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with your fitness goals, fits into your schedule, and makes day because your muscular function and strength is higher,
sticking with your exercise routine more probable. so you’ll work out harder, faster, and longer.
The TA Online Studio lets you stream Tracy Anderson’s Because your strength and flexibility are highest in the
dance cardio and muscular structure workouts at a time afternoon, sneaking in some movement during your lunch
that fits your preferences. The virtual workouts make break will make you less prone to injuries. Your internal
squeezing more movement into your daily schedule a body temperature increases throughout the day and peaks
breeze. in the afternoon, so you’ll feel more limber and less stiff
during an afternoon workout.
Morning Workouts
Breaking up your busy day with a sweaty workout can
Pounding the pavement right after you roll out of bed help you blow off steam and give you a much-needed
can help expedite weight-loss. In the morning, your change of scenery, which can up your productivity level.
body’s hormonal composition and elevated cortisol levels By relieving stress and revitalizing your focus, you’ll feel
metabolize fat reserves more efficiently, so working out refreshed and more motivated to tackle the rest of your
on an empty stomach can help burn stored fat and sculpt day.
your physique. Morning sweat sessions also decrease your
appetite and rev up your metabolism, so you’ll eat less but Evening Workouts
torch more calories throughout the day. Starting your day
with a workout also sets the tone for your day so you’ll Many people opt for an evening sweat session because it’s
be more likely to continue making healthy choices—like most convenient after work. If you have scheduled days
grabbing an apple instead of a cookie when the afternoon with little free time, taking a class at the end of the day
slump hits or choosing water rather than a sugary cocktail might help you commit to a consistent exercise routine.
at a restaurant.
Like afternoon workouts, working out in the evening may
Morning workouts won’t only help you slim down, they’ll prepare your body for a more effective and intense session,
also increase your energy levels. When you make exer- because you’ll feel more alert and nourished. Exercising
cising in the morning a habit, your body’s internal clock later in the day leads to an improvement in reaction times,
shifts earlier, which means you’ll feel more alert during the endurance, and anaerobic performance.
daylight hours. With steady, slow-releasing energy all day,
you’ll be more productive and then sleep better at night. If you decide to schedule your workout later in the day,
you’ll have more time in the morning to get ready at a
Exercising after you wake up reduces your stress levels and leisurely pace. Enjoying a peaceful and relaxing morning
increases feelings of optimism as well as energizing you. will set the tone for your day and make you less suscepti-
Whenever you exercise, your body releases endorphins, ble to stress and anxiety. Working out in the evening is an
which elevate your mood. Instead of feeling irritated excellent way to unwind, let out all of your frustrations,
during your morning meeting or stressed by a client call, and positively cope with stress from the day. Just be sure
you’ll be able to navigate and handle the day’s challenges not to disrupt your eating or sleeping routines.
with ease, peace, and enjoyment.
MAPPING OUT THE DAY Morning workouts also make it a lot easier to prioritize The Bottom Line
The best times to exercise. exercise by limiting distractions, unexpected situations, or Whether you schedule your workouts in the morning,
afternoon, or evening, you’ll still experience all the health
new opportunities that may pop up later in the day and
benefits of exercise. The time of day you choose to work
sidetrack you. Finishing your workout early allows you to
daily schedules. The best time to work out is the one that
a priority.
Does the early bird truly get the worm? Or do night owls company to getting your kids ready for bed, finding time be more flexible later in the day while still making exercise out is largely based on your personal preferences and
snatch up all the rewards? The question of whether hitting to squeeze in a workout can certainly be a challenge. In Photo by: Monica Sauro, courtesy of makes committing to a consistent exercise routine much
your workout first thing in the morning or later in the the midst of pressing obligations and endless tasks, it’s Afternoon Workouts more likely for you, giving you all the benefits of regular
day leads to better results has long been a hot topic and important to fit more movement into your daily routine movement for a healthy body, mind, and soul.
controversial subject in the health and fitness community. so you can experience all the physical and mental health Not a morning person? Don’t worry. Squeezing in an
Some professionals swear that morning sweat sessions are perks, such as strengthening your bones and improving afternoon workout, when your body is properly fueled The TA Online Studio offers workout classes based on
the key to improving health and well-being, while others your mood. and awake, can increase your performance and lead to a Tracy Anderson’s expertise, experience, and research, and
say afternoon or evening workouts reign supreme. killer workout. You’ll have more energy to increase the you can stream them any time, any place. No matter what
If you really want to maximize the benefits of your exer- intensity of your workout, so you’ll boost your calorie time of the day you choose to move along with Tracy,
With jam-packed schedules, from running your start-up cise, the best time of day to work out is the time that aligns burn. Your body is more prepared to work out later in the you’re guaranteed to get results.
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