Page 12 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
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accountable for how our decisions impact others. We don’t When you honor your primal functions, most are not Basic Rowing Top
tell ourselves the truth. We don’t come together enough negotiable if you want to live healthy, sound, and up to your by OFF-WHITE,
to overcome small differences. If we all lived more value- true potential. Your vital right to move. Your vital right to Pants by JANTZEN,
driven lives, the communities in our own backyards would nourish. Your vital right to rest. Your vital right to love. Your Bracelet and ring by
be healthier. Modern humans are truthfully only 300,000 vital right to feel safe and not to threaten the safety of those
years old, and today we need to realize collectively that we around you. Your desire to belong. Your desire to matter.
have a responsibility to nurture responsibly. We will have
more opportunity when we align ourselves with the truth. As you read this issue, it’s my hope that you’ll learn a lesson or
We have a primal brain and a modern brain. Our primal that someone you know might benefit from new knowledge.
brain is responsible for survival, drive, and instinct, while Ask yourself what values you stand for in life. Work to observe
our modern brain is responsible for problem-solving, the negative, uncomfortable, or fear-driven thoughts that
memory, language, judgment, impulse control, and come into your brain space. What steps do you need to take
reasoning. We need to understand how to balance both to tackle them?
and, more importantly, how to better evolve.
How many days a week are you showing up for your workout
Seeing people trying to live in ways that have proven to and processing through your physical self?
create pain and dysfunction is only further highlighting How many days are you preparing your own salads or trying
how many adults had bad parenting. When we aren’t one of the recipes included here while saying no to processed
taking care of the primal physical rights of our bodies, our foods?
brains cannot handle all the energy that’s being placed How many disagreements did you resolve today with real care
upon them, often resulting in brain manipulation. The and consideration for someone else?
truth is that while there’s so much agenda in the reporting How connected were you in each moment? How present were
of the truth, it’s that much more important to be able to you for each play of the day?
personally manage your energy and how it affects you and What did you do to be a positive force of energy in your
others around you. You can slow yourself down, go through community today? How did you look out for others?
a system of checks and balances before you act. Check in on
your own personal fears. Your past personal trauma. Your I personally care about making better grades at 46 than I
personal beliefs and where they reside. You or what has did at 16.
happened to you. We need to strengthen the health of our I enjoy doing my homework now as it makes me feel
bodies and minds more than ever to make a real difference. accomplished.
Usually, we ignore what we look to sacrifice without care I enjoy finding motivation on days when I feel unmotivated.
these days. I see it all the time. The person who claims to I feel balanced every time I lean into the meaning of my
care for the environment, but can’t stand to wear the same practice.
outfit twice. The person who has unhealthy weight to lose, I dream and feel full of hope when I visualize my body
yet goes for the treat and skips the workout. The person reaching its higher-performance peaks.
who sees the glass half full and spreads that energy. The I feel stronger when I can detect where my anxiety keeps
person who is inflexible with others, yet allows flexibility me from succeeding and then switch to focus on my
with themselves. The person who tries to impose their potential to perform.
belief system on others. I feel whole when I’m giving the love that I have for others,
the love that they deserve.
Just as high school sports taught that letting down your I feel learned when I can zoom out of my small space
guard can hurt you in any phase of the game, the world and see the ways in which my actions matter to an entire
today shows us the same. The worst mistake anyone can network of life.
make is thinking that the moves they make don’t matter or
the results of the games are predetermined. This will result During the next few months, consider watching a John
in disastrous consequences in the end game. Defending an Hughes film (or two) as a fun day in school. Make sure you
inferior end game is a depressing state of mind. attend your adult PE programming or your after-work sport.
Better your lunchrooms at home and at the office. Be a
This is why my team is passionate about providing a well- leader and a parent in your community who puts in the extra
rounded education for the people we serve without the detailed energy to tear down broken systems that can be a
neuromarketing involved. The work we bring forward for result of bad parenting and build up those systems by being
each of you does require extra effort, but with that extra better parents. Be a part of making all the things that divide
effort comes energy, vitality, harmony, resiliency, wisdom, us something we chose to overcome. It takes time and care
growth, freedom, health, and a synchronicity of pace that we to understand each other and realize that there’s so much
believe balances and brightens the lives we touch each day. more love in us than the hate we likely feel from very bad
parenting, as we learned in The Breakfast Club. ■
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