Page 82 - Tracy Anderson Magazine | Spring 2021 Issue
P. 82
On average, we spend more than 90 percent of our time cleaning products without toxic chemicals, such as par-
indoors, and the health of this indoor environment has abens, petroleum, sodium lauryl sulfate, and propylene
a major impact on our overall health. Even with healthy glycol. (Avoiding products with the words “poison,” “dan-
food and exercise, your overall wellness would not be op- ger,” “caution,” and “warning” on the label is a good place
timal without a healthy home environment. Like your gut, to start.) This is yet another reminder to dust regularly as
your home has a distinct microbiome of bacteria, fungi, dust harbors chemicals from the environment.
viruses, and microbes on every surface and in the air you
breathe. This delicate and complicated microbiome is in- Improve your beauty routine. We could write an entire
fluenced by us, and also by factors such as the presence article just on the ingredients to be careful to avoid in your
of houseplants, furniture, pets, and the chemical products shampoo, conditioner, deodorants, makeup, creams, and
used to clean. It’s important to be aware of and mitigate toothpastes. Suffice it to say this can feel overwhelming
the chemical burden that you’re exposed to in your home, and complicated, but we recommend choosing natural
which is why we want to share key toxic-load culprits in organic products and staying away from parabens, phthal-
the home and tips for reducing them. ates, sulphates, and fragrances in your beauty products.
The most important products to switch are ones that you
Keep these key toxin sources in mind when considering use most regularly.
the health of your home environment—air quality, water
quality, plastic use, household cleaning products, and Do a digital detox. We know that looking at your de-
beauty products. For example, carpets can be made with vices before bed can interfere with melatonin production
petroleum products, and paint can have volatile organic and disrupt sleep, and therefore it’s best not to keep your
compounds (VOCs). Tap water can contain contaminants, phone at your bedside. However, your phone and the
such as lead, pesticides, and VOCs. Makeup and skincare WiFi in your home also produce electromagnetic frequen-
products can contain parabens, propylene glycol, and fra- cies that travel through the air and cause your body to
grances. Phenols can be found in personal-care products, release cortisol in the night. Therefore, we recommend
as well as detergents. Fluorinated chemicals make materi- not only putting your devices far from your bed but also
als water-repellent and can be used as treatments for car- recommend turning off the WiFi when you’re sleeping.
pets, upholstery, and nonstick cookware.
Improve what comes into your house. Keep shoes at
While it’s nearly impossible to eliminate harmful toxins the door, or even better, outside entirely. This will ensure
entirely, we can certainly decrease our exposure and that you don’t trek outdoor toxic chemicals, such as pes-
can do so quite effectively with some simple swaps and ticides, into the home to be trapped by dust. If you have
healthy additions. the luxury of being able to make adjustments to the paint,
furniture, or rugs in your home, you should look out for
Improve the air you breathe. To achieve this simply paints that are low in VOCs, choose furniture and rugs
THE MICROBIOME and easily, you can open your windows periodically and made with wool, polyester, or flame-retardant-free materi-
keep the house ventilated on a regular basis. Clean regu-
als, and avoid stain-resistant treatments.
larly as dust tends to harbor the nasty chemicals that your
OF HOME household items give off. You might want to consider a Improve how you store your food. Avoid plastic food
packaging and instead store your food in glass containers.
high-quality air purifier, and we definitely recommend
The BPA and phthalates in plastics have been known to
that you invest in a houseplant. One houseplant can clear
up to 100 square feet of toxins.
cause cancer and disrupt hormones.
Simple swaps for healthier living. Improve the water you drink. We would recommend a An unhealthy home microbiome will put pressure on the
high-quality home water filter for the water you drink and detoxifying systems in the body and leads to toxin build-
shower in. However, just as important, we recommend up. Toxic items in the home can all release chemicals into
Opposite page: courtesy instead opt for glass as much as possible or high-quality body, this will put pressure on your immune system and
the air and accumulate into dust in your home, which you
being wary of what sorts of cups or bottles you drink your
water out of. Avoid plastic and aluminum bottles and cups,
can then breathe in. If you have too many toxins in the
stainless steel. Don’t forget that water naturally helps the
liver, making it harder for you to detox your body effec-
tively. This toxin buildup has been associated with cancer,
body detoxify, so proper amounts of water consumption
mental health issues, neurological diseases, and autoim-
will also improve your toxic load.
mune disease; it can also disrupt your hormones. Making
Improve the way you clean. Avoid antibacterial and
even a few of the simple swaps we suggest here can go a
antimicrobial products as they can actually hinder the
long way to decrease the toxic burden you’re putting on
80 80 strength of your immune system. Use natural and organic yourself for total body and home health. ■ 81