Page 10 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 10


               part in the ballet, therefore I do not know how to move as well   We are programmed to move to music in a balanced way. Our   “YOUR SPIRITUAL SELF
               as I thought.” It could be a sport you don’t make, it could be   emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, and primal selves
               someone making fun of the way you run. It could be you look-  benefit from it.  We get you into that flow-state of moving,            SOARS THE HIGHEST WHEN
               ing at the celebrated “beautiful” people of the world, and not   where it’s not just improvisational: You have the woman who
               being able to see it in yourself.                conceived the method and designed its strategy-based practices
                                                                crafting new content each week. You match that energy the                                    YOU ARE ONE WITH YOUR BODY.”
               In the world of physical fitness training, there was not any stra-  way a musician absorbs the tempo from the conductor’s phys-
               tegic language built in wellness to take any person from any   ical gestures. This is when the brain enters a highly restorative
               genetic background and make them into their most balanced   and creative space—where your entire being is processing and   The small lies you tell yourself are the tiny things that stagnate   radically honest look at how much value should be placed on
               self. Until I dedicated my focus to making progress in the fit-  moving—and builds resilience.                            us, and keep us from really being all that we desire.   that feeling. Your health can handle the hard truth but it can not
               ness space, it simply didn’t exist. During my first study, I real-                                                                                                        handle lies.
               ized that just like our self-esteem was being unfairly hijacked,   Retraining your brain and managing breaking the emotional   This is where I like to play out how these conversations with
               our brains were experiencing the same with verbal instruction.  habits of having someone talk you through your workouts   clients go. It’s all about simplifying your being into four parts:   I grew up with a mother who was a professional ballerina and
                                                                takes time, focus, and discipline. But once you break that habit         your physical self, your emotional self, your intellectual self,   a career dance studio owner with her own methodology of
               Why is verbal instruction counterproductive in fitness? Inter-  and see firsthand the benefits of free play, you will never want   and your spiritual self.               teaching children the gifts and techniques of dance through their
               estingly, our bodies actually need minimal to no distraction to   anyone disrupting your fitness space again.                                                             unique processing channels which forever deepen their connec-
               connect to the incredible systems we have in our primal being.                                                            The conversation goes like this: You get set up to try a class, and   tion to themselves. I truly believe that experiential gift my moth-
               If you look at toddlers, you notice they try everything imagin-  When  you  start  a  new  fitness  program,  it’s  usually  because   your intellectual self has totally bought into the fact that you   er believed in is why I was poised to break down the barriers
               able physically, without anyone telling them what to do. They   somewhere in you, you either feel uncomfortable in your body,   should be working out. Your emotional self is half in, half out—  between the scientific, medical, wellness, and fitness domains. I
               are driven by adrenaline and curiosity. Two ingredients that I   disappointed in how you view your body, or worried you ar-  part of it craves the experience of being physically confident, but   excelled as a dancer, but once I got into college on a scholarship,
               have found most powerful in weight loss are weight manage-  en’t showing up for your health.                              the other doesn’t like anything that is challenging, so it waits in   and found myself in New York City after growing up in a small
        22     ment, and being magnetically connected to your physical body.   ven if it’s challenging to get moving, the truth          the wings to start sending bodily signals that you shouldn’t be do-  town in Indiana, my body drastically changed. I am just shy of   22
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  runs on the idea that you don’t know how to move in your own     Ephysical results from exercise, most programs   to commit. Your physical self only shows resistance right before   and then cast me as the star of Giselle at Lincoln Center. In fact   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
               Young children aren’t told the mechanics of how to throw, but
                                                                                                                                                                                         5 feet tall, and I gained 40 lbs at school for dance. New York, in
                                                                                                                                         ing this workout. It will also do it for any workout that requires
                                                                                                                                                                                         all its glory, is not a city that lies to you. It is one of those places
                                                                                                                                         too much mental effort to stay in the game. The reality is your
                                                                            is that any movement you do with your own
               they will throw. No one is cheering them on to roll over, walk,
                                                                                                                                         can also show reluctance at first. It wants to move, but it needs
               movement, yet there is an entire industry that has benefited off
                                                                                                                                                                                         was that no one anywhere was going to coddle my natural talent
                                                                            gift we can give to our mental and physical
        8      climb, stretch, or bounce. It is in us to crave independence in   body should feel good. Exercise is the greatest         health needs you to overcome that challenge. Your physical self   that reveals the hard truth of who you are, and that hard truth   9
                                                                                                                                                                                         and make me make weight in some miraculously healthy way
                                                                            health, as it’s both preventative and healing.
