Page 16 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 16


               if you’re a serious meditator—it’s really worth reading. How   using platforms that don’t try to make them more addicted,   or what are the writings that you look to for inspiration, solace,   last one, a tiny door behind a curtain that opens up an Eden-
               pure this person’s mind was, how he taught so many people the   or don’t try to make them into scrolling zombies. To show the   or peace?                                 like garden. The problem is, she is too big and can’t fit through.
               path to liberation, and how he prepared my teacher Goenka to   world that you can make profit, do business, and function in   DP: There’s this amazing monk named Bhikkhu Bodhi, who   This moment is a great metaphor for the idea that your external
               pass this teaching around the world. Goenka spread it all over   this global economy and still uplift human dignity. To specifi-  understands Buddhist teaching. Outside of the teaching of the   situation can be perfect—you can have the golden key to suc-
               the world. U Ba Khin in particular is a titan among human   cally support the well-being of the user. Some of the platforms   Buddha, I love the work of Herman Hesse. In many ways,   cess, love, and joy—but if your selfhood is fragile, disconnected,
               beings. He towers in wisdom.                     we support are in the wellness space, but we want to talk to             he was the writing teacher I never had. Reading his books   or inharmonious with the world around you, you can feel lost.
                                                                any company that intentionally designs their product and plat-           sparked a part of my mind that gave me the courage to try   For you, what defines a healthy balance between our inward and
               TA: This year, you co-founded Wisdom Ventures, a project that   form in a compassionate manner. I’m excited. The next decade   to write and develop my own voice. His book Siddartha is   outward experiences?
               aims to uplift a new generation of entrepreneurs who value   is going to be about platforms that give people what they need   one that I go back to every two years. Not only is it such a   DP: I love that. It’s funny, when you drew that picture of her
               mindfulness, well-being, and human connection. You’re creat-  without harming them in the process.                        powerful story, but it is the most lyrical, beautiful writing.   having the key but being too big—the first thing I thought about
               ing a new paradigm for the way we interact with technology,                                                               It’s so moving. His other book Narcissus and Goldmund is a   was ego. If it’s too big, nothing is going to be enjoyable about
               with community and compassion as guiding principles. What’s   TA: It’s an emergency. It’s hijacking our connection to ourselves.   beautiful story about friendship. I’ve been enjoying the writing   life. Part of being in survival mode is that oftentimes the ego
               currently in the works at Wisdom Ventures, and what do you   It robs us of who we would be without the noise.             of the next generation of Instagram writers. There are a lot of   will become dominant in the mind. The ego can help you get
               hope for the future of this project?             DP: If you look at teenage and preteen suicide rates, it is              cool people: my friend Chris Frereiras (@itscarus), Fernando   through the tough moments in life, it can be quite useful. But if
               DP: This project has gotten me so excited. One thing that I   horrific. A lot of that has coincided with the emergence of   Samalot (@fernandosamalot), and Alex Elle (@alex_elle).   you’re really trying to thrive and be happy, you have to cultivate
               think about in my writing is impact. Am I creating pieces that   social media. I’m not a statistician, but there must be con-                                             selflessness. You have to cultivate egolessness, so that you can
               people will find useful? When my friend Soren came up with   nections there that we need to act upon. We need to build    TA: This issue is inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.   start living and arriving from a place of compassion. There’s a
               this idea for Wisdom Ventures, it hit me that if we’re able to   better platforms.                                        Your work is all about how our inner state defines our experi-  balance where, of course, you need to know what you want and
               help support companies that will create platforms that inten-                                                             ence more than any external event. There is a point in Lewis Car-  need, but the other side of that is what you can give. What you
               tionally do not try to harm the individual’s mind, the impact   TA: Absolutely. So, almost two million people look to your writ-  roll’s story when Alice stumbles into the hall of locked doors.   can support. If we don’t cultivate that selflessness, it’s going to
               of that would be astronomical. Millions of people would be   ing for spiritual guidance and reassurance. Who are the authors   She finds a golden key, and tries it on every door until it fits the   be so hard to live a good life. It’s as simple as that.  TA
        22                                                                                                                                                                                                      sister wasn’t born yet). It    22
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  What was your favorite    When I was a child, my   What kind of books do you   for fun?             understanding you can    been getting a lot from   as a way to avoid    moment has always stuck       Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20

                                                                                                                                                                more of an introvert or an
                                                                                                                                         Taking turns to listen
                                to get to know the person behind the curtain of Yung Pueblo.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                so selfless and just want-
                                                                                                                                                                                        I started abusing drugs
                                                                                                                                         selflessly is what creates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ed us to be happy. That
                                                                                                                                                                                        when I was in my early 20s
                                                                                                                                         understanding and through
                                                                                                                                                                Extrovert, but lately I have
        14                 We also asked Diego a series of quick questions                                                               relationship has taught you?   Would you consider yourself   that taught you about   was a huge surprise. He was   15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                with me and reminds me to
                                                                                                                                         build a new harmony.
