Page 59 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 59
CEVICHE (serves 4)
INGREDIENTS 1½ to 2 lbs salmon,
divided in 4 pieces
1 (14-oz) can of heart
of palm, drained and 1 Tbsp olive oil
sliced in ½-inch rounds Salt and pepper
2 avocados, diced 2 Tbsp honey
1 large cucumber, 1 Tbsp lime juice, freshly
peeled, deseeded, and squeezed
2 medium tomatoes, CHAI SWEET POTATO PURÉE (serves 3) ¼ cup loosely packed
fresh cilantro, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
½ cup cilantro, roughly
chopped INGREDIENTS sack with ingredients
Juice of 6 limes, freshly For the Spice Sack: above) 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Pat salmon dry and brush with
squeezed (about ¾ 1 tsp each cloves, fennel 6 cups sweet potatoes, olive oil on all sides. Season with salt and pepper. Place
cups) seeds, peppercorns, peeled and cubed salmon with skin side down in a single layer in a shallow
1 large jalapeño, CASSAVA WRAP EGG TACOS WITH coriander seeds ½ cup canned coconut baking pan lined with foil.
seeded and finely 1 short cinnamon stick milk 2. In a small bowl, combine honey, lime juice, cilantro,
chopped MUSHROOMS AND SPINACH (serves 4) 1 anise star 3 Tbsp ground flaxseed and garlic. Mix to combine. Spread mixture over salmon.
3. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until salmon is flaky.
½ purple onion, finely Salt and pepper to taste 4. Serve on a bed of greens.
chopped INGREDIENTS For the Filling: Salt and pepper to taste 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, For Garnish:
roughly chopped
¼ cup orange juice For the Wrap: 1 Tbsp ghee 4 cassava wraps ½ tsp cardamom powder Pinch of red pepper
2 Tbsp organic ketchup 1 cup cassava flour ½ white onion, chopped (homemade or Siete brand For the Sweet Potatoes: flakes (optional) ARUGULA BEET
Salt and pepper to taste 2 Tbsp coconut flour 1 large garlic clove, For Garnish: 10 decaf chai tea bags Handful of crushed SALAD (serves 2)
½ tsp salt minced (or make your own spice walnuts (optional)
1. Prepare ingredients 1 cup mushrooms, sliced Avocado (optional)
and mix together in a 4 Tbsp olive oil Hot sauce (optional) INGREDIENTS
large bowl. 2 / 3 cup warm water 4 eggs, scrambled For the Salad:
2. Cover container and 2 cups baby spinach For the Spice Sack: 1 (8.8 oz) pack cooked
refrigerate for at least 1 1. Place all spices in a piece of cheese cloth and tie beets
hour for the flavors to with twine.
meld. Enjoy cold. For the Wrap: For the Filling: For the Sweet Potatoes: 4-5 oz arugula
1. Whisk together cassava and coconut 1. In a large nonstick skillet on medium- 1. Add 5 cups of water to a large pot and submerge ½ cup sheep and goat
flours with salt. Add olive oil and water. high heat, add ghee, onion, and garlic. tea bags or spice sack. Bring to boil. milk feta
Stir until dough is smooth. Cook for about 1 to 2 minutes. 2. Add sweet potatoes. Return to boil and cook until
2. Divide dough into 10 to 12 two-inch 2. Add mushrooms to pan, cook for about sweet potatoes are tender (about 15 to 20 minutes). Handful of crushed pecans For the Salad:
round balls and press flat using tortilla 3 to 5 minutes until browned. Lower heat 3. Remove tea bags or spice sack, and transfer For the Dressing: 1. Drain beets and cut
press or rolling pin. and add eggs and spinach. contents of pot (including water) to a blender. 2 Tbsp olive oil into small bite-size pieces.
3. Heat a dry skillet over medium heat. 3. Using a rubber spatula, separate 4. Working in batches, blend until smooth and return Add to a salad bowl with
Cook tortilla, one at a time, until surface mixture from the sides and keep to pot. Stir in coconut milk and flaxseed, and season 1 Tbsp lemon juice arugula, feta, and pecans.
bubbles. scrambling in a circular motion until eggs with salt and pepper. Return to boil and simmer, 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar For the Dressing:
4. Flip and cook for another minute. are cooked and spinach wilted. uncovered, until purée thickens (about 5 minutes). Salt and pepper to taste 1. In a small bowl,
5. Let leftover tortillas cool and separate 4. Remove from heat and serve on warm 5. Garnish with red pepper flakes and walnuts (if combine ingredients, mix
them with parchment paper before storing; cassava wraps. Top with avocado and hot using), and serve. well, and pour over salad.
you can refrigerate or freeze for future use. sauce (if using). 2. Toss to cover, and serve.
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