                                                                                                                                         the full support of the emotional and intellectual parts of you
               of your willingness to resign your autonomy. An industry that
                                                                            That being said, not all movements are de-
               body without step-by-step instructions, or a verbal cheerleader
                                                                                                                                         achieving something real. In my opinion, your spiritual self soars
                                                                            signed to create balance. When we start to see
                                                                                                                                                                                         it was quite the opposite. It was “make weight or go.” Did that
                                                                                                                                                                                         hurt? Absolutely. But it was the hard truth, and I recognized that
                                                                                                                                         the highest when you are one with your body, honoring all of its
               massaging your ego enough to keep you going. You could have
                                                                                                                                         itual self, there may be times of fasting or significant days where
                                                                you decide to start a fitness plan, it’s usually because you have
                                                                                                                                                                                         deeply research-based for the whole body. I sought to create
               commentary altogether. Why? Because you shut off the part of
                                                                                                                                         not eating in a balanced way or moving in a balanced way are
               your brain that doesn’t just ride shotgun during your workout,
                                                                                                                                                                                         bold solutions to achieve physical connection and balance, and
                                                                a strong desire to change your body fast, and you can’t get
        C      burned hundreds of calories more if you turned off the verbal   do not have the data nor the expertise to go the distance. When   graceful abilities. Depending on how you observe your own spir-  there’s this giant hole in wellness where no one crafted anything   C
        TRA    but is the actual driver.                        anywhere fast with your body without harming your mental                 appropriate for those days, and that’s okay. Those are meaning-  to help people see the continuous results they deserve.  TRA
                                                                and physical health. So let’s just pause and take a moment to            ful times that create balance in your life as a whole.
               Studies show that orchestra conductors live longer than most,   check in with ourselves. Being able to tell yourself the truth                                            I dedicated a focused eight years of research and development,
               and there’s a reason for that: They let the music enter their   about where you’ve been—and where you are—is very import-              he first step is being honest about how over-  including a five-year study on 150 women of all ages and back-
               body and guide their movement. This natural response to mu-  ant. Yes, all the way back to the first moment you quit that              powering those parts of you can end up sab-  grounds. I brought together skillful academics, and dug into my
               sic is what gets our hearts pumping, our circulation going, and   sport, stopped that online class, left the gym, skipped the runs.    otaging you. It’s why so many people start   intellectual and creative forces to try and help people feel empow-
               our organs functioning. It’s something of which we are all ca-  Ask yourself: What happened, and why? You have to look                 things they never finish, and year after year   ered by their own bodies instead of disappointed, disconnected,
               pable. It’s amazing to me how people will react when they feel   very honestly about everything you consume, how you manage            they don’t get healthier. When you get honest   or disenchanted by them. There wasn’t any research in fitness
               like their choices are being limited, and yet people who were   your stress, and how well you actually know yourself. These            with yourself about where you’ve been and   that had studied the totality of balance in oneself, and the mech-
               all born with a primal right to move will be the first to say they   things matter, because even when the truth is hard to swallow,    Twhy certain parts of your inner dialogue may   anisms by which the body becomes unbalanced. I spent many
               don’t know how to move or even how to get started moving.   it liberates you. The truth creates the space you need to grow.   need nurturing, you really start to grow. When excuses start to   years dissecting the science and circumstances before I even began
                                                                                                                                         come up, first ask yourself: Who’s the voice inside your head, and   to incorporate my findings into choreography. I knew my style of
                                                                                                                                                                                         movement was not going to be anything like dance choreogra-
             “THE TRUTH                                                                                                                  in the way of most people being able to have an empathetic con-  phy, because the intended outcomes are completely different. It
                                                                                                                                         why are they saying what they are saying? After all, ego stands
                                                                                                                                                                                         took years to design a method that allows for active communi-
                                                                                                                                         versation with anyone they might disagree with. That battle with
                 CREATES THE SPACE                                                                                                       ego resides inside you, and persists in your inner conversations   cation with the muscles, which is more meticulous than working
                                                                                                                                                                                         muscles to become stronger in mass. It’s also about the joints,
                                                                                                                                         as well. When you are seeking to improve your life in any way,
                                                                                                                                                                                         the metabolism, and the way movement impacts your hormones.
                                                                                                                                         pause, and an exterior or interior conflict, road block, or distrac-
                  YOU NEED TO GROW.”                                                                                                     tion will come up. Pause. Breathe to the count of five. Hold for   Today, the Tracy Anderson Method is a dynamic, holistic ap-
                                                                                                                                                                                         proach that leads to sustained balance and harmony, designed in
                                                                                                                                         one and exhale for five. Ask yourself who is responding to this
                                                                                                                                         circumstance in this moment and how can we take a quick and
                                                                                                                                                                                         function of our ever-evolving minds and bodies.  TA
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