Page 165 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 165

KRISTIN ELLIOTT                                           MALLORY MILENBAUGH
 Location: Studio City/                                    Location: Studio City and Brentwood studios, Los Angeles
 Brentwood studios, Los                                    I remain my “Best in Class” both virtually and in studio by
 Angeles                                                   being prepared with the proper content and a killer playlist. I
 Every morning                                             also take great care of my body to maintain the energy need-
 before I leave                                            ed by living a healthy lifestyle, getting proper sleep, and mak-
 my house, I go                                            ing sure my body work is done regularly so I can perform to
 through my men-                                           the best of my ability. If there’s anything I’ve learned study-
 tal checklist of                                          ing the human body, it’s that you must take good care of it to
 everything I need                                         really thrive. When I thrive, our clients thrive!
 (shoes, socks,
 brace, phone,
 water, electro-
 lytes, write-ups,
 playlists ready
 to go, changes
 of clothes) to be
 prepared for my classes/privates that day. Once I’m at   MALIKA COX
 the studio and ready to teach, it’s important for me to   Location: Tribeca studio, NYC
 scan the room and to see every person in class, letting   I like to remain “Best in Class” by making sure my music is
 them know that I’m there with them and we’re in this   motivating for me and the clients. When I know I want to
 together. Once I press play, it’s game time. I believe it’s   hear a song or I have a song stuck in my head, I make sure
 so important to have the energy high with a powerful   it’s on my playlist so it gives me an energy boost. Music su-
 playlist to keep the entire class motivated and inspired.  LASHONNA HOLLOWAY-JOHNSON  percharges me and helps me to get focused for in-person and
 Location: Montgomery, IL/NYC   virtual classes.
 I remain “Best in Class” by always
 performing the Method for my-
 self, no matter how busy a day is
 for me. I listen to Tracy’s speech-
 es each week and stay updated on
 SARAH NACHBAUER  her magazine publications, so that
 Location: Tribeca studio, NYC  I’m always current on where she is
 To activate myself and   with the Method, as well as where
 achieve my best perfor-  and how she’s going to accurately
 mance when working with   deliver that information to clients.
 clients, I have a simple mot-  Whether I’m preparing for an in-
 to: “Tune in to tune out.” I   person or live class, I have to have   NIKKI NEARY
 “tune in” to being mindful   a playlist that represents different   Location: Tribeca studio, NYC
 of  my  body,  what  is  being   genres and that delivers an upbeat   It’s important to me as a TA trainer to be my best, give my best,
 asked of me, and the push   inspiring journey. In-person class-  and lead my best at every single class I teach. I love to arrive at
 I can ask myself to give for   es require my energy and clarity   least 25 minutes before class begins, prioritizing that time to
 each series. I “tune out” any   to radiate throughout the room,   thoroughly warm up my body, review content, and make sure my
 personal judgment, limita-  however virtual classes require   playlists are set and ready to go! Once we’re in the classroom, it’s
 tions, and doubts that may arise. This allows my mind and   these details to expand beyond the   showtime, and I truly mean “showtime” in the sense of a perfor-
 body the opportunity to be present, open, and patient, so I   camera and into people’s homes.
 can fully connect myself to the intention, design, and flow   Being able to be a part of this and   mance. I give all my energy and attention to the clients, and I love
 of each series. The more I can “tune in to tune out,” the   share the Method on a universal   when I feel their dedication and hard work in return! ■
 more I can clearly communicate with clients and help guide   level is so rewarding to me as a
 them toward their personal best.  Tracy Anderson trainer.

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