Page 62 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 62

MEDITERRANEAN CHICKPEA                                              2NA SALAD                                                           CREAM OF CELERY

                                                                       AND FETA SALAD (serves 4)                                           (serves 4 to 6)                                                     ROOT SOUP (serves 2)

                                                                       INGREDIENTS                                                                                                                             INGREDIENTS
                                                                       For the Dressing:                                                   ½ purple onion, finely chopped                                      1 quart chicken broth
                                                                       ¼ cup red wine vinegar                                              1 lime, freshly squeezed                                            2 large or 3 small celery root,
                                                                       1 Tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed                                3 celery stalks, finely chopped                                     peeled and cubed (about 5
                                                                       1 medium garlic clove, minced                                       1 jalapeño, seeded and                                              cups)
                                                                                                                                           chopped (optional)
                                                                       ¼ cup olive oil                                                     ¼ cup cilantro, chopped and tightly                                 ½ yellow onion, chopped
                                                                       For the Salad:                                                      packed                         1. Chop onion and place in a large bowl.   2 garlic cloves, chopped
                                                                       1 English cucumber, peeled, halved lengthwise,                      3 cans safe-catch tuna in water,   Squeeze lime juice over and let soak.  2 sprigs thyme (or ½ tsp
                                                                       and cut into ½-inch slices                                          drained                        2. Prep rest of ingredients and add to
                                                                       1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved                                       1 Tbsp Vegenaise               bowl with onion. Mix together, and   1 bay leaf
                TURKEY TENDERS AND VEGETABLES (serves 4)                                                                                                                  season with salt and pepper to taste.   2 Tbsp ghee
                                                                       1 tsp salt                                                          1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil  Enjoy salad on lettuce cups or with
                                                                       1 bell pepper, chopped                                              Salt and pepper                tortilla chips.                      ½ cup dry white wine or
                INGREDIENTS                1 cup mushrooms, cleaned                                                                                                                                            sherry
                                           and quartered               2 (15-oz.) cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed
                1 lb boneless, skinless turkey                                                                                                                                                                 For Garnish:
                tenders, cut in 1-inch bites  Salt and pepper to taste  ¼ red onion, chopped                                                                                                                   Fresh parsley, chopped
                1 Tbsp Italian seasoning   1 cup chicken broth         1 (3.8-oz) can sliced black olives, drained                         SHAVED ZUCCHINI SALAD WITH FETA                                     Red pepper flakes
                1 Tbsp ghee                1 Tbsp cornstarch           1 Tbsp parsley, roughly chopped                                     AND HAZELNUTS (serves 2)
                ½ lb carrots, peeled and   1 Tbsp liquid aminos or soy   1 romaine heart, washed and dried, cut into                                                                                           1. Combine chicken broth,
                sliced ¼-inch thick        sauce                       ½-inch pieces                                                                                                                           celery root, onion, garlic,
                ½ lb radishes, trimmed,    2 Tbsp white wine           ½ cup feta cheese, crumbled                                         INGREDIENTS           For the Salad:        sliced                  thyme, and bay leaf in a
                scrubbed, and quartered    1 Tbsp chives, minced       Salt and pepper to taste                                            For the Dressing:     3 organic zucchinis   1 Tbsp fresh dill,      large pot. Bring to boil, then
                6 oz Brussels sprouts, trimmed   (for garnish)                                                                             1 Tbsp Lemon, freshly   Salt and pepper to taste  chopped           reduce heat to simmer.
                and quartered                                                                                                              squeezed              2 Tbsp olive oil      ¼ cup hazelnuts,        2. Simmer uncovered for 20
                                                                       For the Dressing:                                                                                               crushed                 to 25 minutes, until celery
                                                                       1. Whisk together vinegar, lemon juice, garlic,                     1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar  1 Tbsp Italian seasoning  ½ cup goat and sheep   root is soft when pierced with
                1. Season turkey tenders with Italian seasoning.       and olive oil in large bowl.                                        2 Tbsp olive oil      3 small radishes, thinly   milk feta          a fork.
                2. In a Dutch oven, melt ghee over medium-low heat. Gently   For the Salad:                                                                                                                    3. Remove bay leaf and
                add turkey tenders and cook for about 1 minute, then add   1. Combine cucumber, tomatoes, and salt in                                                                                          purée soup in a food
                carrots, radishes, Brussels sprouts, and mushrooms.          colander set over a bowl and let stand                        For the Dressing:               For the Salad:                      processor or blender.
                Season with salt and pepper.                                      for 15 minutes.                                          1. Whisk together all ingredients in a    1. Wash zucchinis and trim ends, using   4. Return to pot and stir in
                3. Pour in broth, bring to boil, cover and cook,                     2. Add drained cucumber                               small bowl or cup and set aside.  a potato peeler to slice into ribbons   ghee and wine or sherry. Let
                stirring occasionally for 11 to 14 minutes.                            and tomatoes, pepper,                                                               (lengthwise). Season with salt and pepper.  simmer, covered, another 3
                4. Once vegetables are fork tender and                                  chickpeas, onion, olives,                                                          2. Heat olive oil in a large frying pan   to 5 minutes before serving.
                turkey is cooked through, transfer them                                   and parsley to a bowl.                                                           over high heat. Add Italian seasoning   5. Garnish with chopped
                to a serving dish using a slotted spoon.                                   Toss and let stand at                                                           and cook until aromatic (about 30   parsley and/or red pepper
                Allow broth to remain in pan.                                               room temperature                                                               seconds). Add zucchini ribbons and pan   flakes, and serve.
                5. In a small bowl whisk together                                           to blend flavors for                                                           fry for 1 to 2 minutes, moving them
                cornstarch, liquid aminos or soy                                            about 5 minutes.                                                               around so they don’t stick or brown.
                sauce, and white wine until smooth.                                         3. Add romaine                                                                 3. Place cooked ribbons in shallow salad
                Stir into pot with remaining broth                                          and feta, and toss                                                             bowl and allow to cool.
                and simmer until thickened. Pour                                            to combine. Season                                                             4. Mix in radishes, dill, and hazelnuts
                sauce over turkey and vegetables, and                                      with salt and pepper,                                                           with zucchini, crumble feta on top, and
                sprinkle with minced chives to garnish.                                   and serve.                                                                       drizzle with dressing. Serve.

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