Page 5 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 5



                                              FR OM THE EDIT OR

                                                               in one’s truth—no matter the setting that he finds
                                                               himself in. We have the pleasure to feature another
                                                               issue with an excerpt by Dr. Habib Sadeghi’s Mega-
                                                               ZEN to help us set our intention for the moments
                                                               in the year ahead. Jim Kwik, the world’s top brain
                                                               and memory coach, pens an essay on the impact vi-
                                                               sualization has on our health, further encouraging
                                                               us to flex those creative muscles every chance we
                                                               get. In another feature, Katie Couric goes there with
 EDI TOR I N CH I EF, Tracy Anderson                           her daughter, Carrie Monahan, in a candid conver-
 DEPU T Y EDI TOR , Steven Beltrani  As with every start of    sation that outlines her complicated relationship
                                                               with food and body image. We continue by diving
                      the Gregorian calendar year,             into the power of music and its healing abilities, as
 EDITOR I A L M ANAGER , Sierra Asplundh  PRODUCTION  we adjust our  daily routine.    told by acclaimed musicians my team and I have
 EDI TOR I A L DI R EC TOR , Grace Gavilanes  PHOTOGR A PH ER , Miranda Penn Turin  We adapt to the amount       long admired. And as always, to feed your wellness,
 DE SIGN DI R EC TOR , David Armario   PHOTOGR A PH Y ASSISTA N TS , Cesar Rebollar,    we’re serving you an impressive selection of season-
 A RT DI R EC TOR , Dennis McLeod  Katie Piper  of daylight this time of year  al recipes that include Mushroom Fajitas, a flavor-
 22  COPY EDI TORS , Vivian Nuñez, Sarah Kester  DIGITECH , Edwin Jimenez  brings. We shift our closets to make room for   ful dish that is sure to become a weeknight staple.  22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  U N DERGR A DUAT E R E SE A RCH CON T R I BU TORS ,   SE A MST R ESS, Renee Chona  up. It’s like clockwork, like being on autopilot. But   while going to our jobs, raising and nurturing our   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
 FOOD CR E AT I V E EDI TOR , Sandra Rojo
 H A I R , Korey Fitzpatrick
                      coats and shoes to accommodate the changing
                                                               As I reflect on not only this issue, but the previous
 CON TEN T W R ITER , Julia Bennani-Smires
 ST Y LIST, Giulia J. Papailias
                      before taking a prolonged break. We vow to be our
                                                               I got here. We are still processing and living through
 CON T RI BU TING W RI T ER , Sherri Skok
 ST Y LIST ASSISTA N T, Maeve Feinblatt
                      best selves before getting discouraged and giving
 2  H E A D OF PR E SCR I P T ION, Maria Kelling  M A K EU P, Elena Miglino  weather. We begin to exercise and eat healthier   year, I have to take a moment to remind myself how   3
                                                               a time of a global pandemic and political unrest—
 SOCI AL MEDI A STR AT EGIST, Katherine Driscoll
 Abigail Vargas, Desha Perera
                      this year, we’re craving a different approach—one
                                                               families, and doing our best to not let time pass us
                      that’s equal parts familiar, mindful, and full of
                                                               by. How do we continue to persevere? For me, I
                      introspection, and balance.
 V I DEO DI R EC TOR , Indigo Bates
                                                               passion for this Method that I continue to pour time
                                                               and research into to keep us all moving. I protect and
                      This issue is our guiding light to find both moments
 C  CR E AT I V E PRODUCER & EP, Erin Judd  adventure. One that sparks a sense of wonder,   continue to lean into the aspects of my truth—my   C
 TRA                  of calm while continuing to act in accordance with   hold those closest to me to rise with me in doing our   TRA
 I M AGI NG SPECI A LIST, George Maier  what we have learned over the past year. We may   part to better the world around us. I find those mo-
 PRODUCER , Kim McEniry  be tempted to shut off or neglect certain parts of   ments of joy during busy travel or long work days
 PRODUCER COOR DI NATOR , Mark Padgett  ourselves to appease family and friends. What does   to become fully present to those around me. And I
 PRODUC T ION ASSISTA N T, Philippe-Peter Rodenbach  it look like to remain present and in your power?   wake up each morning, coffee in hand, checking in
                      How can we feel our best without compromising
                                                               with myself first, and going outward from there. My
 RU N N ER , Dereck Mateo  our rest, nourishment, and movement? We craft-  hope is that after reading this issue, not only will you
 PROP ST Y LIST, Kevin Hertzog  ed this issue with the undertone of Lewis Carroll’s   join me and our experts in this mindset, but you’ll
 PROP ASSISTA N T, Kevin Casteneda  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to paint that   also discover ways to hold onto that sense of won-
                      picture of falling down the rabbit hole and using   der and openness you had long been hiding in that
 FOOD RE CIPES        our curiosity with our intuition to navigate back   rabbit hole. It’s finally time to re-emerge.
 H E A D CH EF, Alexander Browne  home—mind, body, and soul.
 ASSISTA N T CH EF, James Akins                                Now, that’s a wonderland I want to experience
 FOOD PHOTOGR A PH ERS , Jamie Bassett-Cann,   I created concepts for our featured guests to speak   with you. 
 Eliot Bassett-Cann   to  us  all  from  their  vulnerable  truth  and  humble
 FOOD ST Y LIST, Laura Cliffone  experience to guide the way and for each of us to   With continued growth and wonder,
                      lean on while we self-reflect after every page turned.   Tracy Anderson
                      My team and I could not be more thrilled to feature
 JUICE RE CIPES       Yung Pueblo, aka Diego Perez, in multiple facets for
 H E A D CH EF, Ilene Ruhoy, MD, PhD
 A RT DI R EC T ION, Jen Longtin   The Wonderland Issue as he truly honors his voice
 PHOTOGR A PH Y, Photography by Studio Kihara  with consistent effort on how to navigate the world
 Special Thanks To: Chris Asplundh, Aunt Susie,
 Kyley Hooper, and the trailblazing Tracy Anderson
 training team.
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