Page 98 - Tracy Anderson Magazine – Summer 2020
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TAMILY TALES What is not so apparent by my smaller waistline or model for others. The TA Method and the #TAmily
toned arms is the growth in my personal confidence,
have become an integral part of my life, a gift to myself
Virtual results that speak for themselves. the inclusion of being part of a community, consistent that is all mine, and my commitment makes me stronger
for my family. Thank you, Tracy, for creating and
inspiration from my daily role models, and—the most
surprising for me—the self-assurance to become a role evolving the Method and for supporting the #TAmily!
Taking a glimpse at the physical changes made since the onset of someone’s health journey can be enough to motivate
you to lace up your sneakers, but what’s even more compelling is the narrative behind each snapshot. JOY E. DYSON my current workouts were getting stale. I recognized
Location: Pleasant Valley, NY Tracy Anderson’s name when I did a quick search, and
So many members of the Tracy Anderson ecosystem, best known as the #TAmily, have been on similar paths, and IG: @enjoytamily
their stories continue to inspire those who know them. Originally formed through virtual connections, this supportive Years Practicing TAM: 7 on December 30, 2012, I started with her 30 Day Method
community is more than just a group of people who work out together. It’s a global movement full of hardworking and and quickly went into Metamorphosis and Pregnancy
motivated individuals who strive to improve themselves, create a positive impact on one another, and build a more When I started my journey into motherhood, I always Project. The results appeared right away, even though
healthy future for us all. my weight didn’t change much. I wasn’t very consistent
wanted to stay in the same size of clothes. I liked my at first. I started streaming shortly after it launched—the
wardrobe and felt determined not to let motherhood online program has grown with such a wonderful choice
Here we highlight just a few of the personal tales that resonate with us. We hope you find familiarity in some of the take me down an unhealthy path (although being the
words, and feel motivated to begin a journey of your own. of workouts for how you feel and where you are in
same size does not always mean being healthy). It isn’t your journey. I love evolving with Tracy and the other
necessarily about a “goal”—my success and fitness are members of the #TAmily. In 2017, after my fourth child
based on making each day an opportunity for personal and still maintaining my workout routine, I began posting
wellness and understanding my body better. regularly on my TAmily Instagram account. I’m a bit shy,
THEN NOW Instagram and started getting to know other women and it’s awkward to put it all out there. Thankfully the
who, like myself, wanted to invest in their health. I,
a self-proclaimed “extroverted introvert” who rarely I always worked out at home and was looking for community is so supportive! This support helps me to
used social media, created a fitness-related IG account. something new. At this point I had two kids and felt like maintain my consistency, pushing my fitness every day.
I posted my first video performing the most basic TA
moves from The Beginner Method DVD and never THEN NOW People are quick to assume it’s all genetics, but once I
looked back. tell them I have four kids, they always ask, “How do
you do it?” I mention Tracy, and it’s hard to summarize
everything she does that helped get me to this place. It’s
After about two weeks of doing the beginner DVD, I
spent three weeks on the Precision Toning DVD, then more than just her workout—you have to look in yourself
graduated to the Metamorphosis Hipcentric program, and figure out your own journey. What really enlightened
which I briefly interrupted to take my first studio class. my journey was her Per4mance program, lectures, and
I finally completed Hipcentric and started streaming. guest speakers. Unfortunately most people want quick and
Throughout this time, I was posting regularly on IG, easy results. I look at this method that Tracy has created
expanding my #TAmily friends, and also starting to meet as an overall recipe for wellness for body and soul. The
them in person! Although I don’t have a drastic “before” best piece of advice she has taught me is this: If you’re not
in the right space mentally, your body will not get there
DARLENE GARALDE INTLEKOFER physique, over the past two years I have become physically.
stronger than I have ever been. I am able to keep up
Location: New York City with my 3- and 6-year-old daughters; work on writing my
IG: @darlene_nyc_13 dissertation and teaching; support my husband, friends,
Years Practicing TAM: 3 and family; and be the family manager. I have been ANGELICA TEREPKA THEN NOW
told that I look strong and, as the TA Method promises,
There’s nothing like turning 40 to force you to get up long and lean—three results I had hoped to achieve. If Location: Long Beach, NY/ NYC, NY
IG: @tertamsista
and start moving—literally. In early spring 2017, I was you stay consistent, you will become stronger and more Years Practicing TAM: 1½ (August 2018–
nine months postpartum with my second daughter, flexible, and you’ll have more endurance. Challenge month!)
had started a healthier diet after being diagnosed with
pre-diabetes and was getting in plenty of movement What I did not expect was the cascade of mental and
from daily motherhood activities but not through any emotional benefits that would arise from the TA Method. Today I connect my mental and emotional health with
regular workout program. Other than a semester of My experience as a part of the #TAmily has been both physical fitness because of the positive energy my own
track-and-field with gymnastics in high school and then positive and empowering. I’ve become more open to body creates when I make the time to move and exercise.
a semester of ballet in college, I had never engaged in a seeking out people who inspire and motivate me. By This balance of emotional, mental, and physical well-being
regular fitness routine until Tracy Anderson. I would be doing this, I’ve met dozens of TAMers who have come is what keeps me strong. Two years ago I didn’t recognize
40 that June, and I could feel the pressure of reaching to the NYC TA studios, and most recently, I traveled to myself in the mirror—I no longer resembled my twin sister,
the milestone birthday. I knew I needed to get busy Chicago for a meetup of more than two dozen TAMers. I and I didn’t have the energy of a person my age or the
living by embracing what’s to come. But I couldn’t do have engaged in many wonderful conversations, both on physical endurance I used to. At the start of 2018, I was at
that while I wasn’t feeling, or looking, my best. After IG and in person, with so many smart, thoughtful, funny, my heaviest, unhealthiest, and unhappiest—and worse, I
researching workout programs and deciding to commit shy, devoted, committed, like-minded women. In return, believed that I didn’t have the ability to change the reality
to the TA Method, I stumbled across the #TAmily on I am inspired to help others strive for more. I had created. My sister-in-law @agikonwalia had done the
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