Page 95 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 95

If you’ve noticed that your hair has transformed from full   way to the roots. Clip sections of your hair on top of your
                and glossy to flat, dull, and dehydrated, you’re not alone.   head and cover your hair in a shower cap. Leave the mix-
                While recovering from the cold winter months, our hair   ture in for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it in the shower before
                is prone to looking and feeling weak and brittle. In addi-  scrubbing shampoo and conditioner into your mane.
                tion to cold air, the combination of heated styling tools,
                hair-coloring treatments, and chemical-laden products is   Coconut Oil + Tea Tree Oil + Peppermint Oil
                a recipe for disaster.                          If dandruff and itchiness are taking over your scalp, try a
                                                                coconut oil mask. A research study comparing different
                Leave-in conditioners and deep-conditioning hair masks   types of oils from the Journal of Cosmetic Science reported
                may  help  restore  hydration,  but  they’re  expensive,  and   that the fatty acids in coconut oil are anti-inflammatory
                the options are endless. Instead of hunting for the per-  and antimicrobial, so you’ll protect your hair from dam-
                fect  formula  and  spending  your  life  savings  on  a  store-  age and prevent the overgrowth of fungus or yeast that
                bought option, why not whip up your own concoction   cause flakes. Tea tree oil also works to treat dandruff and
                with all-natural and equally effective ingredients?  dead skin cells with its antifungal properties. For a fresh
                                                                scent and relief from inflamed skin, squirt a few drops of
                Because some of the best ingredients for dry hair, like co-  peppermint oil into the mix.
                conut and almond oil, can be found in your kitchen pan-
                try, the solution is literally lying around your house.  Directions: Combine 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 tea-
                                                                spoons  of  raw  sugar,  5 drops  of  peppermint oil,  and  2
                If you want to transform your limp locks into a vibrant,   drops of tea tree oil. Stir them together in a mixing bowl.
                bouncy, shiny mane, here are some deeply restorative and   Apply the mixture directly to clean and damp strands us-
                moisturizing DIY hair masks. Your hair deserves some   ing a brush or your fingers. Let the mask work its magic
                TLC, so give yourself the gift of luminous locks with a   for 10 minutes before washing it off.
                DIY hair mask.
                                                                Green Tea + Apple Cider Vinegar
                Avocado + Honey                                 Green tea and apple cider vinegar have been praised for
                Not only is avocado a nutrient-dense and satiating food,   their ample health benefits, but the perks don’t just apply
                but it’s also an amazing ingredient for homemade hair   to ingesting the liquids. When you soak your hair in green
                masks that will leave your strands looking soft and shiny.   tea, the antioxidants in the drink will calm an irritated
                A 2015 study on hair cosmetics in the International Journal   scalp while helping your hair deliver nutrients more effi-
                of Trichology found that potassium and magnesium in avo-  ciently to your skin, which is a finding from a 2011 study
                cado infuse moisture into your locks, so they won’t break   in The Journal of Nutrition. The acidity of apple cider vine-
                as easily. Honey is also a hydrating agent because it attach-  gar balances your mane’s pH, and its antimicrobial prop-
                es to damaged areas of hair and moisturizes them. Pro tip:   erties manage bacteria and fungi that cause itchy skin.
                If you want to make the honey feel less sticky, try diluting
                the substance in warm water.                    Directions: Steep a green tea bag in 1 cup of warm water.
                                                                Let the liquid cool before stirring in 1 tablespoon of apple
                Directions: Mix 1 avocado, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 ta-  cider vinegar and 2 drops of peppermint oil. Massage the
                blespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of coconut milk in   concoction onto your scalp, and let it sit for five minutes
                a blender until smooth. Lather the mixture through your   before rinsing.
                strands before wrapping your hair in a shower cap. Let the   Brown Sugar + Olive Oil
 LUMINOUS LOCKS  Banana + Olive Oil                             Who knew something that tastes so sweet and sugary
                mask sit for 30 minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water.
                                                                could be good for you? When incorporated in a hair
                Instead of throwing out brown and spotty bananas, mash   mask, brown sugar removes dead skin cells, residue, and
                them up with olive oil to create a rejuvenating hair mask.   dirt from your scalp and boosts blood circulation. Because
 DIY hair masks that really work.  Bananas contain silica, which is a substance that helps   olive oil is a natural conditioner, fusing it with brown sug-
                your body produce more collagen. The sweet fruit also   ar will generate luscious locks and prevent hair breakage
                has antimicrobial properties, so it’s an excellent remedy   and split ends.
                for a dry and itchy scalp. In combination with the fatty
                acids in olive oil, you’ll retain moisture and shine. Olive   Directions: Mix 2 tablespoons of brown sugar with 1 ta-
                oil is full of emollients, which have softening qualities and   blespoon of olive oil. Work the mixture into your hair,
                are found in a range of shampoos and conditioners on   from the ends to the roots. After lathering, let it sit for 15
                the market.                                     minutes and then rinse.
 Bikini top and   Directions: Blend 2 bananas, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, and   Although parched strands and an itchy scalp are common
 bottom by      4 tablespoons of honey. Once the mixture is smooth, ap-  in the winter, coating your locks with one of these DIY
 Bikini Lovers
                ply it to your hair, starting at the ends and working your   masks will revive your hair’s natural shine and vitality. ■

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