Page 78 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 78

OVEN-ROASTED                                                           WHITE BEAN AND
                MEDITERRANEAN DIP                                                      SPINACH DIP

                (serves 6)                                                             (serves 4)

                INGREDIENTS                                                            INGREDIENTS
                1 purple onion, halved                                                 1 small head of garlic
                and quartered                                                          ½ large yellow onion,
                1 large zucchini, top and bottom                                       peeled and quartered
                removed, then halved and quartered                                     1 Tbsp olive oil
                1 large red pepper, sliced                                             1 (15-oz) can white beans,
                1 Tbsp olive oil                                                       drained and rinsed
                Salt and pepper to taste                                               Handful of baby spinach
                ½ can chickpeas, drained and rinsed                                    1 Tbsp fresh dill, chopped
                (about 7 oz)
                ½ cup cashews                                                          Salt and pepper to taste

                1. Preheat oven to 450°F.          around edges. Take out and let cool a bit   1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
                2. Place onion, zucchini, and red pepper   before processing.          2. Trim about ¼ inch
                on a baking sheet lined with parchment   4. In a food processor, combine roasted   off top of head of garlic
                paper.                             vegetables, chickpeas, and cashews.   to expose tops of garlic
                3. Brush or spray with olive oil, and   Process until smooth.          cloves.
                sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for   5. Adjust salt and pepper, and serve.  3. Place garlic and onion
                30 minutes or until soft and a bit brown                               on two separate pieces of
                                                                                       aluminum foil big enough
                                                                                       to wrap them entirely.
                FENNEL DIP (serves 4)                                                  Drizzle both with olive
                                                                                       oil and wrap in foil. Place
                INGREDIENTS                                                            on a metal baking sheet,
                                                                                       and bake 30 to 40 minutes
                1 large fennel bulb, greens trimmed                                    or until garlic is soft and
                and bulb cut into ½-inch slices                                        caramelized and onion is
                ½ yellow onion, halved and                                             golden.
                quartered                                                              4. Remove from oven and
                3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, divided                                 carefully open foil. Let
                                                                                       sit for a few minutes until
                Salt and pepper to taste                                               cool enough to handle.
                ½ cup cashews or macadamia nuts                                        5. Peel garlic cloves and
                1 Tbsp lemon juice, freshly                                            place in a food processor
                squeezed                                                               with onion, beans, spinach,
                                                                                       and dill. Process until
                1. Preheat oven to 450°F.          let cool a bit before processing.
                2. Place fennel and onion on a baking   4. In a food processor, combine   6. Adjust salt and pepper,
                sheet lined with parchment paper.  roasted fennel and onion, cashews or   and serve.
                3. Brush or spray with 1 Tbsp olive oil,   macadamias, remaining 2 Tbsp olive oil,
                and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake   and lemon juice. Process until smooth.
                for 30 minutes or until soft and a bit   5. Adjust salt and pepper, and serve.
                brown around the edges. Take out and

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