Page 96 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
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product around “what bothers Doug the most.” There are Skin Sequence Essential Balm is a cousin of Dr. Doug’s
so many great products out there. I tried them all, with Original Miracle Balm. Tracy wanted a little of this and a
varying degrees of success. But my stuff was my one-stop— little more of that. We delivered. This everyday balm is
put this on before the race and put it in your pocket and rock solid.
get some advantage. My best moment of 2020 was when
a 60-years-young woman introduced herself. She was a The Adventure Balm is a variation of the previous, with
huge success without our product. But with our product, key natural ingredients added in or removed to prevent
she went farther, faster, and pain-free. That’s what I do bug bites, limit sun exposure, and extend the Tracy An-
as a neuro. That’s what I want to accomplish with the Dr. derson continuum to sunnier climates.
Doug’s business.
Tightening Balm has the added benefits of magnesium
If you were to bottom line or simplify your answer to chloride, without the burning or stinging you get from
one sentence: Why should people use organic, natu- other transdermal preparations. Magnesium has been
ral skincare products? used for years for skin tightening, elasticity, and even to
prevent and heal stretch marks.
Think clean. It’s possible to get great results with the right
simple, organic ingredients! Got Physical is an after-workout miracle. A variant of
Dr. Doug’s Recovery Balm, Got Physical has added in-
Of course, we can’t get enough of your collaboration gredients that help relieve joint pain, inflammation, sore
with Tracy Anderson for the Skin Sequence line. muscles, and more. Tracy desired results-driven essential
What was the intention or desired outcome for each oils. She was right. It’s really good.
of the balms to have in common?
When developing the Expression Balm, we diverge
Gosh, that’s both easy to answer and complex in the ex- from the routine of Dr. Doug’s line. There’s nothing like
planation. Tracy brings a high expectation for results. If the Skin Sequence Expression Balm. You will not find a
BEAUTY UNDRESSED She set a high bar for “Hey, let’s make a tailored skin hits all the positives and restricts all the negatives. Starting
face balm like it anywhere else. It’s not on the label, but it
you haven’t tried her physicality and training, you should.
with the face, Dr Doug’s uses shea butter, no bee’s wax.
balm.” So it’s easy in that we are to skincare what Tra-
cy Anderson is to body wellness. She works on range of That makes it vegan-friendly. It’s harder to make, and the
motion, body versus gravity, body versus resistance. Her “all-natural, organic” makes the melting point and other
Meet Skin Sequence co-creator, Dr. Doug. Method builds confident and fit minds and bodies. Train physical issues a moving target, but the end result is, I
like you mean it. Dr. Doug’s products are parallel. We ex- must say, magnificent.
Doctor and neurologist Doug Strobel has a track record of ed to chat with Dr. Doug to learn more about his expertise pect our product to be a miracle, but like Tracy, we want
repairing and restoring people’s skin, and it’s all thanks to and his role in the launch. to use nature as our foundation, and repetition (daily use) We have a consultant dermatologist who guides us on
his soothing body balms. A few years ago, when Dr. Doug as the keys to our success. “comedogenicity.” Okay, it’s nasty, but that means black-
witnessed the greasy and uncomfortable sensation of other Describe to our readers how you bridged the gap of heads and whiteheads. We knew we wanted a product
body lotions on the market, he decided to work tirelessly your neurologist background with dermatology and The Skin Sequence line encompasses the whole package. with a comedogenicity (CG) rating of zero. That means
on devising his own more effective formula. After research- physical activity to create your balms. Any one of the five products could be used, perhaps in a those little geysers in your skin stay the same. No drain-
ing the best substances for the skin and experimenting broader sense, across all your problems areas. But what’s ing, no clogging. Partnering with Tracy and her team
with different ingredients, he mastered his current formula, This surprises no one, but neurologists are “chin scratch- cool is that Tracy premeditated the synergy of “a little of helped us make the bold step of developing such an in-
which is all-natural and anti-inflammatory. ers”’ and problem solvers. As a profession, neurologists this here, a little of that there,” leading to a sublime result. novative product.
deal with the symptoms of someone else’s medical state. In the development phase, there was substantial back-
Given Dr. Doug’s expertise within the skincare and beau- In summary, the problem is somewhere else but has neuro and-forth as to be absolutely sure the end product would By the way, all these products are high-heel friendly. They
ty industries and his emphasis on pure, chemical-free in- symptoms. Stroke is a heart, blood, or vascular disorder. meet both Tracy’s expectations and our internal standard. should be low-residue, nongreasy. A little goes a long way.
gredients, Tracy chose to partner with him to develop her MS is an autoimmune condition. We have some condi- “Does this achieve the desired Tracy Anderson goal? Is If you have those ashen heels and cracked cuticles, dab a
Skin Sequence line of organic body balms. This new line tions we “own,” like seizures, but even then, we have “pri- there a better way to achieve this goal?” Tracy and team little on. Work in for 30 seconds. If you slide out of your
features a collection of five different body balms that each mary” (it’s in your DNA) or “secondary” (consequence of do their homework and keep us real. We thrive on feed- stilettos, you used too much!
suit a particular need. While the Essential Balm replenish- another condition, such as trauma). back like that.
es dry and flaky skin, the Expression Balm fights acne and In summary, Dr Doug’s was in the happiness business. We
blemishes due to its antibacterial properties. For anyone So, with that as a background, in every aspect of life in- On the other hand, each balm has a specific pur- wanted to solve problems that were unrelieved by current
who wants to take their workout outdoors, the Adven- cluding physical activity, I’m asking myself: Is this the pose; some are to be used before or after physical products. Tracy helped us out of our comfort zone, and we
ture Balm protects against sun damage and insects. Then, problem, or a symptom of another problem? Whether activity in particular. Can you share more of the sci- thrived with the challenge. The end result is phenomenal.
there’s the Tightening Balm, which reduces the appear- I’m doing a 5k or 100k, when I’m off (or really focused ence behind that?
ance of stretch marks, and the Got Physical Balm, which and killing it) I’m asking: Is it me? Or something I ate? How do I personally use it? Got Physical: every morning
alleviates joint pain and soreness. When I started doing ultras and longer events, it’s a Ccourtesy Dr. Doug Some of this I answered above. Full disclaimer: I use both before I put on my socks and shoes and prior to each work-
slow-motion game of whack-a-mole. What bothers you Dr. Doug’s Original Line and Skin Sequence products on out. I actually use the Tightening Balm for crampy areas
To further the conversation and get a behind-the-scenes the most? Chafing? Hot spots? Fatigue? Soreness? Every- a daily basis. and my stiff back. If you’re inflamed, use Got Physical;
look at the inner workings of the collaboration, we decid- body has a “this bothers me the most.” I just built our if you have a spasm or are neuropathic, use Tightening.
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