Page 148 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 148

dancing into new chapters
               An interview with Mia Michaels about the power of intentionally iterating

               Mia Michaels is an absolute powerhouse in the dance world. Though
               Mia’s time as a judge on So You Think You Can Dance made her a
               household name, her Emmy-winning work actually spans across dif-
               ferent forms of art and entertainment. From the Broadway stage to
               major Hollywood feature films, Mia’s choreography is innovative and   The diversity of your choreography                                                                            of movement so much more in a younger body.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Now that I have finally embraced my body, I am
               inspired. She approaches movement in a way that resonates with the   credits is remarkable: You’ve                                                                                  older now and with my knee and back issues it
                                                                                choreographed Broadway musicals,
               work we put in at our studios—celebrating what makes our individ-  Hollywood films, hit TV shows,                                                                                   keeps me from moving as freely as I feel inside. On
               ual bodies unique.                                               huge concerts, and other specials.                                                                                 the flip side, the older I get, the better I feel in my
                                                                                What’s your favorite medium to                                                                                     body spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically.
                                                                                choreograph for and why?                                                                                           We have finally become friends and when I finally
        22     You were born into a family of dancers. What was your experience   MM: I love doing it all. Every project is                                                                        found acceptance, love, and respect for my body,   22
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  closet in the studio so I never had to leave. Other than the dinner table, we spent most   an artist. It keeps things alive and keeps                         create from my heart and brain first and then begin   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                   it changed everything from the inside out. When it
               growing up surrounded by creative energy?
                                                                                very different, but that is the fun of it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   came to my work, I never really danced my chore-
               ing to say the least. Dance was my life, so I would basically just tolerate school and
                                                                                changing it up and pushing myself to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   so my age or the size of my body never affected my
                                                                                                                                                                                                   creative work. I have always been a dreamer, so I
               then go straight to dance for the rest of the day. I did my homework inside a broom
       138     MM: Growing up in a dance family was definitely fun and a very bohemian upbring-  Nothing stays the same—constantly                                                                 ography—I directed and created it on other bodies,   139
                                                                                grow makes me continuously evolve as
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to develop it through the bodies of my dancers.
               of our family time at the dance studio.
                                                                                it exciting!
                                                                                choreographers in the industry, what
               How did you navigate the decision to leave last year, and what are you most excited
                                                                                                                                                                                                   path. How do you stay grounded and creative
        C      You had an incredibly impactful 5-year journey on So You Think You Can Dance.   As one of the most iconic                                                                           The career of an artist is always an uncharted   C
               about in this stage of your career?
                                                                                                                                                                                                   when the work feels hectic or unstable?
                                                                                is your take on the explosion of dance
        TRA                                                                     on social media platforms?                                                MIA MICHAELS                                                                         TRA
               MM: I left the show because it had changed quite a bit through the years and it felt as   In what ways do you think filmed                                                MM: Being a freelance artist has definitely had its ups and
               though it was time for me to move on. I will always hold that very special show close   performances for social media have                                                downs. There is no stability or consistency and it sometimes
               to my heart. I’m blessed to have had so many years of working with all those brilliant   changed the world of dance?      go see and experience a performance and you would leave with   feels as though one is living their life standing on quicksand.
               dancers and experiencing such magical moments I got to live as an artist. After I left,                                   a memory and inspiration. You couldn’t just steal it like what   During the times of no work, it’s important to double up on
               I decided to explore film and Broadway, which I absolutely loved as well—and then   MM: I think social media is a blessing   is happening in our time now on social media. When I watch   self-care as well as continuing to stay creative and make time
               COVID came crashing down on the world! Unfortunately, my industry and the arts   and a curse. If one uses it wisely, it can   some of my peers on TikTok, I find they have lost their true   spiritually as well.
               definitely got hit the hardest. It was extremely decemating and the entertainment   be a very powerful tool for branding and   selves in order to get more likes and build their followers. I
               world crumbled which was very hard for me, as for so many. I have since dabbled in   creating a successful business. When it   have sat back on the TikTok world until I genuinely have some-  When you’re dancing all day for work, do you find
               different creative genres during the pandemic, but because we are still a bit in it, there   comes to the commercial dance world—I   thing I want to share from a real place. I am not interested in   a way to dance for fun? What kind of dancing brings you joy
               was unfortunately no traction. Meeting Tracy Anderson and exploring fitness in a   believe it works well to get your name   becoming a character or parody of myself like I see so many   when you’re alone?
               new way has not only been really exciting for me, but also extremely healing. I have   and movement out there. For artists that   doing. When the time is right, I will jump on, but in a very real
               also been writing content for TV shows, children’s books, and doing interior design. I   focus on developing their own unique   way. Until then, I use my social media to document magical   MM: I actually enjoy working out more than just dancing these
               am staying open to what is ahead and I believe the next chapter will reveal itself and   and authentic voice, I believe it’s very   and special moments of my life journey.   days. That’s what is speaking to me physically. Working out
               be more extraordinary than the last.                             risky because so many people will just                                                                   strengthens my body and helps me recover from all the years of
                                                                                take it and use it as their own. Every-                  How do you reconcile the art of movement with the   dancing and teaching all over the world. I have recently been
                                                                                thing is accessible and nothing is protect-              complexity of body image issues? In what ways    exploring combining my contemporary flow movement with
                                                                                ed. I find that it has all fallen into a big             does your personal relationship with your body affect your   more of a fitness spin on it and that feels absolutely amazing to
                                                                                pot of stew so everything now looks very                 work, for better or worse?                      my body. How we work out at 55 is very different from 25 and
                                                                                much the same. The time of legends is                                                                    it’s all about listening to our bodies.  TA
                                                                                gone unfortunately. [Before], one would           FAD BERISHA  MM: It’s taken me a lifetime to embrace my big, beautiful,
                                                                                                                                         strong body. I wish I had [embraced it more] earlier on when
                                                                                                                                         I was younger, because I would have appreciated the freedom
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