Page 8 - Tracy Anderson Magazine – Summer 2020
P. 8

life. Every day she woke up as perfect as Mr. Rogers with                   heavy footprint, we have been a part of making the   awareness for ourselves, but we have the ability. We have
                                                               her nightgown and robe, then changing into her wrap                         sense of entitlement that we somehow deserve more, and   the ability to set standards of clarity for ourselves and
                                                               skirt or golf skirt and polo with a cardigan. She made her                  more, and more material possessions. The quality of who   those we love. With that clarity, we can better care for
                                                               iced tea in the sun and cooked only the best homemade                       we are and how we live in and with ourselves has be-  our overall health and be sure that if and when we pass it
                                                               meals. She had the most organized garden in her little                      come toxic in many ways. Now more than ever I believe   won’t matter if anyone has an e-mail from us or not, as I
                                                               lawn, with tomatoes you would think could only come                         this is the time for self-reflection and self-improvement.   have not one from my Nanny. What will matter is the ev-
                                                               from acres of fancy farming. She was a volunteer at the                     Sometimes that means unplugging from the noise. Not   er-growing seed of clarity that they instilled in your soul
                                                               American Red Cross and American Cancer Society,                             until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves   by showing up and being certain of their love for you.
                                                               and she ran a magic gift shop in Lafayette, Indiana, to                     sometimes. Not until we hit rock bottom do we find the
                                                               support the local baseball fields and the wing of the zoo                   strength to face the things we have ignored, to fix what   If you think about your relationship with yourself and
                                                               for animals in need of special attention. She knew the                      keeps flattening our face harder in that reality.   others, what feeds stress is confusing signals. Confusing
                                                               importance of what the essence of a community was                                                                          signals to your body by not exercising, eating well, and
                                                               made of. She was an advocate and wrote letters to her                       I remember the peace that I would feel as a child when   sleeping well. Confusing signals to your body by obsess-
                                                               local officials to make a difference. She used her voice                    my mom put us in the car to go to my Nanny and Pop-  ing over other’s beauty or lack of wrinkles, being snappy
                                                               as a woman, even when it was much more difficult to                         pa’s. It was an hour on the nose, door to door. There was   and short with your kids or loved ones, being impatient
                                                               be heard. She was kind, conversational, patient with                        a big hill off of the main road into their neighborhood,   or intolerant with a friend, allowing your life to be po-
                anyone and no one is better than you.” She gave every-  and interested in others. She had faith in others and was          and every time I felt a peaceful excitement once we hit   liced by powers that you deem greater than you without
                one the benefit of the doubt, and the one thing she had   gravely disappointed in bad behavior. She deemed bad             that hill. As a young adult, I would make that drive by   taking the time to clearly define what you do and do
                no tolerance for was a lie. I remember her teaching me   behavior as being lazy, dishonest, prejudice, and entitled.       myself or as a young mom with my son, Sam, anytime I   not stand for. Having a price tag on selling out on your
                the difference between a fib and a lie. She would always   Her humble home was filled with love, honesty, consis-          needed to think, heal, or just be wrapped in their love.  certainty because you think you can’t have it all. There is
                teach us the best lessons while she was fully focused on   tency, and pride.                                                                                              an endless cycle of disturbance created inside of you and
                an activity with us. A walk to the park, a game of Yaht-                                                                   That sense of home is so powerful. You can’t buy that.   around you when you don’t take the time to be clear and
                zee, or a very special golf outing with her and my Pop-pa   During this time, we are living with a new virus that has      There is no price tag to that level of goodness. People   certain with who you are and what you stand for.
                where we got to ride in the golf cart.         created a lot of feelings. Concern, fear, confusion, and                    search their entire lives to try and create or find that
                                                               emptiness for the way we used to be able to go about our                    feeling. When I reflect on what that magical ingredient   So thank you, Nanny. This adventure is dedicated to
                She and my Pop-pa always lived below their means and   life connected and knowing. Knowing that if we got sick             was I keep coming back to “certainty.” Perhaps it was the   you. Dedicated to you for being such a love-filled blanket
                gave to their communities and to those in need. They   we had experts we could turn to. COVID-19 feels like                personal sense of responsibility my Nanny took to create   of certainty. You instilled a security in me that has passed
                kept a forever innocence between them, as if they were   an invasion on a lot of levels. My Nanny survived polio,          clarity in her life. Clarity for what she stood for, offering   down the tools to always make the journey of life feel
                still on their very first date 30, 40, 50, and 60 years later.   and she was born into the Great Depression. I feel that   clarity to others about how she felt about them, clarity to   like I will never not know how to find my way back
                                                               given the privilege that many of us have been living in,                    her partner and family about her love, clarity about what   home.
                Mary Lou Blythe, as the community knew her, went to   this is a time for us all to look into where we might have           she really needed and didn’t need. Most of us don’t take
                the same man, Chuck, to cut her hair for 40-plus years,   intentionally or unintentionally taken advantage of that         the time and make the effort to be aware of producing   With love,
                and had the most organized closet I’ve ever seen in my   privilege. From Mother Earth, by way of a damaging                clarity in our thoughts. We don’t demand that level of   Tracy

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