually with 12 free          PHO T O: C OUR TES Y OF THE L O VELAND F OUND ATION  ing out, still or movement-based medi-  rolling out professional development for   al winter rest for a few weeks and are
                                                                                therapy sessions. Visit thelovelandfoun-                tation, art, etc. But it’s really important   our therapist network this year. In 2022,   making sure there is space for resto-
                                                                       to learn more and donate.                    that folks remember to be patient with   we will be providing an array of pro-  ration throughout our year. So we can,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          individually and collectively, show up
                                                                                                                                                                         fessional and personal development re-
                                                                                                                                        themselves as they work to find the tools
                                                                                S TART A GIVING CIRCLE                                  that can be most supportive to them,   sources and spaces to BIPOC therapists.   in this work moving from our overflow,
                                                                                If  six  loved  ones  contribute  $20  each,            or alongside loved ones, in their mental                          after we’ve poured into and nourished
                                                                                the total ($120) will be enough for one                 health and overall wellness practice.  Where can you see your partnerships   ourselves.  TA
                                                                                therapy session.
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