Page 61 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 61

VEGETABLE SOUP (serves 3 to 4)

 INGREDIENTS  1 quart vegetable
 1 Tbsp coconut oil
 1 onion, chopped  1 sprig thyme
 1 bay leaf
 1 medium carrot,
 peeled and diced  Salt and pepper
 ¼ cup celery,   ½ tsp cayenne
 chopped  pepper (optional)
 3 garlic cloves,   2 cups loosely
 minced  packed kale leaves,
 1 zucchini, quartered   stems removed and
 lengthwise and sliced   roughly chopped
 in ½-inch pieces  2 Tbsp fresh parsley
 leaves, chopped
 5 oz fresh green
 beans, sliced in   1 Tbsp lemon juice,
 1-inch pieces  freshly squeezed
 5 oz cauliflower
 2 cups green
 cabbage, roughly

 INGREDIENTS  3 large garlic cloves,   Salt and pepper to   1. Heat coconut oil in a large pot over medium-
 low heat. Add onion, carrot, and celery. Sauté
 1 Tbsp coconut oil  minced  taste  until they begin to soften (about 8 minutes).
 1 medium yellow   1 (14-oz) can diced   1 (15-oz) can kidney   2. Add garlic and sauté until fragrant (about
 onion, chopped  tomatoes or 2 fresh   beans, drained and   30 seconds). Then add zucchini and green
 tomatoes, diced
 1 large bunch of   beans, and continue to cook for 4 to 5
 collard greens, tough   1–3 canned chipotle   Freshly squeezed lime   additional minutes, stirring occasionally.
 stem trimmed and   peppers, chopped,    juice to taste (optional)  3. Add in cauliflower and cabbage. Add broth,
 leaves julienned  to taste  thyme, and bay leaf, increase heat to high,
 and bring to simmer. Salt and pepper to taste,
 and season with cayenne pepper (if using).
 1. Heat coconut oil in a large pot   mix well. Lastly, add kidney beans,   4. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for
 over medium heat. Add onion and   reduce heat to low, and cover pot.  about 15 minutes. Add kale and continue
 sauté until golden.  5. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes until   to cook covered for another 5 minutes until
 2. Stir in collard greens and cook   collard greens are soft (depending   vegetables are fork tender and kale is soft and
 for two minutes, then add garlic and   how soft you want them).  wilted.
 cook until aromatic.  6. Turn off heat, mix one final time,   5. Remove from heat, and add parsley and
 3. Add tomatoes and chipotle   and serve.  lemon juice. Discard bay leaf. Adjust salt and
 peppers.  7. Enjoy with lime juice (if using).  pepper, and serve.
 4. Season with salt and pepper, and

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