Page 101 - Tracy Anderson Magazine – Summer 2020
P. 101

Method for years, but I always thought it was for physically   Mentally: I think more positively about my own strengths   order to hit the movements she was asking of my body. It
 fit women who wanted to emphasize their toned physiques,   and my ability to improve. I began to believe in the power   was nothing short of extraordinary, how her methodology
 not for everyone, and definitely not for me. I started the   I had to shape my physique and thoughts, and to create a   changed my body, how precise and accurate she was in
 Method in August 2018 when Tracy created a challenge   life in which I was healthy.  telling me what was going to change and how.
 for her streamers, and my competitive side kicked in.
 Immediately I saw results.   Emotionally: I finally found a healthy balance between    The Online Studio has taken everything to a completely
 giving every bit of my energy out into the world and           different level for me. The definition in my body is
 Physically: My arms became more defined, my core   creating some for myself. Over the past year and a half,   incredible, the way my twin skin has pulled in (which I
 became stronger, and my chronic lower-back pain was   I have learned that if I contribute some energy into my   still don’t completely believe), but it’s 100 percent a brain
 significantly reduced. I have since lost 40 lbs by combining   own self-care routine (which includes working out), I   game for me now. Both my body and mind are here to
 this method with a diet that works for me (low sugar due to   simultaneously create more energy for my family, career,   play, and I am as addicted to streaming as my 8-year-old
 life-long elevated blood-sugar levels).  and social life.      son is to Zelda on his Switch. I use my mind exhaustively
                                                                in my work and home life daily. My brain is so incredibly
                                                                engaged through the one-hour class that I can’t possibly
 believe what I had achieved from a fitness perspective—I       mentally process anything else. After class, I know there
 actually posted my stomach on Instagram.                       is nothing I can’t handle. And aside from being in the
                                THEN                    NOW     best shape of my life at 43, I actually feel myself getting
 I am now a 39-year-old athlete who is much happier,            sharper mentally.
 healthier, balanced, and confident. I stream my workouts   six. Everything she promised happened, and she never
 every day, and I host Ask TAmily interviews every   promised it would be easy. Within a month, I dropped 16   The Emotional Game
 Saturday live on Instagram. Without my BFF Nichoel and   pounds from doing the two DVDs. I saw my body lean-  The last and dearest component of this method for me is
 all the #TAmily members who participate, I would never   out all over.   the #TAmily. This community is completely responsible
 have gotten where I am today. This community is the            for the shift in my adult emotional well-being. Like many
 most positive group of supporters I could ever imagine.   And then I got pregnant with twins and gained 77 pounds   of us, I’ve had interesting life challenges and somewhere
                and fell off the face of the planet. When I came out of   between adjusting to a new country, marriage, and
 In my first year of TAM, I lost 50 pounds and achieved   what I call “twin fog” in 2015, after trying trainers and   motherhood, a part of me got lost, dimmed. The TAmily
 strength, flexibility, and endurance that I never thought   circuits, I managed to lose some weight but my body was   changed that. The instant I opened a private TAM IG
 possible. I did Advanced almost every day for two years.   way different—rolls of twin skin, shrunken boobs, back   account, I found support from like-minded people.
