Page 100 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
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A radiant smile is an amazing asset and an infectious ex- to invest in, the Oral Health Foundation says an electric
pression. Whether you’re in the presence of your best toothbrush with an oscillating head is the most effective
friend or a complete stranger, flashing your pearly whites dental device for removing plaque. To keep your mouth
is a guaranteed way to spread positivity and brighten clean, replace your toothbrush every three or four months.
someone else’s day. Not only do shiny teeth transform
your entire face, but they’re also an indicator of good As for toothpaste, the NIH asserts that a fluoride-based
physical health. Properly functioning gums and teeth al- toothpaste does the best job at strengthening our tooth
BRUSH UP communicate verbally with others; and express yourself the CDC proposes drinking water with fluoride in it, so
low you to chew, digest, and enjoy your food more easily;
enamel. To supplement the fluoride in your toothpaste,
effectively through nonverbal behavior.
you can continue to protect your teeth throughout the day.
ON HYGIENE A glimpse into our mouths provides a window into our Although cleaning your gums and teeth seems like an
intuitive practice, many people often get lazy with brush-
overall health. If we don’t adequately care for our gums
and teeth, we put ourselves at risk of developing diseases
to brush is by angling the bristles toward your gum line
that can destroy the quality of our lives. ing and slack off on flossing. The NIH says the best way
Upping your dental-care game. and gently moving your toothbrush across the front,
Whenever we skimp on brushing or flossing, a thin layer back, and sides of your teeth and along your gums in a
of bacteria called plaque can contaminate our teeth. The circular motion. It’s also important to brush your tongue
National Institutes of Health (NIH) explains that plaque to remove bacteria, freshen your breath, and keep your
buildup produces acids that damage our tooth enamel, mouth clean.
which is the hard protective layer that coats our teeth, and
can cause cavities and tooth decay. After brushing, use a piece of dental floss to remove
plaque and leftover pieces of food that your toothbrush
If we don’t remove plaque through thorough brushing couldn’t reach. Make sure to scrape the sides of your teeth
and flossing, the plaque can harden and turn into tartar, after the floss hits your gum line. To top off your routine,
which releases poisons that irritate and inflame our gums, rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce the likeli-
according to the Oral Health Foundation. When plaque hood of developing plaque, tooth decay, and gum disease.
forms along and underneath our gum line, we’re more
likely to develop gingivitis, which is marked by red, swol- In addition to these daily dental-hygiene practices, the
len, and tender gums that bleed easily. ADA recommends visiting your dentist at least once a
year to prevent oral diseases. Going to a dental hygienist
If left untreated, gingivitis can quickly escalate to gum for a cleaning is necessary to supplement your person-
disease (periodontitis). The bacteria buildup on our gums al dental care because these professionals can remove
and teeth can infect our gum tissue, leading to sore and plaque in areas that you cannot reach alone while using
bleeding gums and eventual tooth loss. The Centers for the best equipment.
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that peri-
odontal disease is linked to various chronic illnesses, such As for your lifestyle practices, the ADA says to limit sug-
as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. ary snacks and drinks because they’re loaded with phos-
Opposite page: Karolina Grabowska, courtesy in our long-term health. that strengthen your gums and teeth.
phoric and citric acids that wear down your teeth. Replace
highly processed junk food with a high-fiber diet full of
Luckily, by upping our dental-hygiene game, we can pre-
vent oral diseases and boost our overall well-being. Small
fruits and vegetables because they minimize the harmful
changes to our daily routine can make a huge difference
effects that acids have on your teeth and deliver nutrients
For one, the American Dental Association (ADA) rec-
Instead of sodas and fruit juices, stick to water as your
drink of choice. Try gulping down a glass of water be-
ommends brushing your teeth at least twice a day, in the
morning and before bedtime, in addition to flossing be-
tween meals to wash out food particles and combat the
tween your teeth every day. Consistently brushing and
negative effects that sticky, chewy, or acidic foods have on
your tooth enamel.
flossing will remove food particles and plaque buildup
that can lead to cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.
When you take the necessary steps to look after your teeth,
The NIH suggests using a soft-bristle toothbrush to avoid
you’ll reduce your risk of oral diseases and have the op-
98 irritating the gums. If you’re wondering which toothbrush portunity to show off your beautiful smile to everyone. ■ 99