Page 166 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 166


                Stories that reflect back to us why we continue to move with The Method.
                                                                                                                                           BEATRIZ ROSENBERGER
                                                                                                                                           Location: Zurich, Switzerland
                                                                                                                                           IG: @tixietam
                When we think of the fall season, we think of getting   how we share the stories from our #TAmily on the ways              Years Practicing TAM: 12
                grounded and back to the fundamenTAls. Yet, Tracy   they choose to move with us. Enjoy the first TAmily Tales
                continues to elevate the experience of what the Online   compiled from both the infrared heat-filled studios and the       I started the Tracy Anderson Method in 2009 with the
                Studio has to offer clients, as well as our brick-and-mortar   comfort (infused with humidity and heating devices) of      first DVDs she brought out (the Mat Workout and Dance
                studios. That’s why we’re beginning to open up who and   members’ own homes.                                               Cardio). I followed her evolution with the Perfect Design
                                                                                                                                           Series and eventually Metamorphosis. (I was confirmed
                                                                                                                                           a “glutecentric” by Tracy herself when I joined a class in
                                                                            and all over the world. I’ve learned that                      the Hamptons in 2011!) In 2015, I became pregnant with
                                                                            I can do things I never thought I could                        my daughter and followed the entire Pregnancy Project
                                                                            do, like dance, move with double ankle                         program, which was so inspiring and felt so good! I
                                                                            weights, do weight transfers, and standing                     had a great pregnancy and birth and felt full of energy
                                                                            abs.                                                           throughout. After that, I followed with Tracy’s first Post-
                                                                              At the end of each class, I feel such a                      Pregnancy Workout DVD and once I felt strong enough,
                                                                            sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.                      I finally moved to the TA Online Studio. That was a big
                                                                            It never gets easy for me, because as the                      game-changer!
                                                                            week goes on I’m continually working on                              Of course, the first physical changes were quickly
                                                                            challenging myself to get each and every                       visible and that kept me going. After my pregnancy, I
                                                                            detail and to push through to master the                       started taking it closer to my heart, and I guess online   THEN
                                                                            positions that are the hardest for me. I’ve                    streaming brought this closeness as well. Also, having
                                                                            been able to unlock muscles that became                        the Madrid studio so close to Zurich, where I live, and
                                                                            frozen over the years, due to holding                          being able to join the Vitality Week there with Tracy and
                                                                            patterns or lack of use. I’m physically                        a small group of TAmily ladies was a magical experience.
                                                                            exhausted  when  I  finish  my  workout  but                   Plus, every time I visited New York, I would book classes
                                                                            prepared to tackle my three kids, my                           at her studios and always learned so much (big shout-out
                                                                            challenging work, and whatever comes my                        to Maria D.!). Everything around this Method is pure
                                                                            way.                                                           inspiration—the people, the energy, the love! Plus, I always
                                                                              My body and my mind are engaged in                           loved the fact that Tracy didn’t talk, and there was always
                                                                            every workout. In addition to exercising my                    great music!
                                                                            body, I’m engaging and training my brain                             The largest change, though, was the mental and
                                                                            to follow along with the arm sequence. The                     emotional one. The Method has always grounded me, but
                                                                            music and the heat have been motivating                        as life “throws challenges at you,” as Tracy says, I started
                                                                            for me. I love a great playlist; it helps keep                 realizing how this Method was a “safe haven” for me. I
                                                                            me moving, even when I’m tired from a late                     think it teaches humbleness (to learn something new all
                                                                            work dinner or times when I have too much                      the time…that is life!), self-confidence at all levels (once
                                                                            on my mind that I don’t get a good night’s                     you realize you can actually learn it and get better at it),
                                                                            sleep. I enjoy the heat as I’m often cold and                  and ultimately, freedom (freedom to not be afraid, to be
                                                                            enjoy sweating out the previous night’s                        adventurous, to be yourself, and love life!). It’s given me
                                                                            alcohol. I’ve felt disconnected from my
                  THEN                 NOW                                                                                                 the courage to start my own business, a dream I’ve always
                                                                            body and struggled with my weight for my                       had (a curated boutique for preloved designer fashion,
                                                                            whole life; I finally feel good about where          , and to follow my gut.
                SURI KASIRER                                   I’m at today.                                                                     I always felt that Tracy was such a generous person to
                Location: New York City                           I admire Tracy’s creativity in coming up with a new                      make this Method and her DVDs accessible to everyone.
                IG: @surikasirer                               sequence every week. Change has always been hard for me,                    But I think the biggest gift and generosity that Tracy has
                Years Practicing TAM: 5                        and just when I get comfortable with a class, it changes,                   is to trust us—trust that we’re capable, trust that we can
                                                               which forces me to surrender to the new program. It feels                   master anything and never settle for less. She starts with
                The Method has been life-changing for me. I’ve become   like an important life lesson for me to learn to feel positive     perfection and lets perfection unfold in us!
                physically stronger, leaner, and more confident. I’ve made   about new opportunities. I’ve experienced so much growth
                lasting friendships with amazing women in New York City   in  the  past  five  years,  and  I  intend  to  keep  going  and                                                NOW

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