Page 5 - Tracy Anderson Magazine - Fall 2021
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Editor In Chief, Tracy Anderson       LE T TER  FR OM
 Deputy Editor, Steven Beltrani

 Design Director, Jill Serra Wilde        THE  EDITOR
 Editorial Manager, Sierra Asplundh
 Copy Chief, Joseph Manghise
 Imaging Specialist, George Maier
 Associate Food Editor, Sandra Rojo
                   earning how to remain grounded in the midst of   Juicer and Dr. Ilene Ruhoy to support your vegetable
                   change comes with many realizations of who you   juice intake throughout the season. And of course I’m
 Photographer, Alex Cayley  are as a person, and all that’s intertwined within   proud to celebrate my super stylish pal Olivia Palermo
 Photography Assistants, Angela Cholmondeley, Tre Michel   L your surroundings. Autumn months forever remind   and the launch of her Olivia Palermo Beauty collection
 Digitech, Sara Lewis  us of the annual back-to-school marketing everywhere   (I can’t leave the house without her matte lipstick in
 Hair, Korey Fitzpatrick  you look—yet it always piques your interest with the new   Poppy!). Plus, we have bonus sections from my right-
 Make-up, Elena Miglino  fall looks, the same yet slightly different faces, and the   hand stylists, Elena Miglino and Korey Fitzpatrick, for all
 Stylist, Giulia Papailias  routine that it echoes in our daily lives. But what happens   your above-the-head beauty must-knows for fall. And I
 Video Director, Ari Miller  once you stop the structured learning—or the so-called   speak for our entire team when I share how excited I am
 Assistant Camera, Gus Thorton  “normal” life trajectory?      to present the TA LIVE experience, which launched as
 Sound, Gabe Quiroga                                           an upgrade in the Online Studio on September 1. It will
                This issue is dedicated to the growth mindset and the   finally bring my “Best in Class” training team right into
 Producer, Lauren Carnes  concept of lifelong learning—including the ever-difficult   your homes, worldwide.
 Executive Producer, Jenna Qualizza  unlearning. As we age and evolve, we can choose to adapt,
 Production Assistant, Taylor Myers  using the knowledge and experience of the past to give   If you’ve been following my program for awhile, you know
 Prop Stylist, Kevin Hertzog  us the best chances for continued health, progress, and   that I pride myself on continuously doing the physical
 Prop Assistant, Andres Restrepo Russo  prosperity in our lives. We advance by not just what our   work alongside you and the research necessary to stay in
                own mind, body, and souls are capable of, but with the   tune with where my Method has to improve. Both keep
                reminder that we’re all connected and impact one another.  me mentally engaged and physically adapting to both my
 Food Recipes
 Head Chef, Sean Patrick Gallagher  The following pages are filled with experts who embody   inner and outer worlds that I need to be communicating
                                                               with daily—better yet, from moment to moment. Imagine
 Assistant Chef, Garri Kats  the  constant  evaluation  of  wisdom  and  infuse  it  into   if I decided, “Okay, that’s enough”’ or “I don’t need to
 Creative Consultant, Eliot Bassett-Cann  their  expertise,  eager  to  share  it  freely.  Once  again,   explore this thought or this move further because it
 Food Photographer, Jamie Bassett-Cann
                we’re fortunate to have Dr. Habib Sadeghi with us to   worked yesterday/last week/last year”—where would I
                spark the latest conversations by sharing his writings   be? Where would we be? I crave the times that I unplug
 Juice Recipes  from MegaZEN. We highlight both Dr. Sherry Sami and   and get away with my family and friends to be present
 Head Chef, Ilene Ruhoy MD, PhD  Dr. Shefali to shed light on how to embrace who you   with them and to be reminded of the simple brilliance
 Art Direction, Jen Longtin  truly are. From there, we hold space for the voices of   of nature’s creativity, adaptability, and cyclical nature.
 Photography, PURE Juicer, Fred and Anna Kihara  Dr. Joseph Raffaele and Dr. Mark Sircus for alternative   And if the fall months are the time of year that lets you
                approaches to restoring as well as elongating our health.   envision what you want to strive for—whether through
 Contributors   And speaking of health, we know that a major factor in   a reset, education, or a quieting of yourself to observe
 Dr. Habib Sadeghi and MegaZEN Magazine, Edward Barsamian, Dr. Sherry Sami, Dr. Joseph Raffaele, Dr. Shefali,    how we’re able to focus and retain information is based   around you—do not hesitate.
 Dr. Mark Sircus, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Jessie Inchauspé, Sabrina Rudin, Neal Harden, Alicia McMachan,    on multiple factors—one of them being how we nourish
 Gay Snow, Maria Kelling, Sherri Skok, and Rose Davis.  ourselves. That’s why I’ve featured 50 recipes from Chef   Now let’s fill your report card with straight A’s.
                Sean Patrick Gallagher. I cannot begin to describe to you
 Special thanks to: Chris Asplundh, Kyley Hooper, Julie Roberts, LaShonna Holloway-Johnson, Fonthill Castle, The Solebury School,    how they’re all both mouthwatering and nutritionally   With a love of learning,
 and the trailblazing Tracy Anderson training team.  sound. We’ve included a bonus contribution from PURE   Tracy Anderson

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