Page 10 - Tracy Anderson Magazine – Summer 2020
P. 10
Start saying no to stress weight, by Tracy Anderson.
weight. Stress that results in weight gain, and stress that re- “YOU ARE HOW
There are two main kinds of stress when it comes to your
and most importantly how to identify and manage them if YOU MOVE. YOU
sults in weight loss. Learning how to predict these stresses,
they become our reality, is vital to conducting your health ARE HOW YOU EAT.
and happiness.
We all have stress. We all have a different barometer of YOU ARE HOW
tolerance for stress. Part of being able to handle stress is
being able to have the tools to not let it get stuck in your YOU SLEEP. YOU
The kind of stress that increases your appetite is typically
a persistent kind of stress that is rooted in an underlying HANDLE THE DAILY
lack of fulfillment somewhere in your life, and an inability
to be able to face it. It can also simply be a task, a conver- CHOREOGRAPHY
sation, or a looming deadline you’re uncomfortable with.
When dealing with this stress, like all stress, it’s important THAT SUPPORTS OR
to find a safe process that you can consistently rely on.
This stress is something we cannot hold in the resistance. DOES NOT SUPPORT
We have to align with it without it being the gear that is
always powering us down. ALL THESE THINGS.”
This kind of stress makes your emotional self really bond
with your physical self in a rebellious, “bad kid” kind of you eat. You are how you sleep. You are how you handle
way. Meaning, as you ride the overwhelm of this kind of the daily choreography that supports or does not support
stress and your emotional self says that a pint of ice cream all these things.
and a bottle of champagne are the answer, it doesn’t mat-
ter if you keep that kind of stuff out of your house because The other kind of stress is trauma or elation. The loss of
you will still go out and get it. Even though the discomfort a loved one. A sudden and shocking tragedy. A loss of a
from the aftermath of this behavior is never a good feeling, marriage or meaningful relationship. Being betrayed. Get-
we don’t learn until we find the perfect interception by ting fired without notice. These kinds of things can cause
way of the perfect distraction. weight loss, as well as a huge surge of adrenaline from
elation. Meeting the person of your dreams, or getting a
Usually the only kind of distraction powerful enough to lot of sudden attention. Winning the lottery. If you ride
supersede this one is ego massaging. That means tapping that adrenaline too long, it ends up becoming harmful to
into the vanity vain. Of course, I wish for us all to be able your health.
to care about our health strongly enough that that would
make our intellectual self win this kind of stress battle, but The balance of these two hormones is everything to the
it’s rarely proven powerful enough these days. Now that management of your weight. You want a healthy amount
we’re facing a viral war, the adrenaline that the fear is pro- of adrenaline, and you don’t want an unhealthy amount of
ducing in people is swift enough to have gotten them to cortisol. Adrenaline is the short-term helper, and cortisol
take a much more serious look at their health. Dying from is the hormone that comes in when your body signals that
a virus that can make getting a breath feel impossible, stress is going to persist. This is why your daily workout
along with the potential of suffocating to death, is scaring is so key. This is why training yourself to be a master at
people enough to make drastic changes in their unhealthy physically processing is so key. This is why the right kind
or unreal lifestyles. However, the fact that all those same of exercise is so key, because the wrong kind of exercise
habits could hand them a cancer diagnosis or any other produces cortisol.
horrific degenerative disease wasn’t enough before is
readily terrifying. Adrenaline, known as epinephrine, is a hormone. It
gets released under sudden stress if you feel you’re in
I say it all the time. You are how you move. You are how imminent danger, or if you get excited about something.
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