                                                                                                                                                                                        my sadness and anxiety.
                                                                                                                                                                spending time alone.
                                         mother cleaned houses
                                                                                                                                         Instead of having silent
                                                                                         Go to the beach. I love the
                                                                                                                                                                                        Stopping all the hard drugs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                cultivate generosity.
                 subject in school?
                                                                 read for pleasure?
                                                                 science fiction.
                                                                                                                                         and make clear commit-
                                                                                                                                                                about your career?
                                                                                                                                         ments to each other.
                                                                                                                                                                I love writing. It feels like
        C        History.                and my father worked at a   I mainly read history and   ocean.                                  expectations, communicate   What is something you love   was a big victory.   Has anything specific taught   C
                                                                                                                                                                                        What is your ideal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                you about growth in your
                 Do you have any siblings?
                                                                                         Did you have a significant
        TRA      An older brother and a   What was your family    What is one thing that you   role model in your                                               I am putting together    Saturday night?        adult life?                    TRA
                 younger sister.         dynamic like growing up?   think is essential to leading a   early life that has influenced     If you could give the whole   a puzzle. I also love the    Having dinner with friends   Vipassana meditation has
                                         Even though we struggled   mindful life?        who you are/what you do?                        world one message, what   freedom it gives me    and my wife, sharing stories,   by far taught me the most
                 What is one thing you   with poverty, there was a   Having your attention   My cousin Jarvi. He showed                  would it be?           to meditate more often.   laughing. I love being   about how to live well,
                 learned from your parents’   lot of love in our house.   turned inward. Moving   me what it is to be an                 Embracing impermanence is                      around old friends and   how to cultivate freedom,
                 relationship?           I am grateful that I was   through the day and staying   American and was a role                the path to peace, happiness,   If you could change one   simply enjoying each    and how to cause myself less
                 That external stress can get   born to my parents because   in touch with the way your   model on how to live in        and mental freedom.    thing about social media,   other’s company.    trouble.
                 in the way of loving each   they gave us a good sense   emotions are changing.    your power.                                                  what would it be?
                 other well. We were very   of morality and showed us   That will help you see if                                        Is there something about   Remove the aspect of    What is your go-to drink?   What impact do
                 poor when I was growing   how important it is to be   your emotions are clouding   What is a trait you look for         you that you feel is unique to   algorithms that try to make   I love good quality water.  you hope to have in your
                 up, not having money made   generous with other people.  your perception.  in friends/partners?                         where you are from?    you more addicted. It is                        readers’ lives?
                 them very tense. Now that                                               The willingness to grow.                        I was born in Guayaquil   great to be connected but   What is a fond memory   I hope to write reflective
                 me and my siblings are   Was mindfulness and self-  Is there a quote that you                                           Ecuador and because of that   being online too much    you have from your   pieces that help people build
                 older, they no longer have   growth a theme in your   often think of for guidance/  If you could have dinner            I love warm weather.    is harmful.            childhood?              self-awareness. I also hope
                 that same stress and their   household as a kid?   inspiration?         with anyone, alive or dead,                     Whenever I am in a warm                        One Christmas when I was   to inspire people to find a
                 relationship is a lot more   Not at all, but as I embraced    “A change in one is a   who would it be?                  climate I can feel the joy   What makes you happy?   very young, my mom and   healing method that helps
                 harmonious.             my growth my family     change in millions”     Gautama the Buddha.                             emanating from my body.   Spending time with my wife.  dad had very little money   them take steps forward. If
                                         became very open to healing   – Jiddu Krishnamurti                                                                                             but my cousin Jarvi ended   more people love and know
                 What do/did your parents   and cultivating new good                     What is something                               What is your learning style?   Was there something    up buying me and my broth-  themselves, it will decrease
                 do for a living?        habits too.             What do you like to do    important that being in a                     Visual.                specific that you overcame   er a bunch of gifts (my    the harm in the world.  TA
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