 I began to balance my career and became a puppy mom.   pain from pregnancy. I knew I needed more than weight   From my first post (of just my shoes) and the hashtag
 SUZANNE MOORE  It’s all a journey, though, because I got promoted in   loss. Enter TRACY! I had completely forgotten about   #tracyandersonmethod, I received encouragement
 September 2018 and had to start traveling four to five days
 Location: Fort Mill, SC (formerly Tampa, FL)  a week, which changed my workout routine and reversed   the fairy ninja genius from what felt like my previous   from people I didn’t know. I started to feel I had a small
                                                                place that was full of women just like me. The TAmily
                life. I popped online, joined a Facebook group, and
 IG: @tampasuzanne  many of my results over 10 months. A year later, I sought   updated myself on all things Tracy. I found out she had   supported one another, showed their best selves, showed
 Years Practicing TAM: 5  advice from Tracy at a Vitality Week when I really wanted   come out with the Metamorphosis project, a ton of other   their most vulnerable selves, and showed up daily. It
 comfort and reassurance. Instead of comforting me, she   DVDs, had a baby and created a pregnancy series! I dove   was EVERYTHING MY SOUL NEEDED. That was
 Since faithfully practicing this method, I have   gave me accountability. She told me to follow the recipes   into Metamorphosis (90 days) and BOOM, my second   almost five years ago. I was lucky enough in 2016 to
 transformed as a person in several ways. When I started   in her Performance magazine and do my workout daily   transformation happened within two weeks of following   attend my first Vitality Week in Las Vegas, where I got to
 Metamorphosis in the summer of 2015, I was an out-  to lose the unhealthy weight I had gained back. I listened,   the program. I shed every pound I had gained and my   meet Tracy and connect with the TAmily that I had been
 of-shape, unbalanced, unhealthy, stressed 34-year-old   and shockingly I lost 17 pounds in 42 days. Now I am   body changed even more drastically. My back pain was   communicating with on IG for more than a year. And
 workaholic with high-blood pressure and acid reflux. I   back on the AtTAin track and building my athleticism   gone, my bum had form, my back and waist fat cinched   it confirmed everything I believed. Tracy is BEYOND
 finished the 90 days of Metamorphosis and then did a bit   every day. Sometimes I even include five minutes of   in, and I started getting TA signature ab lines. Finally, I   (talented, generous, and grounded), and the TAmily
 of Continuity. I even purchased a Vitality Week, thinking   dance cardio. Some days I am still surprised that it’s really   pulled the trigger and opened a TAM Instagram account   are AMAZING! We workout daily, post daily, connect
 that would help me be consistent, but I still struggled with   me in those post workout selfies, but I am more grateful   in my last month of Meta and I got hooked following   DAILY from all over the world. Within the TAmily,
 doing the workout six days a week. Once I found the   for the way I feel, my ability to handle stress, and being   #TAmily on IG. While I ordered the entire Continuity   you find ladies you sync with instantly, ones you admire
 #TAmily on Instagram, I started streaming in January   healthier as I approach my 40th birthday than I was on   bundle—because by now I was an official Tracy Anderson   fiercely, and ones you can’t help but wake up and go to
 2016 with the first Got Your Back Girl challenge. That day   my 20th birthday. I have reached a place of balance again.   content hoarder and I wanted all of it—and I appreciated   their page to cheer them on because that was once you.
 was the start of my nearly daily workout. I knew Tracy was  I know exactly where I would be without Tracy and the   the education of the Method via Meta, alas the streaming   I’m blessed to be able to travel, and for the past four
 the method for me, but it took the community to inspire   #TAmily, and I will never be there again. You have me   FOMO was just too much. I felt it was time to join the   years, wherever I’d go, I’d look up TAmily. I have had
 me to be consistent. By August 2017, I literally could not   for life, Tracy.  team. This had been the missing link for me.   the privilege of meeting and working out with more than
                                                                200 TAmily in over 16 different countries. I have met the
                The Mental Game                                 most incredible women around the world, and I am proud
 MARIAM PARINEH  I’m 43 years old, Iranian born, California raised, and   There is a truth about who I am and why I cannot survive   to call many of them dear friends. You ladies and T are
                                                                EVERYTHING TO ME. You support me and celebrate
 current resident of Malaysia for the past 19 yrs.
 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia   a day without this method. I am a bit of an “everything   me for just being myself. I will always be grateful.
                has to be efficient and right and with a strategy” kind
 IG: @tamalaysia  The Physical Game   of person. I’ve applied this to most everything in my   Sometimes you get stuck in your life and might feel like
 Years practicing TAM: 12   My first transformation with Tracy happened with my   life, but I wasn’t even aware there could be a strategy to   you can’t find your people. I promise you that they are
 (from the original mat dvd in 2008)  first Tracy Anderson DVDs in 2008. Tracy said for best   fitness. Meta taught me how powerful Tracy’s strategy   waiting for you in the TAmily. You just have to reach out
 results do the program four to six times a week. So I did   in sequencing was. How engaged my mind had to be in   and find them.

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